200 Routing policy IP access-list filter u32:1-99 IP standard access list u32:100-199 IP extended access list u32:1300-1999 IP standard access list (expanded range) u32:2000-2699 IP extended access list (expanded range) #include Rule for this access-list u32:1-65535 Access-list rule number #include #include Destination network or address Any IP address to match #include #include #include Source network or address to match Any IP address to match #include #include #include IPv6 access-list filter txt Name of IPv6 access-list #include Rule for this access-list6 u32:1-65535 Access-list6 rule number #include #include Source IPv6 network to match Any IP address to match Exact match of the network prefixes Network/netmask to match ipv6net IPv6 address and prefix length Add a BGP autonomous system path filter txt AS path list name #include Rule for this as-path-list u32:1-65535 AS path list rule number #include #include Regular expression to match against an AS path txt AS path regular expression (ex: "64501 64502") Add a BGP community list entry txt BGP community-list name #include Rule for this BGP community list u32:1-65535 Community-list rule number #include #include Regular expression to match against a community-list local-AS no-advertise no-export graceful-shutdown accept-own-nexthop accept-own route-filter-translated-v4 route-filter-v4 route-filter-translated-v6 route-filter-v6 llgr-stale no-llgr blackhole no-peer additive <aa:nn> Community number in AA:NN format where AA and NN are (0-65535) local-AS Well-known communities value NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED 0xFFFFFF03 no-advertise Well-known communities value NO_ADVERTISE 0xFFFFFF02 no-export Well-known communities value NO_EXPORT 0xFFFFFF01 graceful-shutdown Well-known communities value GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN 0xFFFF0000 accept-own-nexthop Well-known communities value ACCEPT_OWN_NEXTHOP 0xFFFF0008 accept-own Well-known communities value ACCEPT_OWN 0xFFFF0001 65535:1 route-filter-translated-v4 Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_TRANSLATED_v4 0xFFFF0002 65535:2 route-filter-v4 Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_v4 0xFFFF0003 65535:3 route-filter-translated-v6 Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_TRANSLATED_v6 0xFFFF0004 65535:4 route-filter-v6 Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_v6 0xFFFF0005 65535:5 llgr-stale Well-known communities value LLGR_STALE 0xFFFF0006 65535:6 no-llgr Well-known communities value NO_LLGR 0xFFFF0007 65535:7 blackhole Well-known communities value BLACKHOLE 0xFFFF029A 65535:666 no-peer Well-known communities value NOPEER 0xFFFFFF04 65535:65284 additive New value is appended to the existing value Add a BGP extended community list entry txt BGP extended community-list name #include Should be an alphanumeric name #include Rule for this BGP extended community list u32:1-65535 Extended community-list rule number #include #include Regular expression to match against an extended community list <aa:nn:nn> Extended community list regular expression <rt aa:nn:nn> Route Target regular expression <soo aa:nn:nn> Site of Origin regular expression Add a BGP large community list entry txt BGP large-community-list name #include Should be an alphanumeric name #include Rule for this BGP extended community list u32:1-65535 Large community-list rule number #include #include Regular expression to match against a large community list ASN:NN:NN BGP large-community-list filter IP:NN:NN BGP large-community-list filter (IPv4 address format) Malformed large-community-list IP prefix-list filter txt Name of IPv4 prefix-list #include Name of prefix-list can only contain alpha-numeric letters, hyphen and underscores #include Rule for this prefix-list u32:1-65535 Prefix-list rule number #include #include Prefix length to match a netmask greater than or equal to it u32:0-32 Netmask greater than length Prefix length to match a netmask less than or equal to it u32:0-32 Netmask less than length Prefix to match ipv4net Prefix to match against IPv6 prefix-list filter txt Name of IPv6 prefix-list #include Name of prefix-list6 can only contain alpha-numeric letters, hyphen and underscores #include Rule for this prefix-list6 u32:1-65535 Prefix-list rule number #include #include Prefix length to match a netmask greater than or equal to it u32:0-128 Netmask greater than length Prefix length to match a netmask less than or equal to it u32:0-128 Netmask less than length Prefix to match ipv6net IPv6 prefix IP route-map txt Route map name #include Name of route-map can only contain alpha-numeric letters, hyphen and underscores #include Rule for this route-map u32:1-65535 Route-map rule number #include Call another route-map on match txt Route map name policy route-map Jump to a different rule in this route-map on a match u32:1-65535 Rule number #include Route parameters to match BGP as-path-list to match policy as-path-list BGP community-list to match BGP community-list to match policy community-list Community-list to exactly match Ethernet Virtual Private Network Default EVPN type-5 route #include Match route-type macip multicast prefix macip mac-ip route multicast IMET route prefix Prefix route (macip|multicast|prefix) #include BGP extended community to match policy extcommunity-list #include IP prefix parameters to match IP address of route to match IP access-list to match u32:1-99 IP standard access list u32:100-199 IP extended access list u32:1300-1999 IP standard access list (expanded range) u32:2000-2699 IP extended access list (expanded range) IP prefix-list to match policy prefix-list IP prefix-length to match (can be used for kernel routes only) u32:0-32 Prefix length IP next-hop of route to match IP address to match ipv4 Nexthop IP address IP access-list to match u32:1-99 IP standard access list u32:100-199 IP extended access list u32:1300-1999 IP standard access list (expanded range) u32:2000-2699 IP extended access list (expanded range) IP prefix-length to match u32:0-32 Prefix length IP prefix-list to match policy prefix-list Match type blackhole blackhole Blackhole (blackhole) Match advertising source address of route IP access-list to match u32:1-99 IP standard access list u32:100-199 IP extended access list u32:1300-1999 IP standard access list (expanded range) u32:2000-2699 IP extended access list (expanded range) IP prefix-list to match policy prefix-list IPv6 prefix parameters to match IPv6 address of route to match IPv6 access-list to match txt IPV6 access list name policy access-list6 IPv6 prefix-list to match policy prefix-list6 IPv6 prefix-length to match (can be used for kernel routes only) u32:0-128 Prefix length IPv6 next-hop of route to match IPv6 address of next-hop ipv6 Nexthop IPv6 address IPv6 access-list to match txt IPV6 access list name policy access-list6 IPv6 prefix-list to match policy prefix-list6 Match type blackhole blackhole Blackhole (blackhole) Match BGP large communities BGP large-community-list to match policy large-community-list Local Preference u32:0-4294967295 Local Preference Metric of route to match u32:1-65535 Route metric BGP origin code to match egp igp incomplete egp Exterior gateway protocol origin igp Interior gateway protocol origin incomplete Incomplete origin (egp|igp|incomplete) Peer address to match ipv4 Peer IP address ipv6 Peer IPv6 address Match protocol via which the route was learnt babel bgp connected isis kernel ospf ospfv3 rip ripng static table vnc babel Babel routing protocol (Babel) bgp Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connected Connected routes (directly attached subnet or host) isis Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) kernel Kernel routes ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv2) ospfv3 Open Shortest Path First (IPv6) (OSPFv3) rip Routing Information Protocol (RIP) ripng Routing Information Protocol next-generation (IPv6) (RIPng) static Statically configured routes table Non-main Kernel Routing Table vnc Virtual Network Control (VNC) (babel|bgp|connected|isis|kernel|ospf|ospfv3|rip|ripng|static|table|vnc) Match RPKI validation result invalid notfound valid invalid Match invalid entries notfound Match notfound entries valid Match valid entries (invalid|notfound|valid) Source vrf #include txt VRF instance name vrf name default #include Exit policy on matches Rule number to goto on match u32:1-65535 Rule number Next sequence number to goto on match Route parameters BGP aggregator attribute AS number of an aggregation u32:1-4294967295 Rule number IP address of an aggregation ipv4 IP address Transform BGP AS_PATH attribute Remove/exclude from the as-path attribute all u32:1-4294967295 AS number all Exclude all AS numbers from the as-path (all) Prepend to the as-path u32:1-4294967295 AS number Use the last AS-number in the as-path u32:1-10 Number of times to insert BGP atomic aggregate attribute BGP community attribute Add communities to a prefix #include Set communities for a prefix #include #include Remove communities defined in a list from a prefix policy community-list Community-list txt BGP large community attribute Add large communities to a prefix ; #include Set large communities for a prefix #include #include Remove communities defined in a list from a prefix policy large-community-list Community-list txt BGP extended community attribute Bandwidth value in Mbps cumulative num-multipaths u32:1-25600 Bandwidth value in Mbps cumulative Cumulative bandwidth of all multipaths (outbound-only) num-multipaths Internally computed bandwidth based on number of multipaths (outbound-only) (cumulative|num-multipaths) The link bandwidth extended community is encoded as non-transitive Set route target value #include Set Site of Origin value #include #include Locally significant administrative distance u32:0-255 Distance value Ethernet Virtual Private Network Set gateway IP for prefix advertisement route Set gateway IPv4 address ipv4 Gateway IPv4 address Set gateway IPv6 address ipv6 Gateway IPv6 address Nexthop IP address unchanged peer-address ipv4 IP address unchanged Set the BGP nexthop address as unchanged peer-address Set the BGP nexthop address to the address of the peer (unchanged|peer-address) Nexthop IPv6 address Nexthop IPv6 global address ipv6 IPv6 address and prefix length Nexthop IPv6 local address ipv6 IPv6 address and prefix length Use peer address (for BGP only) Prefer global address as the nexthop Next hop Information Encapsulation options (for BGP only) Accept L3VPN traffic over GRE encapsulation BGP local preference attribute u32:0-4294967295 Local preference value Destination routing protocol metric <+/-metric> Add or subtract metric u32:0-4294967295 Metric value <+/-rtt> Add or subtract round trip time <rtt> Round trip time ^[+|-]?rtt$ Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) external metric-type type-1 type-2 type-1 OSPF external type 1 metric type-2 OSPF external type 2 metric (type-1|type-2) Border Gateway Protocl (BGP) origin code igp egp incomplete igp Interior gateway protocol origin egp Exterior gateway protocol origin incomplete Incomplete origin (igp|egp|incomplete) BGP originator ID attribute ipv4 Orignator IP address Source address for route ipv4 IPv4 address ipv6 IPv6 address Set prefixes to table u32:1-4294967295 Table value #include BGP weight attribute u32:0-4294967295 BGP weight