<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="vpn">
      <node name="pptp" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/accel_pptp.py">
          <help>Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Virtual Private Network (VPN)</help>
          <node name="remote-access">
              <help>Remote access PPTP VPN</help>
              <leafNode name="mtu">
                  <help>Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)</help>
                    <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 128-16384"/>
              <leafNode name="outside-address">
                  <help>External IP address to which VPN clients will connect</help>
                    <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
              <node name="dns-servers">
                  <help>IPv4 Domain Name Service (DNS) server</help>
                  <leafNode name="server-1">
                      <help>Primary DNS server</help>
                        <description>IPv4 address</description>
                        <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
                  <leafNode name="server-2">
                      <help>Secondary DNS server</help>
                        <description>IPv4 address</description>
                        <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
              <node name="wins-servers">
                  <help>Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server settings</help>
                  <leafNode name="server-1">
                      <help>Primary WINS server</help>
                        <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
                  <leafNode name="server-2">
                      <help>Secondary WINS server</help>
                      <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
              <node name="client-ip-pool">
                  <help>Pool of client IP addresses (must be within a /24)</help>
                  <leafNode name="start">
                      <help>First IP address in the pool (will be used as gateway address)</help>
                        <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
                  <leafNode name="stop">
                      <help>Last IP address in the pool</help>
                        <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
              <leafNode name="gateway-address">
                  <help>Gatway address uses as client tunnel termination point</help>
                    <validator name="ipv4-address"/>
              <node name="authentication">
                  <help>Authentication for remote access PPTP VPN</help>
                  <leafNode name="require">
                      <help>Authentication protocol for remote access peer PPTP VPN</help>
                        <description>Require the peer to authenticate itself using PAP [Password Authentication Protocol].</description>
                        <description>Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP [Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol].</description>
                        <description>Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP [Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol].</description>
                        <description>Require the peer to authenticate itself using MS-CHAPv2 [Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, Version 2].</description>
                  <leafNode name="mppe">
                      <help>Specifies mppe negotioation preference. (default require mppe 128-bit stateless</help>
                        <description>deny mppe</description>
                        <description>ask client for mppe, if it rejects do not fail</description>
                        <description>ask client for mppe, if it rejects drop connection</description>
                        <list>deny prefer require</list>
                  <leafNode name="mode">
                      <help>Authentication mode for remote access PPTP VPN</help>
                        <description>Use local username/password configuration</description>
                        <description>Use a RADIUS server to autenticate users</description>
                        <list>local radius</list>
                  <node name="local-users">
                      <help>Local user authentication for remote access PPTP VPN</help>
                      <tagNode name="username">
                          <help>User name for authentication</help>
                          <leafNode name="disable">
                              <help>Option to disable a PPTP Server user</help>
                          <leafNode name="password">
                              <help>Password for authentication</help>
                          <leafNode name="static-ip">
                              <help>Static client IP address</help>
                  <node name="radius">
                      <help>RADIUS specific configuration</help>
                      <tagNode name="server">
                          <help>IP address of radius server</help>
                            <description>IP address of RADIUS server</description>
                          <leafNode name="key">
                              <help>Key for accessing the specified server</help>
                          <leafNode name="req-limit">
                              <help>Maximum number of simultaneous requests to server (default: unlimited)</help>
                          <leafNode name="fail-time">
                              <help>If server does not responds mark it as unavailable for this time (seconds)</help>