Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) Proxy 600 Refresh interval for IPv6 routes u32:10000-120000 Time in milliseconds Route-refresh must be between 10000 and 120000 milliseconds 30000 NDP proxy listener interface #include #include Enable router bit in Neighbor Advertisement messages Timeout for Neighbor Advertisement after Neighbor Solicitation message u32:500-120000 Timeout in milliseconds Timeout must be between 500 and 120000 milliseconds 500 Proxy entry cache Time-To-Live u32:10000-120000 Time in milliseconds TTL must be between 10000 and 120000 milliseconds 30000 Prefix target addresses are matched against ipv6net IPv6 network prefix ipv6 IPv6 address #include Specify the running mode of the rule static auto interface static Immediately answer any Neighbor Solicitation Messages auto Check for a matching route in /proc/net/ipv6_route interface Forward Neighbor Solicitation message through specified interface (static|auto|interface) Mode must be either one of: static, auto or interface static Interface to forward Neighbor Solicitation message through. Required for "iface" mode #include