<!-- include start from firewall/common-rule-inet.xml.i -->
#include <include/firewall/action.xml.i>
#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/dscp.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/packet-options.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/firewall-mark.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/connection-mark.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/conntrack-helper.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/nft-queue.xml.i>
<leafNode name="disable">
    <help>Option to disable firewall rule</help>
<node name="fragment">
    <help>IP fragment match</help>
    <leafNode name="match-frag">
        <help>Second and further fragments of fragmented packets</help>
    <leafNode name="match-non-frag">
        <help>Head fragments or unfragmented packets</help>
<node name="limit">
    <help>Rate limit using a token bucket filter</help>
    <leafNode name="burst">
        <help>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</help>
          <description>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</description>
          <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
    <leafNode name="rate">
        <help>Maximum average matching rate</help>
          <description>integer/unit (Example: 5/minute)</description>
#include <include/firewall/log.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/log-options.xml.i>
<node name="connection-status">
    <help>Connection status</help>
    <leafNode name="nat">
        <help>NAT connection status</help>
          <list>destination source</list>
          <description>Match connections that are subject to destination NAT</description>
          <description>Match connections that are subject to source NAT</description>
<leafNode name="protocol">
    <help>Protocol to match (protocol name, number, or "all")</help>
      <list>all tcp_udp</list>
      <description>All IP protocols</description>
      <description>Both TCP and UDP</description>
      <description>IP protocol number</description>
      <description>IP protocol name</description>
      <description>IP protocol name</description>
      <validator name="ip-protocol"/>
<node name="recent">
    <help>Parameters for matching recently seen sources</help>
    <leafNode name="count">
        <help>Source addresses seen more than N times</help>
          <description>Source addresses seen more than N times</description>
          <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-255"/>
    <leafNode name="time">
        <help>Source addresses seen in the last second/minute/hour</help>
          <list>second minute hour</list>
          <description>Source addresses seen COUNT times in the last second</description>
          <description>Source addresses seen COUNT times in the last minute</description>
          <description>Source addresses seen COUNT times in the last hour</description>
#include <include/firewall/synproxy.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/state.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/tcp-flags.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/tcp-mss.xml.i>
<node name="time">
    <help>Time to match rule</help>
    <leafNode name="startdate">
        <help>Date to start matching rule</help>
          <description>Enter date using following notation - YYYY-MM-DD</description>
    <leafNode name="starttime">
        <help>Time of day to start matching rule</help>
          <description>Enter time using using 24 hour notation - hh:mm:ss</description>
    <leafNode name="stopdate">
        <help>Date to stop matching rule</help>
          <description>Enter date using following notation - YYYY-MM-DD</description>
    <leafNode name="stoptime">
        <help>Time of day to stop matching rule</help>
          <description>Enter time using using 24 hour notation - hh:mm:ss</description>
    <leafNode name="weekdays">
        <help>Comma separated weekdays to match rule on</help>
          <description>Name of day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)</description>
          <description>Day number (0 = Sunday ... 6 = Saturday)</description>
<!-- include end -->