Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 900 Community name [[:alnum:]-_!@*#]{1,100} Community string is limited to alphanumerical characters, -, _, !, @, *, and # with a total lenght of 100 Authorization type ro rw ro Read-Only rw Read-Write (ro|rw) Authorization type must be either 'rw' or 'ro' ro IP address of SNMP client allowed to contact system Subnet of SNMP client(s) allowed to contact system ipv4net IP address and prefix length ipv6net IPv6 address and prefix length ::/0 Contact information .{1,255} Contact information is limited to 255 characters or less #include IP address to listen for incoming SNMP requests ipv4 IPv4 address to listen for incoming SNMP requests ipv6 IPv6 address to listen for incoming SNMP requests #include 161 Location information .{1,255} Location is limited to 255 characters or less Enable specific OIDs that by default are disable ip-forward ip-route-table ip-net-to-media-table ip-net-to-physical-phys-address ip-forward Enable ipForward: . ip-route-table Enable ipRouteTable: . ip-net-to-media-table Enable ipNetToMediaTable: . ip-net-to-physical-phys-address Enable ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress: . (ip-forward|ip-route-table|ip-net-to-media-table|ip-net-to-physical-phys-address) OID must be one of the liste options #include Register a subtree for SMUX-based processing txt SNMP Object Identifier SNMP trap source address ipv4 IPv4 address ipv6 IPv6 address Address of trap target ipv4 IPv4 address ipv6 IPv6 address Community used when sending trap information #include 162 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v3 Specifies the EngineID that uniquely identify an agent (e.g. 000000000000000000000002) ([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){1,18} ID must contain an even number (from 2 to 36) of hex digits Specifies the group with name groupname #include Security levels noauth auth priv noauth Messages not authenticated and not encrypted (noAuthNoPriv) auth Messages are authenticated but not encrypted (authNoPriv) priv Messages are authenticated and encrypted (authPriv) (noauth|auth|priv) auth Defines the name of view service snmp v3 view Defines SNMP target for inform or traps for IP ipv4 IP address of trap target ipv6 IPv6 address of trap target Defines the privacy Defines the encrypted key for authentication [0-9a-f]* Encrypted key must only contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for authentication .{8,} Key must contain 8 or more characters #include #include 162 Defines the privacy Defines the encrypted key for privacy protocol [0-9a-f]* Encrypted key must only contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for privacy protocol .{8,} Key must contain 8 or more characters #include #include Specifies the type of notification between inform and trap inform trap inform Use INFORM trap Use TRAP (inform|trap) inform Defines username for authentication service snmp v3 user Specifies the user with name username [^\(\)\|\-]+ Illegal characters in name Specifies the auth Defines the encrypted key for authentication [0-9a-f]* Encrypted key must only contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for authentication .{8,} Key must contain 8 or more characters #include Specifies group for user name service snmp v3 group #include Defines the privacy Defines the encrypted key for privacy protocol [0-9a-f]* Encrypted key must only contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for privacy protocol .{8,} Key must contain 8 or more characters #include Specifies the view with name viewname [^\(\)\|\-]+ Illegal characters in name Specifies the oid [0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)* OID must start from a number Exclude is an optional argument Defines a bit-mask that is indicating which subidentifiers of the associated subtree OID should be regarded as significant [0-9a-f]{2}([\.:][0-9a-f]{2})* MASK is a list of hex octets, separated by '.' or ':' SNMP script extensions Extension name [a-z0-9\.\-\_]+ Script extension contains invalid characters Script location and name [a-z0-9\.\-\_\/]+ Script extension contains invalid characters #include