Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) Interface 460 ^vxlan[0-9]+$ VXLAN interface must be named vxlanN vxlanN VXLAN interface name #include #include #include Multicast group address for VXLAN interface ipv4 Multicast IPv4 group address ipv6 Multicast IPv6 group address #include #include #include #include #include #include 1450 Remote address of VXLAN tunnel ipv4 Remote IPv4 address of VXLAN tunnel ipv6 Remote IPv6 address of VXLAN tunnel VXLAN tunnel parameters IPv4 specific tunnel parameters Specifies the usage of the do not fragment (DF) bit #include #include IPv6 specific tunnel parameters #include Do not add unknown addresses into forwarding database Destination port of VXLAN tunnel (default: 8472) u32:1-65535 Numeric IP port 8472 #include