Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay agent 910 DHCP relay interface [REQUIRED] Relay options Policy to discard packets that have reached specified hop-count 1-255 Hop count (default: 10) hop-count must be a value between 1 and 255 10 Maximum packet size to send to a DHCPv4/BOOTP server 64-1400 Maximum packet size (default: 576) max-size must be a value between 64 and 1400 Policy to handle incoming DHCPv4 packets which already contain relay agent options (default: forward) append replace forward discard append append own relay options to packet replace replace existing agent option field forward forward packet unchanged discard discard packet (default action if giaddr not set in packet) ^(append|replace|forward|discard)$ forward DHCP server address ipv4 DHCP server IPv4 address