Container applications 1280 Container name Allow host networks in container Container description Add custom environment variables Set environment option value txt Set environment option value Image name in the hub-registry Attach user defined network to container container network Set IPv4 static address to container (optional) ipv4 IPv4 address (x.x.x.1 reserved) Publish port to the container Source host port u32:1-65535 Source host port start-end Source host port range (e.g. 10025-10030) Destination container port u32:1-65535 Destination container port start-end Destination container port range (e.g. 10025-10030) Protocol tcp/udp tcp udp ^(tcp|udp)$ Mount a volume into the container Source host directory txt Source host directory Destination container directory txt Destination container directory Network name Network description Prefix which allocated to that network ipv4net IPv4 network prefix Add registry (default