Configure load-balancing 900 Configure Wide Area Network (WAN) load-balancing Disable source NAT rules from being configured for WAN load balancing Enable WAN load balancing for locally sourced traffic Flush connection tracking tables on connection state change Script to be executed on interface status change txt Script in /config/scripts Interface name Failure count u32:1-10 Failure count 1 Outbound interface nexthop address. Can be 'DHCP or IPv4 address' [REQUIRED] dhcp ipv4 Nexthop IP address dhcp Set the nexthop via DHCP (dhcp) Success count u32:1-10 Success count 1 Rule number u32:0-4294967295 Rule number Ping response time (seconds) u32:1-30 Response time (seconds) 5 Health target address ipv4 Health target address Path to user-defined script txt Script in /config/scripts TTL limit (hop count) u32:1-254 Number of hops 1 WLB test type ping ttl user-defined ping Test with ICMP echo response ttl Test with UDP TTL expired response user-defined User-defined test script (ping|ttl|user-defined) ping Rule number (1-9999) u32:1-9999 Rule number #include Destination #include #include Exclude packets matching this rule from WAN load balance Enable failover for packets matching this rule from WAN load balance Inbound interface name (e.g., "eth0") [REQUIRED] any Interface name [REQUIRED] Load-balance weight u32:1-255 Interface weight Weight must be between 1 and 255 1 Enable packet limit for this rule Burst limit for matching packets u32:0-4294967295 Burst limit for matching packets 5 Time window for rate calculation hour minute second hour hour minute minute second second (hour|minute|second) second Number of packets used for rate limit u32:0-4294967295 Number of packets used for rate limit 5 Threshold behavior for limit above below above Above limit below Below limit (above|below) below Option to match traffic per-packet instead of the default, per-flow Protocol to match (protocol name, number, or "all") all tcp_udp all All IP protocols tcp_udp Both TCP and UDP u32:0-255 IP protocol number <protocol> IP protocol name !<protocol> IP protocol name all Source information #include #include Configure sticky connections Enable sticky incoming WAN connections