LLDP settings 985 Location data for interface all Location data all interfaces <intf> Location data for a specific interface all Disable lldp on this interface LLDP-MED location data [REQUIRED] Coordinate based location Altitude in meters [+-]<meters> Altitude in meters Altitude should be a positive or negative number Coordinate datum type WGS84 WGS84 (default) NAD83 NAD83 MLLW NAD83/MLLW WGS84 NAD83 MLLW Datum should be WGS84, NAD83, or MLLW ^(WGS84|NAD83|MLLW)$ Latitude [REQUIRED] <latitude> Latitude (example "37.524449N") Latitude should be a number followed by S or N (\d+)(\.\d+)?[nNsS]$ Longitude [REQUIRED] <longitude> Longitude (example "122.267255W") Longiture should be a number followed by E or W (\d+)(\.\d+)?[eEwW]$ ECS ELIN (Emergency location identifier number) 0-9999999999 Emergency Call Service ELIN number (between 10-25 numbers) [0-9]{10,25}$ ELIN number must be between 10-25 numbers Legacy (vendor specific) protocols Listen for CDP for Cisco routers/switches Listen for EDP for Extreme routers/switches Listen for FDP for Foundry routers/switches Listen for SONMP for Nortel routers/switches Management IP Address ipv4 IPv4 Management Address ipv6 IPv6 Management Address SNMP parameters for LLDP Enable SNMP queries of the LLDP database