Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) 400 Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) #include Forwarding equivalence class allocation from local routes IPv4 routes Access-list number u32:1-2699 Access list number IPv6 routes Access-list6 number u32:1-2699 Access list number LDP neighbor parameters ipv4 Neighbor IPv4 address Neighbor password Neighbor TTL security disable u32:1-254 TTL disable Disable neighbor TTL security Session IPv4 hold time u32:15-65535 Time in seconds Discovery parameters ipv4 Discovery parameters Hello IPv4 hold time u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Hello IPv4 interval u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Hello IPv6 hold time u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Hello IPv6 interval u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Session IPv4 hold time u32:15-65535 Time in seconds Session IPv6 hold time u32:15-65535 Time in seconds Transport IPv4 address ipv4 IPv4 bind as transport Transport IPv6 address ipv6 IPv6 bind as transport Targeted LDP neighbor/session parameters Targeted IPv4 neighbor/session parameters Neighbor/session address ipv4 Neighbor/session address Accept and respond to targeted hellos Hello interval u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Hello hold time u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Targeted IPv6 neighbor/session parameters Neighbor/session address ipv6 Neighbor/session address Accept and respond to targeted hellos Hello interval u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Hello hold time u32:1-65535 Time in seconds Label Distribution Protocol miscellaneous parameters Enable Cisco non-compliant format capability TLV Prefer IPv4 for TCP peer transport connection Enable LDP ordered label distribution control mode Export parameters IPv4 parameters Explicit-Null Label Forwarding equivalence class export filter Access-list number to apply FEC filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number Access-list number for IPv4 neighbor selection to apply filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number IPv6 parameters Explicit-Null Label Forwarding equivalence class export filter Access-list6 number to apply FEC filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number Access-list6 number for IPv6 neighbor selection to apply filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number Import parameters IPv4 parameters Forwarding equivalence class import filter Access-list number to apply FEC filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number Access-list number for IPv4 neighbor selection to apply filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number IPv6 parameters Forwarding equivalence class import filter Access-list6 number to apply FEC filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number Access-list6 number for IPv6 neighbor selection to apply filtering u32:1-2699 Access list number #include Multiprotocol Label Switching miscellaneous parameters Disable copy of IP TTL to MPLS TTL Maximum TTL for MPLS packets u32:1-255 Maximum hops allowed #include