Encapsulated Remote SPAN over GRE and IPv4/IPv6 Tunnel Interface 310 ^ersp[0-9]+$ ERSPAN tunnel interface must be named erspN erspN ERSPAN Tunnel interface name #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Local IP address for this tunnel ipv4 Local IPv4 address for this ERSPAN tunnel ipv6 Local IPv6 address for this tunnel [NOTICE: unavailable for mGRE tunnels] Remote IP address for this ERSPAN tunnel ipv4 Remote IPv4 address for this tunnel ipv6 Remote IPv6 address for this tunnel Encapsulation of this ERSPAN tunnel interface erspan ip6erspan erspan Encapsulated Remote SPAN over GRE and IPv4 ip6erspan Encapsulated Remote SPAN over GRE and IPv6 ^(erspan|ip6erspan)$ Invalid encapsulation, must be one of: erspan, ip6erspan ERSPAN Tunnel parameters IP specific ERSPAN tunnel parameters Time to live field 0-255 Time to live (default 255) TTL must be between 0 and 255 255 Type of Service (TOS) 0-99 Type of Service (TOS) TOS must be between 0 and 99 inherit ERSPAN Tunnel key 0-4294967295 Tunnel key key must be between 0-4294967295 ERSPAN version number setting(default:1) The version number of ERSPAN must be 1 or 2 1 specifies the ERSPAN mirrored traffic's direction ingress egress ingress Mirror ingress direction egress Mirror egress direction ^(ingress|egress)$ The mirror direction of ERSPAN must be ingress or egress an unique identifier of an ERSPAN v2 engine within a system ERSPAN hwid must be a number(range:0-1048575) specifies the ERSPAN v1 index field ERSPAN idx must be a number(range:0-63)