<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="system">
      <node name="ip" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/system_ip.py">
          <help>IPv4 Settings</help>
          <!-- must be before any interface, check /opt/vyatta/sbin/priority.pl -->
          <node name="arp">
              <help>Parameters for ARP cache</help>
              #include <include/arp-ndp-table-size.xml.i>
          <leafNode name="disable-forwarding">
              <help>Disable IPv4 forwarding on all interfaces</help>
          <node name="multipath">
              <help>IPv4 multipath settings</help>
              <leafNode name="ignore-unreachable-nexthops">
                  <help>Ignore next hops that are not in the ARP table</help>
              <leafNode name="layer4-hashing">
                  <help>Use layer 4 information for ECMP hashing</help>
          #include <include/system-ip-nht.xml.i>
          <node name="tcp">
              <help>IPv4 TCP parameters</help>
              <node name="mss">
                  <help>IPv4 TCP MSS probing options</help>
                  <leafNode name="probing">
                      <help>Attempt to lower the MSS if TCP connections fail to establish</help>
                        <list>on-icmp-black-hole force</list>
                        <description>Attempt TCP MSS probing when an ICMP black hole is detected</description>
                      <description>Attempt TCP MSS probing by default</description>
                      <constraintErrorMessage>Must be on-icmp-black-hole or force</constraintErrorMessage>
                  <leafNode name="base">
                      <help>Base MSS to start probing from (applicable to "probing force")</help>
                        <description>Base MSS value for probing (default: 1024)</description>
                        <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 48-1460"/>
                  <leafNode name="floor">
                      <help>Minimum MSS to stop probing at (default: 48)</help>
                        <description>Minimum MSS value to probe</description>
                        <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 48-1460"/>
          #include <include/system-ip-protocol.xml.i>