Encapsulated Remote SPAN over GRE and IPv4/IPv6 Tunnel Interface 310 ^ersp[0-9]+$ ERSPAN tunnel interface must be named erspN erspN ERSPAN Tunnel interface name #include #include #include #include #include Encapsulation of this tunnel interface erspan ip6erspan erspan Generic Routing Encapsulation ip6erspan Generic Routing Encapsulation bridge interface ^(erspan|ip6erspan)$ Invalid encapsulation, must be one of: erspan, ip6erspan ERSPAN Tunnel parameters IPv4 specific tunnel parameters #include #include #include ERSPAN version number setting(default:1) The version number of ERSPAN must be 1 or 2 1 Specifies mirrored traffic direction ingress egress ingress Mirror ingress direction egress Mirror egress direction ^(ingress|egress)$ The mirror direction of ERSPAN must be ingress or egress an unique identifier of an ERSPAN v2 engine within a system ERSPAN hwid must be a number(range:0-1048575) specifies the ERSPAN v1 index field ERSPAN idx must be a number(range:0-63)