show pppoe-server status Show active PPPoE server sessions /usr/bin/accel-cmd 'show sessions ifname,username,ip,ip6,ip6-dp,calling-sid,rate-limit,state,uptime,rx-bytes,tx-bytes' Show PPPoE server statistics /usr/bin/accel-cmd 'show stat' Show interfaces where pppoe-server listens on /usr/bin/accel-cmd 'pppoe interface show' Restarts pppoe-server if [ -e /var/run/ ]; then /usr/bin/accel-cmd restart -p 2001; else echo "pppoe-server not running"; fi Reset a service Reset PPPoE server sessions Terminate all pppoe-server users /usr/bin/accel-cmd terminate all Terminate a ppp interface /usr/bin/accel-cmd terminate if "$4" Terminate specified users /usr/bin/accel-cmd terminate match username "$4" Set PPPoE server maintenance mode Set PPPoE server maintenance mode Deny new connections and stop to serve pppoe after disconnect last session /usr/bin/accel-cmd shutdown soft Cancel maintenance mode /usr/bin/accel-cmd shutdown cancel