HTTPS configuration 1001 Identifier for virtual host [a-zA-Z0-9-_.:]{1,255} illegal characters in identifier or identifier longer than 255 characters Address to listen for HTTPS requests ipv4 HTTPS IPv4 address ipv6 HTTPS IPv6 address '*' any \*$ Port to listen for HTTPS requests; default 443 1-65535 Numeric IP port Server names: exact, wildcard, or regex VyOS HTTP API configuration 1002 Port for HTTP API service 1-65535 Numeric IP port HTTP API keys HTTP API id HTTP API plaintext key Enforce strict path checking Debug TLS certificates Use an automatically generated self-signed certificate Lifetime in days; default is 365 1-65535 Number of days Request or apply a letsencrypt certificate for domain-name Domain name(s) for which to obtain certificate Email address to associate with certificate