<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <node name="reset">
      <node name="vpn">
          <help>Reset Virtual Private Network (VPN) information</help>
          <tagNode name="ipsec-peer">
              <help>Reset all tunnels for given peer</help>
                <path>vpn ipsec site-to-site peer</path>
              <tagNode name="tunnel">
                  <help>Reset a specific tunnel for given peer</help>
                    <path>vpn ipsec site-to-site peer ${COMP_WORDS[3]} tunnel</path>
                <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ipsec.py reset_peer --peer="$4" --tunnel="$6"</command>
              <node name="vti">
                  <help>Reset the VTI tunnel for given peer</help>
                <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ipsec.py reset_peer --peer="$4" --tunnel="vti"</command>
            <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ipsec.py reset_peer --peer="$4"</command>
          <tagNode name="ipsec-profile">
              <help>Reset all tunnels for given DMVPN profile</help>
                <path>vpn ipsec profile</path>
              <tagNode name="tunnel">
                  <help>Reset a specific tunnel for given DMVPN profile</help>
                <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ipsec.py --action="reset-profile" --name="$4" --tunnel="$6"</command>
            <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ipsec.py --action="reset-profile" --name="$4" --tunnel="all"</command>
  <node name="restart">
      <node name="ipsec">
          <help>Restart the IPsec VPN process</help>
        <command>if systemctl is-active --quiet strongswan; then sudo systemctl restart strongswan ; echo "IPsec process restarted";  else echo "IPsec process not running" ; fi</command>
  <node name="show">
      <node name="vpn">
          <help>Show Virtual Private Network (VPN) information</help>
          <node name="debug">
              <help>Show VPN debugging information</help>
              <tagNode name="peer">
                  <help>Show debugging information for a peer</help>
                    <path>vpn ipsec site-to-site peer</path>
                  <tagNode name="tunnel">
                      <help>Show debug information for peer tunnel</help>
                    <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ipsec.py --action="vpn-debug" --name="$5" --tunnel="$7"</command>
                <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ipsec.py --action="vpn-debug" --name="$5" --tunnel="all"</command>
            <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ipsec.py --action="vpn-debug" --name="all"</command>
          <node name="ike">
              <help>Show Internet Key Exchange (IKE) information</help>
              <node name="sa">
                  <help>Show all currently active IKE Security Associations (SA)</help>
                  <node name="nat-traversal">
                      <help>Show all currently active IKE Security Associations (SA) that are using NAT Traversal</help>
                    <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ike_sa.py --nat="yes"</command>
                  <tagNode name="peer">
                      <help>Show all currently active IKE Security Associations (SA) for a peer</help>
                    <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ike_sa.py --peer="$6"</command>
                <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/vpn_ike_sa.py</command>
              <node name="secrets">
                  <help>Show all the pre-shared key secrets</help>
                <command>sudo cat /etc/ipsec.secrets | sed 's/#.*//'</command>
              <node name="status">
                  <help>Show summary of IKE process information</help>
                <command>if systemctl is-active --quiet strongswan ; then systemctl status strongswan ; else echo "Process is not running" ; fi</command>
          <node name="ipsec">
              <help>Show Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) information</help>
              <node name="connections">
                  <help>Show VPN connections</help>
                <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ipsec.py show_connections</command>
              <node name="policy">
                  <help>Show the in-kernel crypto policies</help>
                <command>sudo ip xfrm policy list</command>
              <leafNode name="remote-access">
                   <help>Show active VPN server sessions</help>
              <node name="sa">
                  <help>Show all active IPsec Security Associations (SA)</help>
                  <node name="detail">
                      <help>Show Detail on all active IPsec Security Associations (SA)</help>
                  <tagNode name="stats">
                      <help>Show statistics for all currently active IPsec Security Associations (SA)</help>
                        <description>Show Statistics for SAs associated with a specific peer</description>
                      <tagNode name="tunnel">
                          <help>Show Statistics for SAs associated with a specific peer</help>
                  <node name="verbose">
                      <help>Show Verbose Detail on all active IPsec Security Associations (SA)</help>
                    <command>if systemctl is-active --quiet strongswan ; then sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec statusall ; else echo "IPsec process not running" ; fi</command>
                <command>if systemctl is-active --quiet strongswan ; then sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ipsec.py show_sa ; else echo "IPsec process not running" ; fi</command>
              <node name="state">
                  <help>Show the in-kernel crypto state</help>
                <command>sudo ip xfrm state list</command>
              <node name="status">
                  <help>Show status of IPsec process</help>
                <command>if systemctl is-active --quiet strongswan >/dev/null ; then echo -e "IPsec Process Running: $(pgrep charon)\n$(sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec status)" ; else echo "IPsec process not running" ; fi</command>