Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) 820 Configures a new BFD peer to listen and talk to ipv4 BFD peer IPv4 address ipv6 BFD peer IPv6 address Bind listener to specifid interface/address, mandatory for IPv6 Local interface to bind our peer listener to Local address to bind our peer listener to ipv4 Local IPv4 address used to connect to the peer ipv6 Local IPv6 address used to connect to the peer Configure timer intervals Minimum interval of receiving control packets 10-60000 Interval in milliseconds Minimum interval of transmitting control packets 10-60000 Interval in milliseconds Multiplier to determine packet loss 2-255 Remote transmission interval will be multiplied by this value Echo receive transmission interval 10-60000 The minimal echo receive transmission interval that this system is capable of handling Disable this peer Allow this BFD peer to not be directly connected Enables the echo transmission mode