#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os
import re
import unittest

from base_interfaces_test import BasicInterfaceTest
from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError
from vyos.ifconfig import Section
from vyos.util import cmd
from vyos.util import process_named_running
from vyos.util import read_file

pki_path = ['pki']
key_data = 'MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgPLpD0Ohhoq0g4nhx2KMIuze7ucKUt/lBEB2wc03IxXyhRANCAATTUestw222qrj8+2gy5rysxYSQ50G7u8/3jHMM7sDwL3aWzW/zp54/LhCWUoLMjDdDEEigK4fal4ZF9aA9F0Ww'

def get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, key):
    tmp = read_file(f'/run/wpa_supplicant/{interface}.conf')
    tmp = re.findall(r'\n?{}=(.*)'.format(key), tmp)
    return tmp[0]

class EthernetInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls._test_ip = True
        cls._test_ipv6 = True
        cls._test_ipv6_pd = True
        cls._test_ipv6_dhcpc6 = True
        cls._test_mtu = True
        cls._test_vlan = True
        cls._test_qinq = True
        cls._base_path = ['interfaces', 'ethernet']
        cls._mirror_interfaces = ['dum21354']

        # we need to filter out VLAN interfaces identified by a dot (.)
        # in their name - just in case!
        if 'TEST_ETH' in os.environ:
            tmp = os.environ['TEST_ETH'].split()
            cls._interfaces = tmp
            for tmp in Section.interfaces('ethernet'):
                if not '.' in tmp:

        cls._macs = {}
        for interface in cls._interfaces:
            cls._macs[interface] = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/address')

        # call base-classes classmethod
        super(cls, cls).setUpClass()

    def tearDown(self):

        for interface in self._interfaces:
            # when using a dedicated interface to test via TEST_ETH environment
            # variable only this one will be cleared in the end - usable to test
            # ethernet interfaces via SSH
            self.cli_delete(self._base_path + [interface])
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'duplex', 'auto'])
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'speed', 'auto'])
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'hw-id', self._macs[interface]])

        # Tear down mirror interfaces for SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer)
        for span in self._mirror_interfaces:
            section = Section.section(span)
            self.cli_delete(['interfaces', section, span])


    def test_dhcp_disable_interface(self):
        # When interface is configured as admin down, it must be admin down
        # even when dhcpc starts on the given interface
        for interface in self._interfaces:
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'disable'])

            # Also enable DHCP (ISC DHCP always places interface in admin up
            # state so we check that we do not start DHCP client.
            # https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2767
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'address', 'dhcp'])


        # Validate interface state
        for interface in self._interfaces:
            flags = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/flags')
            self.assertEqual(int(flags, 16) & 1, 0)

    def test_offloading_rps(self):
        # enable RPS on all available CPUs, RPS works woth a CPU bitmask,
        # where each bit represents a CPU (core/thread). The formula below
        # expands to rps_cpus = 255 for a 8 core system
        rps_cpus = (1 << os.cpu_count()) -1

        # XXX: we should probably reserve one core when the system is under
        # high preasure so we can still have a core left for housekeeping.
        # This is done by masking out the lowst bit so CPU0 is spared from
        # receive packet steering.
        rps_cpus &= ~1

        for interface in self._interfaces:
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'offload', 'rps'])


        for interface in self._interfaces:
            cpus = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus')
            # remove the nasty ',' separation on larger strings
            cpus = cpus.replace(',','')
            cpus = int(cpus, 16)

            self.assertEqual(f'{cpus:x}', f'{rps_cpus:x}')

    def test_non_existing_interface(self):
        unknonw_interface = self._base_path + ['eth667']

        # check validate() - interface does not exist
        with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):

        # we need to remove this wrong interface from the configuration
        # manually, else tearDown() will have problem in commit()

    def test_speed_duplex_verify(self):
        for interface in self._interfaces:
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'speed', '1000'])

            # check validate() - if either speed or duplex is not auto, the
            # other one must be manually configured, too
            with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'speed', 'auto'])

    def test_eapol_support(self):
        self.cli_set(pki_path + ['ca', 'eapol', 'certificate', cert_data])
        self.cli_set(pki_path + ['certificate', 'eapol', 'certificate', cert_data])
        self.cli_set(pki_path + ['certificate', 'eapol', 'private', 'key', key_data])

        for interface in self._interfaces:
            # Enable EAPoL
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'eapol', 'ca-certificate', 'eapol'])
            self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'eapol', 'certificate', 'eapol'])


        # Check for running process

        # Validate interface config
        for interface in self._interfaces:
            tmp = get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, 'key_mgmt')
            self.assertEqual('IEEE8021X', tmp)

            tmp = get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, 'eap')
            self.assertEqual('TLS', tmp)

            tmp = get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, 'eapol_flags')
            self.assertEqual('0', tmp)

            tmp = get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, 'ca_cert')
            self.assertEqual(f'"/run/wpa_supplicant/{interface}_ca.pem"', tmp)

            tmp = get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, 'client_cert')
            self.assertEqual(f'"/run/wpa_supplicant/{interface}_cert.pem"', tmp)

            tmp = get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, 'private_key')
            self.assertEqual(f'"/run/wpa_supplicant/{interface}_cert.key"', tmp)

            mac = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/address')
            tmp = get_wpa_supplicant_value(interface, 'identity')
            self.assertEqual(f'"{mac}"', tmp)

if __name__ == '__main__':