<!-- include start from bgp/afi-ipv6-prefix-list.xml.i -->
<node name="prefix-list">
    <help>Prefix-list to filter route updates to/from this peer</help>
    <leafNode name="export">
        <help>Prefix-list to filter outgoing route updates to this peer</help>
          <path>policy prefix-list6</path>
          <description>Name of IPv6 prefix-list</description>
        <constraintErrorMessage>Name of prefix-list6 can only contain alpha-numeric letters, hyphen and underscores</constraintErrorMessage>
    <leafNode name="import">
        <help>Prefix-list to filter incoming route updates from this peer</help>
          <path>policy prefix-list6</path>
          <description>Name of IPv6 prefix-list</description>
        <constraintErrorMessage>Name of prefix-list6 can only contain alpha-numeric letters, hyphen and underscores</constraintErrorMessage>
<!-- include end -->