<!-- include start from auth-local-users.xml.i -->
<node name="local-users">
    <help>Local user authentication</help>
    <tagNode name="username">
        <help>Username used for authentication</help>
          <description>Username used for authentication</description>
        #include <include/generic-disable-node.xml.i>
        <leafNode name="password">
            <help>Password used for authentication</help>
        <node name="otp">
            <help>2FA OTP authentication parameters</help>
            <leafNode name="key">
                <help>Token Key Secret key for the token algorithm (see RFC 4226)</help>
                  <description>OTP key in hex-encoded format</description>
                <constraintErrorMessage>Key name must only include hex characters and be at least 20 characters long</constraintErrorMessage>
            <leafNode name="otp-length">
                <help>Number of digits in OTP code</help>
                  <description>Number of digits in OTP code</description>
                  <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 6-8"/>
                <constraintErrorMessage>Number of digits in OTP code must be between 6 and 8</constraintErrorMessage>
            <leafNode name="interval">
                <help>Time tokens interval in seconds</help>
                  <description>Time tokens interval in seconds.</description>
                  <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 5-86400"/>
                <constraintErrorMessage>Time token interval must be between 5 and 86400 seconds</constraintErrorMessage>
            <leafNode name="token-type">
                <help>Token type</help>
                  <description>Time-based OTP algorithm</description>
                  <description>Event-based OTP algorithm</description>
                  <list>hotp-time hotp-event</list>
<!-- include end -->