Monitor system information Monitor last lines of messages file SYSTEMD_COLORS=false journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot Output log in a colored fashion SYSTEMD_COLORS=false grc journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot Monitor Intrusion Detection System log Monitor last lines of DDOS protection journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit fastnetmon.service Monitor last lines of certbot log if sudo test -f /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log; then sudo tail --follow=name /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log; else echo "Cerbot log does not exist"; fi Monitor last lines of conntrack-sync log journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit conntrackd.service Monitor last lines of console server log journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit conserver-server.service Monitor last lines of Dynamic Host Control Protocol log Monitor last lines of DHCP server log journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit kea-dhcp4-server.service Monitor last lines of DHCP client log journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit "dhclient@*.service" Show DHCP client log on specific interface journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit "dhclient@$6.service" Monitor last lines of Dynamic Host Control Protocol IPv6 log Monitor last lines of DHCPv6 server log journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit kea-dhcp6-server.service Monitor last lines of DHCPv6 client log journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit "dhcp6c@*.service" Show DHCPv6 client log on specific interface journalctl --no-hostname --follow --boot --unit "dhcp6c@$6.service" Monitor last lines of flow-accounting log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit uacctd.service Monitor last lines of FRRouting suite log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit frr.service Monitor last lines of IP over Ethernet server log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit accel-ppp@ipoe.service Monitor last lines of Linux Kernel log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --dmesg Monitor last lines of Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) Proxy journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit ndppd.service Monitor last lines of Next Hop Resolution Protocol log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit opennhrp.service Monitor last lines of Network Time Protocol log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit chrony.service Monitor last lines of OpenVPN log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit openvpn@*.service Monitor last lines of specific OpenVPN interface log interfaces openvpn journalctl --no-hostname --boot --unit openvpn@$5.service Monitor last lines of PPPoE interface log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "ppp@pppoe*.service" Monitor last lines of PPPoE log for specific interface interfaces pppoe journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "ppp@$5.service" Monitor last lines of PPPoE server log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit accel-ppp@pppoe.service Monitor routing protocol logs Monitor log for OSPF journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/ospfd Monitor log for OSPF for IPv6 journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/ospf6d Monitor log for BGP journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/bgpd Monitor log for RIP journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/ripd Monitor log for RIPng journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/ripngd Monitor log for static route journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/staticd Monitor log for Multicast protocol journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/pimd Monitor log for ISIS journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/isisd Monitor log for OpenFabric journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/fabricd Monitor log for NHRP journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/nhrpd Monitor log for BFD journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/bfdd Monitor log for MPLS journalctl --follow --no-hostname --boot /usr/lib/frr/ldpd Monitor last lines of MACsec journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "wpa_supplicant-macsec@*.service" Monitor last lines of specific MACsec interface interfaces macsec SRC=$(cli-shell-api returnValue interfaces macsec "$5" source-interface); journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "wpa_supplicant-macsec@$SRC.service" Monitor last lines of Router Advertisement Daemon log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit radvd.service Monitor last lines of Simple Network Monitoring Protocol log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit snmpd.service Monitor last lines of Secure Shell log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit ssh.service Monitor last lines of SSH guard log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit sshguard.service Monitor last lines of ALL Virtual Private Network services journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit strongswan.service --unit accel-ppp@*.service --unit ocserv.service Monitor last lines of IPsec log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit strongswan.service Monitor last lines of L2TP log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit accel-ppp@l2tp.service Monitor last lines of OpenConnect log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit ocserv.service Monitor last lines of PPTP log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit accel-ppp@pptp.service Monitor last lines of Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol server journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit accel-ppp@sstp.service Monitor last lines of Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol client journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "ppp@sstpc*.service" Monitor last lines of SSTP client log for specific interface interfaces sstpc journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "ppp@$5.service" Monitor last lines of Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit keepalived.service Monitor last lines of VyOS configuration daemon log journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit vyos-configd.service Monitor last lines of Wireless interface log Monitor last lines of WPA supplicant if cli-shell-api existsActive interfaces wireless; then journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "wpa_supplicant@*.service"; else echo "No wireless interface configured!"; fi Monitor last lines of specific wireless interface supplicant interfaces wireless if [[ $(cli-shell-api returnActiveValue interfaces wireless $6 type) == "station" ]]; then journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "wpa_supplicant@$6.service"; else echo "Wireless interface $6 not configured as station!"; fi Monitor last lines of host access point daemon if cli-shell-api existsActive interfaces wireless; then journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "hostapd@*.service"; else echo "No wireless interface configured!"; fi Monitor last lines of specific host access point interface interfaces wireless if [[ $(cli-shell-api returnActiveValue interfaces wireless $6 type) == "access-point" ]]; then journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "hostapd@$6.service"; else echo "Wireless interface $6 not configured as access-point!"; fi