Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) parameters 680 Tunnel for NHRP tun[0-9]+ tunN NHRP tunnel name Map tunnel IP to NBMA Set a NHRP tunnel address ipv4 Set the IP address to map Set NHRP NBMA address to map local ipv4 Set the IP address to map local Set the local address (local) Map tunnel IP to NBMA of Next Hop Server Set a NHRP NHS tunnel address dynamic ipv4 Set the IP address to map dynamic Set Next Hop Server to have a dynamic address (dynamic) Set NHRP NBMA address of NHS ipv4 Set the IP address to map Map multicast to NBMA dynamic ipv4 Set the IP address to map(IP|FQDN) dynamic NBMA address is learnt dynamically (dynamic) Don't set unique flag NHRP authentication txt Pass phrase for NHRP authentication [^[:space:]]{1,8} Password should contain up to eight non-whitespace characters Holding time in seconds u32:1-65000 ring buffer size Enable sending of Cisco style NHRP Traffic Indication packets Enable creation of shortcut routes. A received NHRP Traffic Indication will trigger the resolution and establishment of a shortcut route #include NHRP network id <1-4294967295> NHRP network id