Facility for logging auth authpriv cron daemon kern lpr mail mark news protocols security syslog user uucp local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 all (auth|authpriv|cron|daemon|kern|lpr|mail|mark|news|protocols|security|syslog|user|uucp|local0|local1|local2|local3|local4|local5|local6|local7|all) Invalid facility type all All facilities excluding "mark" auth Authentication and authorization authpriv Non-system authorization cron Cron daemon daemon System daemons kern Kernel lpr Line printer spooler mail Mail subsystem mark Timestamp news USENET subsystem protocols depricated will be set to local7 security depricated will be set to auth syslog Authentication and authorization user Application processes uucp UUCP subsystem local0 Local facility 0 local1 Local facility 1 local2 Local facility 2 local3 Local facility 3 local4 Local facility 4 local5 Local facility 5 local6 Local facility 6 local7 Local facility 7 Logging level emerg alert crit err warning notice info debug all (emerg|alert|crit|err|warning|notice|info|debug|all) Invalid loglevel emerg Emergency messages alert Urgent messages crit Critical messages err Error messages warning Warning messages notice Messages for further investigation info Informational messages debug Debug messages all Log everything