#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2020-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import unittest from glob import glob from ipaddress import IPv4Network from netifaces import interfaces from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError from vyos.util import cmd from vyos.util import process_named_running from vyos.util import read_file from vyos.template import address_from_cidr from vyos.template import dec_ip from vyos.template import inc_ip from vyos.template import last_host_address from vyos.template import netmask_from_cidr PROCESS_NAME = 'openvpn' base_path = ['interfaces', 'openvpn'] cert_data = """ MIICFDCCAbugAwIBAgIUfMbIsB/ozMXijYgUYG80T1ry+mcwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw WTELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxEzARBgNVBAgMClNvbWUtU3RhdGUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCVNv bWUtQ2l0eTENMAsGA1UECgwEVnlPUzESMBAGA1UEAwwJVnlPUyBUZXN0MB4XDTIx MDcyMDEyNDUxMloXDTI2MDcxOTEyNDUxMlowWTELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxEzARBgNV BAgMClNvbWUtU3RhdGUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCVNvbWUtQ2l0eTENMAsGA1UECgwEVnlP UzESMBAGA1UEAwwJVnlPUyBUZXN0MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE 01HrLcNttqq4/PtoMua8rMWEkOdBu7vP94xzDO7A8C92ls1v86eePy4QllKCzIw3 QxBIoCuH2peGRfWgPRdFsKNhMF8wDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8E BAMCAYYwHQYDVR0lBBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwIGCCsGAQUFBwMBMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSu +JnU5ZC4mkuEpqg2+Mk4K79oeDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNHADBEAiBEFdzQ/Bc3Lftz ngrY605UhA6UprHhAogKgROv7iR4QgIgEFUxTtW3xXJcnUPWhhUFhyZoqfn8dE93 +dm/LDnp7C0= """ key_data = """ MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgPLpD0Ohhoq0g4nhx 2KMIuze7ucKUt/lBEB2wc03IxXyhRANCAATTUestw222qrj8+2gy5rysxYSQ50G7 u8/3jHMM7sDwL3aWzW/zp54/LhCWUoLMjDdDEEigK4fal4ZF9aA9F0Ww """ dh_data = """ MIIBCAKCAQEApzGAPcQlLJiOyfGZgl1qxNgufXkdpjG7lMaOrO4TGr1giFe3jIFO FxJNC/G9Dn+KSukaWssVVR+Jwr/JesZFPawihS03wC7cZsccykNRIjiteqJDwYJZ UHieOxyCuCeY4pqOUCl1uswRGjLvIFtwynpnXKKuz2YtjNifma90PEgv/vVWKix+ Q0TAbdbzJzO5xp8UVn9DuYfSr10k3LbDqDM7w5ezHZxFk24S5pN/yoOpdbxB8TS6 7q3IYXxR3F+RseKu4J3AvkxXSP1j7COXddPpLnvbJT/SW8NrjuC/n0eKGvmeyqNv 108Y89jnT79MxMMRQk66iwlsd1m4pa/OYwIBAg== """ ovpn_key_data = """ 443f2a710ac411c36894b2531e62c4550b079b8f3f08997f4be57c64abfdaaa4 31d2396b01ecec3a2c0618959e8186d99f489742d25673ffb3268841ebb2e704 2a2daabe584e79d51d2b1d7409bf8840f7e42efa3e660a521719b04ee88b9043 e6315ae12da7c9abd55f67eeed71a9ee8c6e163b5d2661fc332cf90cb45658b4 adf892f79537d37d3a3d90da283ce885adf325ffd2b5be92067cdf0345c7712c 9d36b642c170351b6d9ce9f6230c7a2617b0c181121bce7d5373404fb68e6521 0b36e6d40ef2769cf8990503859f6f2db3c85ba74420430a6250d6a74ca51ece 4b85124bfdfec0c8a530cefa7350378d81a4539f74bed832a902ae4798142e4a """ remote_port = '1194' protocol = 'udp' path = [] interface = '' remote_host = '' vrf_name = 'orange' dummy_if = 'dum1301' def get_vrf(interface): for upper in glob(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/upper*'): # an upper interface could be named: upper_bond0.1000.1100, thus # we need top drop the upper_ prefix tmp = os.path.basename(upper) tmp = tmp.replace('upper_', '') return tmp class TestInterfacesOpenVPN(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(cls, cls).setUpClass() cls.cli_set(cls, ['interfaces', 'dummy', dummy_if, 'address', '']) cls.cli_set(cls, ['vrf', 'name', vrf_name, 'table', '12345']) cls.cli_set(cls, ['pki', 'ca', 'ovpn_test', 'certificate', cert_data.replace('\n','')]) cls.cli_set(cls, ['pki', 'certificate', 'ovpn_test', 'certificate', cert_data.replace('\n','')]) cls.cli_set(cls, ['pki', 'certificate', 'ovpn_test', 'private', 'key', key_data.replace('\n','')]) cls.cli_set(cls, ['pki', 'dh', 'ovpn_test', 'parameters', dh_data.replace('\n','')]) cls.cli_set(cls, ['pki', 'openvpn', 'shared-secret', 'ovpn_test', 'key', ovpn_key_data.replace('\n','')]) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.cli_delete(cls, ['interfaces', 'dummy', dummy_if]) cls.cli_delete(cls, ['vrf']) super(cls, cls).tearDownClass() def tearDown(self): self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() def test_openvpn_client_verify(self): # Create OpenVPN client interface and test verify() steps. interface = 'vtun2000' path = base_path + [interface] self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'client']) self.cli_set(path + ['encryption', 'ncp-ciphers', 'aes192gcm']) # check validate() - cannot specify local-port in client mode self.cli_set(path + ['local-port', '5000']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['local-port']) # check validate() - cannot specify local-host in client mode self.cli_set(path + ['local-host', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['local-host']) # check validate() - cannot specify protocol tcp-passive in client mode self.cli_set(path + ['protocol', 'tcp-passive']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['protocol']) # check validate() - remote-host must be set in client mode with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['remote-host', '']) # check validate() - cannot specify "tls dh-params" in client mode self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'dh-params', 'ovpn_test']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['tls']) # check validate() - must specify one of "shared-secret-key" and "tls" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['shared-secret-key', 'ovpn_test']) # check validate() - must specify one of "shared-secret-key" and "tls" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['shared-secret-key', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'ca-certificate', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'certificate', 'ovpn_test']) # check validate() - can not have auth username without a password self.cli_set(path + ['authentication', 'username', 'vyos']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['authentication', 'password', 'vyos']) # client commit must pass self.cli_commit() self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_openvpn_client_interfaces(self): # Create OpenVPN client interfaces connecting to different # server IP addresses. Validate configuration afterwards. num_range = range(10, 15) for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' remote_host = f'192.0.2.{ii}' path = base_path + [interface] auth_hash = 'sha1' self.cli_set(path + ['device-type', 'tun']) self.cli_set(path + ['encryption', 'cipher', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(path + ['hash', auth_hash]) self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'client']) self.cli_set(path + ['persistent-tunnel']) self.cli_set(path + ['protocol', protocol]) self.cli_set(path + ['remote-host', remote_host]) self.cli_set(path + ['remote-port', remote_port]) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'ca-certificate', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'certificate', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['vrf', vrf_name]) self.cli_set(path + ['authentication', 'username', interface+'user']) self.cli_set(path + ['authentication', 'password', interface+'secretpw']) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' remote_host = f'192.0.2.{ii}' config_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.conf' pw_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.pw' config = read_file(config_file) self.assertIn(f'dev {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f'dev-type tun', config) self.assertIn(f'persist-key', config) self.assertIn(f'proto {protocol}', config) self.assertIn(f'rport {remote_port}', config) self.assertIn(f'remote {remote_host}', config) self.assertIn(f'persist-tun', config) self.assertIn(f'auth {auth_hash}', config) self.assertIn(f'cipher AES-256-CBC', config) # TLS options self.assertIn(f'ca /run/openvpn/{interface}_ca.pem', config) self.assertIn(f'cert /run/openvpn/{interface}_cert.pem', config) self.assertIn(f'key /run/openvpn/{interface}_cert.key', config) self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertEqual(get_vrf(interface), vrf_name) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) pw = cmd(f'sudo cat {pw_file}') self.assertIn(f'{interface}user', pw) self.assertIn(f'{interface}secretpw', pw) # check that no interface remained after deleting them self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' self.assertNotIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_openvpn_server_verify(self): # Create one OpenVPN server interface and check required verify() stages interface = 'vtun5000' path = base_path + [interface] # check validate() - must speciy operating mode self.cli_set(path) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'server']) # check validate() - cannot specify protocol tcp-active in server mode self.cli_set(path + ['protocol', 'tcp-active']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['protocol']) # check validate() - cannot specify local-port in client mode self.cli_set(path + ['remote-port', '5000']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['remote-port']) # check validate() - cannot specify local-host in client mode self.cli_set(path + ['remote-host', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['remote-host']) # check validate() - must specify "tls dh-params" when not using EC keys # in server mode with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'dh-params', 'ovpn_test']) # check validate() - must specify "server subnet" or add interface to # bridge in server mode with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() # check validate() - server client-ip-pool is too large # [ -> = 4194295], maximum is 65536 addresses. self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'subnet', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() # check validate() - cannot specify more than 1 IPv4 and 1 IPv6 server subnet self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'subnet', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['server', 'subnet', '']) # check validate() - must specify "tls ca-certificate" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'ca-certificate', 'ovpn_test']) # check validate() - must specify "tls certificate" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'certificate', 'ovpn_test']) # check validate() - cannot specify "tls role" in client-server mode' self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'role', 'active']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() # check validate() - cannot specify "tls role" in client-server mode' self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'auth-key', 'ovpn_test']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() # check validate() - cannot specify "tcp-passive" when "tls role" is "active" self.cli_set(path + ['protocol', 'tcp-passive']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['protocol']) # check validate() - cannot specify "tls dh-params" when "tls role" is "active" self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'dh-params', 'ovpn_test']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['tls', 'dh-params']) # Now test the other path with tls role passive self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'role', 'passive']) # check validate() - cannot specify "tcp-active" when "tls role" is "passive" self.cli_set(path + ['protocol', 'tcp-active']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['protocol']) # check validate() - must specify "tls dh-params" when "tls role" is "passive" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'dh-params', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_commit() self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_openvpn_server_subnet_topology(self): # Create OpenVPN server interfaces using different client subnets. # Validate configuration afterwards. auth_hash = 'sha256' num_range = range(20, 25) port = '' client1_routes = ['', '', ''] for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' subnet = f'192.0.{ii}.0/24' client_ip = inc_ip(subnet, '5') path = base_path + [interface] port = str(2000 + ii) self.cli_set(path + ['device-type', 'tun']) self.cli_set(path + ['encryption', 'cipher', 'aes192']) self.cli_set(path + ['hash', auth_hash]) self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'server']) self.cli_set(path + ['local-port', port]) self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'subnet', subnet]) self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'topology', 'subnet']) self.cli_set(path + ['keep-alive', 'failure-count', '5']) self.cli_set(path + ['keep-alive', 'interval', '5']) # clients self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'client', 'client1', 'ip', client_ip]) for route in client1_routes: self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'client', 'client1', 'subnet', route]) self.cli_set(path + ['replace-default-route']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'ca-certificate', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'certificate', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'dh-params', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['vrf', vrf_name]) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' subnet = f'192.0.{ii}.0/24' start_addr = inc_ip(subnet, '2') stop_addr = last_host_address(subnet) client_ip = inc_ip(subnet, '5') client_netmask = netmask_from_cidr(subnet) port = str(2000 + ii) config_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.conf' client_config_file = f'/run/openvpn/ccd/{interface}/client1' config = read_file(config_file) self.assertIn(f'dev {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f'dev-type tun', config) self.assertIn(f'persist-key', config) self.assertIn(f'proto udp', config) # default protocol self.assertIn(f'auth {auth_hash}', config) self.assertIn(f'cipher AES-192-CBC', config) self.assertIn(f'topology subnet', config) self.assertIn(f'lport {port}', config) self.assertIn(f'push "redirect-gateway def1"', config) self.assertIn(f'keepalive 5 25', config) # TLS options self.assertIn(f'ca /run/openvpn/{interface}_ca.pem', config) self.assertIn(f'cert /run/openvpn/{interface}_cert.pem', config) self.assertIn(f'key /run/openvpn/{interface}_cert.key', config) self.assertIn(f'dh /run/openvpn/{interface}_dh.pem', config) # IP pool configuration netmask = IPv4Network(subnet).netmask network = IPv4Network(subnet).network_address self.assertIn(f'server {network} {netmask} nopool', config) # Verify client client_config = read_file(client_config_file) self.assertIn(f'ifconfig-push {client_ip} {client_netmask}', client_config) for route in client1_routes: self.assertIn('iroute {} {}'.format(address_from_cidr(route), netmask_from_cidr(route)), client_config) self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertEqual(get_vrf(interface), vrf_name) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) # check that no interface remained after deleting them self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' self.assertNotIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_openvpn_server_net30_topology(self): # Create OpenVPN server interfaces (net30) using different client # subnets. Validate configuration afterwards. auth_hash = 'sha256' num_range = range(20, 25) port = '' for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' subnet = f'192.0.{ii}.0/24' path = base_path + [interface] port = str(2000 + ii) self.cli_set(path + ['device-type', 'tun']) self.cli_set(path + ['encryption', 'cipher', 'aes192']) self.cli_set(path + ['hash', auth_hash]) self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'server']) self.cli_set(path + ['local-port', port]) self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'subnet', subnet]) self.cli_set(path + ['server', 'topology', 'net30']) self.cli_set(path + ['replace-default-route']) self.cli_set(path + ['keep-alive', 'failure-count', '10']) self.cli_set(path + ['keep-alive', 'interval', '5']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'ca-certificate', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'certificate', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['tls', 'dh-params', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['vrf', vrf_name]) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' subnet = f'192.0.{ii}.0/24' start_addr = inc_ip(subnet, '4') stop_addr = dec_ip(last_host_address(subnet), '1') port = str(2000 + ii) config_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.conf' config = read_file(config_file) self.assertIn(f'dev {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f'dev-type tun', config) self.assertIn(f'persist-key', config) self.assertIn(f'proto udp', config) # default protocol self.assertIn(f'auth {auth_hash}', config) self.assertIn(f'cipher AES-192-CBC', config) self.assertIn(f'topology net30', config) self.assertIn(f'lport {port}', config) self.assertIn(f'push "redirect-gateway def1"', config) self.assertIn(f'keepalive 5 50', config) # TLS options self.assertIn(f'ca /run/openvpn/{interface}_ca.pem', config) self.assertIn(f'cert /run/openvpn/{interface}_cert.pem', config) self.assertIn(f'key /run/openvpn/{interface}_cert.key', config) self.assertIn(f'dh /run/openvpn/{interface}_dh.pem', config) # IP pool configuration netmask = IPv4Network(subnet).netmask network = IPv4Network(subnet).network_address self.assertIn(f'server {network} {netmask} nopool', config) self.assertIn(f'ifconfig-pool {start_addr} {stop_addr}', config) self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertEqual(get_vrf(interface), vrf_name) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) # check that no interface remained after deleting them self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' self.assertNotIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_openvpn_site2site_verify(self): # Create one OpenVPN site2site interface and check required # verify() stages interface = 'vtun5000' path = base_path + [interface] self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'site-to-site']) # check validate() - encryption ncp-ciphers cannot be specified in site-to-site mode self.cli_set(path + ['encryption', 'ncp-ciphers', 'aes192gcm']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['encryption']) # check validate() - must specify "local-address" or add interface to bridge with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['local-address', '']) self.cli_set(path + ['local-address', '2001:db8:1::1']) # check validate() - cannot specify more than 1 IPv4 local-address self.cli_set(path + ['local-address', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['local-address', '']) # check validate() - cannot specify more than 1 IPv6 local-address self.cli_set(path + ['local-address', '2001:db8:1::2']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['local-address', '2001:db8:1::2']) # check validate() - IPv4 "local-address" requires IPv4 "remote-address" # or IPv4 "local-address subnet" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['remote-address', '']) self.cli_set(path + ['remote-address', '2001:db8:ffff::1']) # check validate() - Cannot specify more than 1 IPv4 "remote-address" self.cli_set(path + ['remote-address', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['remote-address', '']) # check validate() - Cannot specify more than 1 IPv6 "remote-address" self.cli_set(path + ['remote-address', '2001:db8:ffff::2']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(path + ['remote-address', '2001:db8:ffff::2']) # check validate() - Must specify one of "shared-secret-key" and "tls" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(path + ['shared-secret-key', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_commit() def test_openvpn_options(self): # Ensure OpenVPN process restart on openvpn-option CLI node change interface = 'vtun5001' path = base_path + [interface] self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'site-to-site']) self.cli_set(path + ['local-address', '']) self.cli_set(path + ['remote-address', '']) self.cli_set(path + ['shared-secret-key', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_commit() # Now verify the OpenVPN "raw" option passing. Once an openvpn-option is # added, modified or deleted from the CLI, OpenVPN daemon must be restarted cur_pid = process_named_running('openvpn') self.cli_set(path + ['openvpn-option', '--persist-tun']) self.cli_commit() # PID must be different as OpenVPN Must be restarted new_pid = process_named_running('openvpn') self.assertNotEqual(cur_pid, new_pid) cur_pid = new_pid self.cli_set(path + ['openvpn-option', '--persist-key']) self.cli_commit() # PID must be different as OpenVPN Must be restarted new_pid = process_named_running('openvpn') self.assertNotEqual(cur_pid, new_pid) cur_pid = new_pid self.cli_delete(path + ['openvpn-option']) self.cli_commit() # PID must be different as OpenVPN Must be restarted new_pid = process_named_running('openvpn') self.assertNotEqual(cur_pid, new_pid) cur_pid = new_pid def test_openvpn_site2site_interfaces_tun(self): # Create two OpenVPN site-to-site interfaces num_range = range(30, 35) port = '' local_address = '' remote_address = '' for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' local_address = f'192.0.{ii}.1' local_address_subnet = '' remote_address = f'172.16.{ii}.1' path = base_path + [interface] port = str(3000 + ii) self.cli_set(path + ['local-address', local_address]) # even numbers use tun type, odd numbers use tap type if ii % 2 == 0: self.cli_set(path + ['device-type', 'tun']) else: self.cli_set(path + ['device-type', 'tap']) self.cli_set(path + ['local-address', local_address, 'subnet-mask', local_address_subnet]) self.cli_set(path + ['mode', 'site-to-site']) self.cli_set(path + ['local-port', port]) self.cli_set(path + ['remote-port', port]) self.cli_set(path + ['shared-secret-key', 'ovpn_test']) self.cli_set(path + ['remote-address', remote_address]) self.cli_set(path + ['vrf', vrf_name]) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' local_address = f'192.0.{ii}.1' remote_address = f'172.16.{ii}.1' port = str(3000 + ii) config_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.conf' config = read_file(config_file) # even numbers use tun type, odd numbers use tap type if ii % 2 == 0: self.assertIn(f'dev-type tun', config) self.assertIn(f'ifconfig {local_address} {remote_address}', config) else: self.assertIn(f'dev-type tap', config) self.assertIn(f'ifconfig {local_address} {local_address_subnet}', config) self.assertIn(f'dev {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f'secret /run/openvpn/{interface}_shared.key', config) self.assertIn(f'lport {port}', config) self.assertIn(f'rport {port}', config) self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertEqual(get_vrf(interface), vrf_name) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) # check that no interface remained after deleting them self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' self.assertNotIn(interface, interfaces()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)