LLDP settings 985 Location data for interface all Location data all interfaces <intf> Location data for a specific interface Disable lldp on this interface LLDP-MED location data [REQUIRED] Civic-based location data LLDP-MED Civic Address type [REQUIRED] 0 Language 1 National subdivisions 2 County, parish, district 3 City, township 4 City division, borough, ward 5 Neighborhood, block 6 Street 16 Leading street direction 17 Trailing street suffix 18 Street suffix 19 House number 20 House number suffix 21 Landmark or vanity address 22 Additional location info 23 Name 24 Postal/ZIP code 25 Building 26 Unit 27 Floor 28 Room number 29 Place type 128 Script ca-type must between 0-128 Civic address value for ca-type [REQUIRED] ca-value must be less than 256 characters ^[A-Za-z0-9\ \-\_\.\,]{0,255}$ Country code [REQUIRED] <AA> Two letter ISO 3166 country code country-code must be 2 characters ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$ Coordinate based location Altitude in meters [+-]<meters> Altitude in meters Altitude should be a positive or negative number Coordinate datum type WGS84 WGS84 (default) NAD83 NAD83 MLLW NAD83/MLLW WGS84 NAD83 MLLW Datum should be WGS84, NAD83, or MLLW ^(WGS84|NAD83|MLLW)$ Latitude [REQUIRED] <latitude> Latitude (example "37.524449N") Latitude should be a number followed by S or N ^(\d+)(\.\d+)?[nNsS]$ Longitude [REQUIRED] <longitude> Longitude (example "122.267255W") Longiture should be a number followed by E or W ^(\d+)(\.\d+)?[eEwW]$ ECS ELIN (Emergency location identifier number) 0-9999999999 Emergency Call Service ELIN number (between 10-25 numbers) [0-9]{10,25}$ ELIN number must be between 10-25 numbers Legacy (vendor specific) protocols Listen for CDP for Cisco routers/switches Listen for EDP for Extreme routers/switches Listen for FDP for Foundry routers/switches Listen for SONMP for Nortel routers/switches IPv4 management address ipv4 IP address to listen for incoming connections SNMP parameters for LLDP Enable SNMP queries of the LLDP database