<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="show">
      <node name="bridge">
          <help>Show bridging information</help>
          <leafNode name="vlan">
              <help>View the VLAN filter settings of the bridge</help>
            <command>bridge -c vlan show</command>
      <leafNode name="bridge">
          <help>Show bridging information</help>
        <command>bridge -c link show</command>
      <tagNode name="bridge">
          <help>Show bridge information for a given bridge interface</help>
            <script>${vyos_completion_dir}/list_interfaces.py --type bridge</script>
        <command>bridge -c link show br $3</command>
          <leafNode name="mdb">
              <help>Displays the multicast group database for the bridge</help>
            <command>bridge -c mdb show dev $3</command>
          <leafNode name="fdb">
              <help>Show the forwarding database of the bridge</help>
            <command>bridge -c fdb show br $3</command>