Interface name txt Interface name #include Interface type auto wired wireless auto Automatically detect interface type wired Wired interface wireless Wireless interface (auto|wired|wireless) auto Split horizon parameters default enable disable default Enable on wired interfaces, and disable on wireless interfaces enable Enable split horizon processing disable Disable split horizon processing (default|enable|disable) default Time between scheduled hellos u32:20-655340 Milliseconds 4000 Time between scheduled updates u32:20-655340 Milliseconds 20000 Base receive cost for this interface u32:1-65534 Base receive cost Decay factor for exponential moving average of RTT samples u32:1-256 Decay factor, in units of 1/256 42 Minimum RTT u32:1-65535 Milliseconds 10 Maximum RTT u32:1-65535 Milliseconds 120 Maximum additional cost due to RTT u32:0-65535 Milliseconds (0 to disable the use of RTT-based cost) 150 Enable timestamps with each Hello and IHU message in order to compute RTT values Channel number for diversity routing interfering non-interfering u32:1-254 Interfaces with a channel number interfere with interfering interfaces and interfaces with the same channel number interfering Interfering interfaces are assumed to interfere with all other channels except non-interfering channels non-interfering Non-interfering interfaces only interfere with themselves (interfering|non-interfering)