Show IPv6 routing information Show IPv6 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6" Show Shortest Path First tree information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 spf tree" Area ID (as an IPv4 notation) protocols ospfv3 area vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 area $4 spf tree" Simulate view point (Router ID) <x.x.x.x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 simulate spf-tree $7 $4 $5" Show OSPFv3 border-router (ABR and ASBR) information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 border-routers" Show OSPFv3 detailed border-router information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 border-routers detail" Border router ID <x.x.x.x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 border-routers $5" Show OSPFv3 Link state database information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database" Search by Advertising Router ID <x.x.x.x> Search by Link state ID <x.x.x.x> Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database adv-router $6 linkstate-id $8 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database adv-router $6 linkstate-id $8 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database adv-router $6 linkstate-id $8 internal" Search by Any Link state Type Search by Link state ID <x.x.x.x> Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * * $7 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * * $7 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * * $7 internal" Search by Link state ID <x.x.x.x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6 internal" Search by Advertising Router ID <x.x.x.x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6 $7" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6 $7 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6 $7 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database * $6 $7 internal" Show AS-External LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external" Search by Advertising Router ID <x.x.x.x> Search by Link state ID <x.x.x.x> Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external adv-router $7 linkstate-id $9 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external adv-router $7 linkstate-id $9 internal" Search by Advertising Router ID <x.x.x.x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external * $7" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external * $7 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external * $7 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external * $7 internal" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external internal" Search by Link state ID <x.x.x.x> Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external linkstate-id $7 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external linkstate-id $7 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external linkstate-id $7 internal" Show Self-originated LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external self-originated" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external self-originated detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external self-originated dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external self-originated internal" Search by Link state ID <x.x.x.x> Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external self-originated linkstate-id $8 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external self-originated linkstate-id $8 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external self-originated linkstate-id $8 internal" Search by Advertising Router IDs <x.x.x.x> Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 internal" Show Self-originated LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 self-originated" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 self-originated detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 self-originated dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 self-originated internal" Search by Advertising Router ID <x.x.x.x> Show dump of LSAs echo vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 $7 dump" Show LSAs internal information echo vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database as-external $6 $7 internal" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database dump" Search by Link state ID <x.x.x.x> Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database linkstate-id $6 detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database linkstate-id $6 dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database linkstate-id $6 internal" Show Self-originated LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database self-originated" Show details of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database self-originated detail" Show dump of LSAs vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database self-originated dump" Show LSAs internal information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 database self-originated internal" Show OSPFv3 interface information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface" Show connected prefixes to advertise vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface prefix" More detailed interface prefix information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface prefix detail" Show interface prefix route specific information <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h> <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h/x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface prefix $6" More detailed information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface prefix $6 detail" Matched interface prefix information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface prefix $6 match" Specific insterface to examine vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface $5" Show connected prefixes to advertise vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface $5 prefix" More detailed interface prefix information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface $5 prefix detail" Show interface prefix route specific information <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h> <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h/x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface $5 prefix $7" More detailed information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface $5 prefix $7 detail" Matched interface prefix information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 interface $5 prefix $7 match" Show OSPFv3 linkstate routing information Show detailed linkstate information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 linkstate detail" Show linkstate Network information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 linkstate network" Show linkstate Router information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 linkstate router" Show OSPFv3 neighbor information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor" Show detailed neighbor information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor detail" Show neighbor DR choice information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor drchoice" Show OSPFv3 redistribute external information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 redistribute" Show OSPFv3 routing table information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route" Show Type-1 External route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route external-1" Show detailed Type-1 External route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route external-1 detail" Show Type-2 External route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route external-2" Show detailed Type-2 External route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route external-2 detail" Show Inter-Area route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route inter-area" Show detailed Inter-Area route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route inter-area detail" Show Intra-Area route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route intra-area" Show detailed Intra-Area route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route intra-area detail" Show detailed route information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route detail" Show route table summary vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route summary" Show specified route/prefix information <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h> <h:h:h:h:h:h:h:h/x> vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route $5" Show routes longer than specified prefix vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route $5 longer" Show routes matching specified prefix vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route $5 match" Detailed information vtysh -c "show ipv6 ospf6 route $5 match detail"