<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="service">
      <node name="ipoe-server" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/ipoe_server.py">
          <help>Internet Protocol over Ethernet (IPoE) Server</help>
          <tagNode name="interface">
              <help>Network interface to server IPoE</help>
              <leafNode name="network-mode">
                  <help>Network Layer IPoE serves on</help>
                    <list>L2 L3</list>
                    <description>client share the same subnet</description>
                    <description>clients are behind this router</description>
              <leafNode name="network">
                  <help>Enables clients to share the same network or each client has its own vlan</help>
                    <list>shared vlan</list>
                    <description>Multiple clients share the same network</description>
                    <description>One VLAN per client</description>
              <leafNode name="client-subnet">
                  <help>Client address pool</help>
                    <description>IPv4 address and prefix length</description>
                    <validator name="ipv4-prefix"/>
              <node name="external-dhcp">
                  <help>DHCP requests will be forwarded</help>
                  <leafNode name="dhcp-relay">
                      <help>DHCP Server the request will be redirected to.</help>
                        <description>IPv4 address of the DHCP Server</description>
                        <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
                  <leafNode name="giaddr">
                      <help>address of the relay agent (Relay Agent IP Address)</help>
              <leafNode name="vlan-id">
                  <help>VLAN monitor for the automatic creation of vlans (user per vlan)</help>
                    <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-4096"/>
                  <constraintErrorMessage>VLAN ID needs to be between 1 and 4096</constraintErrorMessage>
              <leafNode name="vlan-range">
                  <help>VLAN monitor for the automatic creation of vlans (user per vlan)</help>
          <node name="dns-server">
              <help>DNS servers offered via internal DHCP</help>
              <leafNode name="server-1">
                  <help>IP address of the primary DNS server</help>
                    <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
              <leafNode name="server-2">
                  <help>IP address of the secondary DNS server</help>
                    <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
          <node name="dnsv6-server">
              <help>DNSv6 servers offered via internal DHCPv6</help>
              <leafNode name="server-1">
                  <help>IP address of the primary DNS server</help>
                    <validator name="ipv6-address"/>
              <leafNode name="server-2">
                  <help>IP address of the secondary DNS server</help>
                    <validator name="ipv6-address"/>
              <leafNode name="server-3">
                  <help>IP address of the tertiary DNS server</help>
                    <validator name="ipv6-address"/>
          <node name="client-ipv6-pool">
              <help>Pool of client IPv6 addresses</help>
              <leafNode name="prefix">
                  <help>Format: ipv6prefix/mask,prefix_len (e.g.: fc00:0:1::/48,64 - divides prefix into /64 subnets for clients)</help>
              <leafNode name="delegate-prefix">
                  <help>Format: ipv6prefix/mask,prefix_len (delegates prefix  to clients via DHCPv6 prefix delegation</help>
          <node name="authentication">
              <help>Client authentication methods</help>
              <leafNode name="mode">
                  <help>Authetication mode</help>
                    <list>local radius noauth</list>
                    <description>Authentication based on local definition</description>
                    <description>Authentication based on a RADIUS server</description>
                    <description>Authentication disabled</description>
              <tagNode name="interface">
                  <help>Network interface the client mac will appear on</help>
                  <tagNode name="mac-address">
                      <help>Client mac address allowed to receive an IP address</help>
                        <description>Hardware (MAC) address</description>
                        <validator name="mac-address"/>
                      <node name="rate-limit">
                          <help>Upload/Download speed limits</help>
                          <leafNode name="upload">
                              <help>Upload bandwidth limit in kbits/sec</help>
                                <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-65535"/>
                          <leafNode name="download">
                              <help>Download bandwidth limit in kbits/sec</help>
                                <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-65535"/>
                      <leafNode name="vlan-id">
                          <help>VLAN-ID of the client network</help>
                            <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-4096"/>
                          <constraintErrorMessage>VLAN ID needs to be between 1 and 4096</constraintErrorMessage>
              <tagNode name="radius-server">
                  <help>IP address of RADIUS server</help>
                    <description>IP address of RADIUS server</description>
                  <leafNode name="secret">
                      <help>Key for accessing the specified server</help>
                  <leafNode name="req-limit">
                      <help>Maximum number of simultaneous requests to server (default: unlimited)</help>
                  <leafNode name="fail-time">
                      <help>If server does not respond, mark it unavailable for this time (seconds)</help>
              <node name="radius-settings">
                  <help>RADIUS settings</help>
                  <leafNode name="timeout">
                      <help>Timeout to wait response from server (seconds)</help>
                  <leafNode name="acct-timeout">
                      <help>Timeout to wait reply for Interim-Update packets. (default 3 seconds)</help>
                  <leafNode name="max-try">
                      <help>Maximum number of tries to send Access-Request/Accounting-Request queries</help>
                  <leafNode name="nas-identifier">
                      <help>Value to send to RADIUS server in NAS-Identifier attribute and to be matched in DM/CoA requests.</help>
                  <leafNode name="nas-ip-address">
                      <help>Value to send to RADIUS server in NAS-IP-Address attribute and to be matched in DM/CoA requests. Also DM/CoA server will bind to that address.</help>
                        <description>IPv4 address of the DAE Server</description>
                        <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
                  <node name="dae-server">
                      <help>IPv4 address and port to bind Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA)</help>
                      <leafNode name="ip-address">
                          <help>IP address for Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA)</help>
                            <description>IPv4 address of the DAE Server</description>
                            <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
                      <leafNode name="port">
                          <help>Port for Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA)</help>
                            <description>port number</description>
                            <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-65535"/>
                      <leafNode name="secret">
                          <help>Secret for Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA)</help>