#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2021-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import unittest from time import sleep from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM from base_vyostest_shim import CSTORE_GUARD_TIME from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError from vyos.ifconfig import Section from vyos.frrender import ospf_daemon from vyos.utils.process import process_named_running from vyos.xml_ref import default_value base_path = ['protocols', 'ospf'] route_map = 'foo-bar-baz10' dummy_if = 'dum3562' class TestProtocolsOSPF(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestProtocolsOSPF, cls).setUpClass() # Retrieve FRR daemon PID - it is not allowed to crash, thus PID must remain the same cls.daemon_pid = process_named_running(ospf_daemon) cls.cli_set(cls, ['policy', 'route-map', route_map, 'rule', '10', 'action', 'permit']) cls.cli_set(cls, ['policy', 'route-map', route_map, 'rule', '20', 'action', 'permit']) cls.cli_set(cls, ['interfaces', 'dummy', dummy_if]) # ensure we can also run this test on a live system - so lets clean # out the current configuration :) cls.cli_delete(cls, base_path) # Enable CSTORE guard time required by FRR related tests cls._commit_guard_time = CSTORE_GUARD_TIME @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.cli_delete(cls, ['policy', 'route-map', route_map]) cls.cli_delete(cls, ['interfaces', 'dummy', dummy_if]) super(TestProtocolsOSPF, cls).tearDownClass() def tearDown(self): self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertNotIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) # check process health and continuity self.assertEqual(self.daemon_pid, process_named_running(ospf_daemon)) def test_ospf_01_defaults(self): # commit changes self.cli_set(base_path) self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) # defaults def test_ospf_02_simple(self): router_id = '' abr_type = 'ibm' bandwidth = '1000' metric = '123' self.cli_set(base_path + ['auto-cost', 'reference-bandwidth', bandwidth]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'router-id', router_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'abr-type', abr_type]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'opaque-lsa']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'rfc1583-compatibility']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['log-adjacency-changes', 'detail']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['default-metric', metric]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['passive-interface', 'default']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', '10', 'area-type', 'stub']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', '10', 'network', '']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', '10', 'range', '']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', '10', 'range', '', 'not-advertise']) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' compatible rfc1583', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' auto-cost reference-bandwidth {bandwidth}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' ospf router-id {router_id}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' ospf abr-type {abr_type}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) # defaults self.assertIn(f' capability opaque', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' default-metric {metric}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' passive-interface default', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' area 10 stub', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' network area 10', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' area 10 range', frrconfig) self.assertNotIn(f' area 10 range not-advertise', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' area 10 range not-advertise', frrconfig) def test_ospf_03_access_list(self): acl = '100' seq = '10' protocols = ['bgp', 'connected', 'isis', 'kernel', 'rip', 'static'] self.cli_set(['policy', 'access-list', acl, 'rule', seq, 'action', 'permit']) self.cli_set(['policy', 'access-list', acl, 'rule', seq, 'source', 'any']) self.cli_set(['policy', 'access-list', acl, 'rule', seq, 'destination', 'any']) for ptotocol in protocols: self.cli_set(base_path + ['access-list', acl, 'export', ptotocol]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) # defaults for ptotocol in protocols: self.assertIn(f' distribute-list {acl} out {ptotocol}', frrconfig) # defaults self.cli_delete(['policy', 'access-list', acl]) def test_ospf_04_default_originate(self): seq = '100' metric = '50' metric_type = '1' self.cli_set(base_path + ['default-information', 'originate', 'metric', metric]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['default-information', 'originate', 'metric-type', metric_type]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['default-information', 'originate', 'route-map', route_map]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) # defaults self.assertIn(f' default-information originate metric {metric} metric-type {metric_type} route-map {route_map}', frrconfig) # Now set 'always' self.cli_set(base_path + ['default-information', 'originate', 'always']) self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f' default-information originate always metric {metric} metric-type {metric_type} route-map {route_map}', frrconfig) def test_ospf_05_options(self): global_distance = '128' intra_area = '100' inter_area = '110' external = '120' on_startup = '30' on_shutdown = '60' refresh = '50' aggregation_timer = '100' summary_nets = { '' : {}, '' : {'tag' : '50'}, '' : {'no_advertise' : {}}, } self.cli_set(base_path + ['distance', 'global', global_distance]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['distance', 'ospf', 'external', external]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['distance', 'ospf', 'intra-area', intra_area]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['max-metric', 'router-lsa', 'on-startup', on_startup]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['max-metric', 'router-lsa', 'on-shutdown', on_shutdown]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['mpls-te', 'enable']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['refresh', 'timers', refresh]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['aggregation', 'timer', aggregation_timer]) for summary, summary_options in summary_nets.items(): self.cli_set(base_path + ['summary-address', summary]) if 'tag' in summary_options: self.cli_set(base_path + ['summary-address', summary, 'tag', summary_options['tag']]) if 'no_advertise' in summary_options: self.cli_set(base_path + ['summary-address', summary, 'no-advertise']) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' mpls-te on', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' mpls-te router-address', frrconfig) # default self.assertIn(f' distance {global_distance}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' distance ospf intra-area {intra_area} external {external}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' max-metric router-lsa on-startup {on_startup}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' max-metric router-lsa on-shutdown {on_shutdown}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' refresh timer {refresh}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' aggregation timer {aggregation_timer}', frrconfig) for summary, summary_options in summary_nets.items(): self.assertIn(f' summary-address {summary}', frrconfig) if 'tag' in summary_options: tag = summary_options['tag'] self.assertIn(f' summary-address {summary} tag {tag}', frrconfig) if 'no_advertise' in summary_options: self.assertIn(f' summary-address {summary} no-advertise', frrconfig) # enable inter-area self.cli_set(base_path + ['distance', 'ospf', 'inter-area', inter_area]) self.cli_commit() frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f' distance ospf intra-area {intra_area} inter-area {inter_area} external {external}', frrconfig) # https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/issues/17011 # We need to wait on_shutdown time, until the OSPF process is removed from the CLI # otherwise the test in tearDown() will fail self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() sleep(int(on_shutdown) + 5) # additional grace period of 5 seconds def test_ospf_06_neighbor(self): priority = '10' poll_interval = '20' neighbors = ['', '', ''] for neighbor in neighbors: self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', neighbor, 'priority', priority]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', neighbor, 'poll-interval', poll_interval]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) for neighbor in neighbors: self.assertIn(f' neighbor {neighbor} priority {priority} poll-interval {poll_interval}', frrconfig) # default def test_ospf_07_redistribute(self): metric = '15' metric_type = '1' redistribute = ['babel', 'bgp', 'connected', 'isis', 'kernel', 'rip', 'static'] for protocol in redistribute: self.cli_set(base_path + ['redistribute', protocol, 'metric', metric]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['redistribute', protocol, 'route-map', route_map]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['redistribute', protocol, 'metric-type', metric_type]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) for protocol in redistribute: self.assertIn(f' redistribute {protocol} metric {metric} metric-type {metric_type} route-map {route_map}', frrconfig) def test_ospf_08_virtual_link(self): networks = ['', '', ''] area = '10' shortcut = 'enable' virtual_link = '' hello = '6' retransmit = '5' transmit = '5' dead = '40' window_default = default_value(base_path + ['area', area, 'virtual-link', virtual_link, 'retransmit-window']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'shortcut', shortcut]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'virtual-link', virtual_link, 'hello-interval', hello]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'virtual-link', virtual_link, 'retransmit-interval', retransmit]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'virtual-link', virtual_link, 'transmit-delay', transmit]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'virtual-link', virtual_link, 'dead-interval', dead]) for network in networks: self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'network', network]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' area {area} shortcut {shortcut}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' area {area} virtual-link {virtual_link} hello-interval {hello} retransmit-interval {retransmit} retransmit-window {window_default} transmit-delay {transmit} dead-interval {dead}', frrconfig) for network in networks: self.assertIn(f' network {network} area {area}', frrconfig) def test_ospf_09_interface_configuration(self): interfaces = Section.interfaces('ethernet') password = 'vyos1234' bandwidth = '10000' cost = '150' network = 'point-to-point' priority = '200' bfd_profile = 'vyos-test' self.cli_set(base_path + ['passive-interface', 'default']) for interface in interfaces: base_interface = base_path + ['interface', interface] self.cli_set(base_interface + ['authentication', 'plaintext-password', password]) self.cli_set(base_interface + ['bandwidth', bandwidth]) self.cli_set(base_interface + ['bfd', 'profile', bfd_profile]) self.cli_set(base_interface + ['cost', cost]) self.cli_set(base_interface + ['mtu-ignore']) self.cli_set(base_interface + ['network', network]) self.cli_set(base_interface + ['priority', priority]) self.cli_set(base_interface + ['passive', 'disable']) # commit changes self.cli_commit() frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' passive-interface default', frrconfig) for interface in interfaces: # Can not use daemon for getFRRconfig() as bandwidth parameter belongs to zebra process config = self.getFRRconfig(f'interface {interface}', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'interface {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf authentication-key {password}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf bfd', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf bfd profile {bfd_profile}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf cost {cost}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf mtu-ignore', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf network {network}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf priority {priority}', config) self.assertIn(f' no ip ospf passive', config) self.assertIn(f' bandwidth {bandwidth}', config) # T5467: Remove interface from OSPF process and VRF self.cli_delete(base_path + ['interface']) self.cli_commit() for interface in interfaces: # T5467: It must also be removed from FRR config frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'interface {interface}', endsection='^exit') self.assertNotIn(f'interface {interface}', frrconfig) # There should be no OSPF related command at all under the interface self.assertNotIn(f' ip ospf', frrconfig) def test_ospf_11_interface_area(self): area = '0' interfaces = Section.interfaces('ethernet') self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'network', '']) for interface in interfaces: self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', interface, 'area', area]) # we can not have bot area network and interface area set with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(base_path + ['area', area, 'network']) self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) for interface in interfaces: config = self.getFRRconfig(f'interface {interface}', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'interface {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf area {area}', config) def test_ospf_12_vrfs(self): # It is safe to assume that when the basic VRF test works, all # other OSPF related features work, as we entirely inherit the CLI # templates and Jinja2 FRR template. table = '1000' vrf = 'blue' vrf_base = ['vrf', 'name', vrf] vrf_iface = 'eth1' area = '1' self.cli_set(vrf_base + ['table', table]) self.cli_set(vrf_base + ['protocols', 'ospf', 'interface', vrf_iface, 'area', area]) self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', vrf_iface, 'vrf', vrf]) # Also set a default VRF OSPF config self.cli_set(base_path) self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) # defaults frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'router ospf vrf {vrf}', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf vrf {vrf}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) # defaults frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'interface {vrf_iface}', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'interface {vrf_iface}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf area {area}', frrconfig) # T5467: Remove interface from OSPF process and VRF self.cli_delete(vrf_base + ['protocols', 'ospf', 'interface']) self.cli_delete(['interfaces', 'ethernet', vrf_iface, 'vrf']) self.cli_commit() # T5467: It must also be removed from FRR config frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'interface {vrf_iface}', endsection='^exit') self.assertNotIn(f'interface {vrf_iface}', frrconfig) # There should be no OSPF related command at all under the interface self.assertNotIn(f' ip ospf', frrconfig) # cleanup self.cli_delete(['vrf', 'name', vrf]) self.cli_delete(['interfaces', 'ethernet', vrf_iface, 'vrf']) def test_ospf_13_export_list(self): # Verify explort-list works on ospf-area acl = '100' seq = '10' area = '' network = '' self.cli_set(['policy', 'access-list', acl, 'rule', seq, 'action', 'permit']) self.cli_set(['policy', 'access-list', acl, 'rule', seq, 'source', 'any']) self.cli_set(['policy', 'access-list', acl, 'rule', seq, 'destination', 'any']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'network', network]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area, 'export-list', acl]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) # default self.assertIn(f' network {network} area {area}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' area {area} export-list {acl}', frrconfig) def test_ospf_14_segment_routing_configuration(self): global_block_low = "300" global_block_high = "399" local_block_low = "400" local_block_high = "499" maximum_stack_size = '5' prefix_one = '' prefix_two = '' prefix_one_value = '1' prefix_two_value = '2' self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', dummy_if]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'maximum-label-depth', maximum_stack_size]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'global-block', 'low-label-value', global_block_low]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'global-block', 'high-label-value', global_block_high]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'local-block', 'low-label-value', local_block_low]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'local-block', 'high-label-value', local_block_high]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_one, 'index', 'value', prefix_one_value]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_one, 'index', 'explicit-null']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_two, 'index', 'value', prefix_two_value]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_two, 'index', 'no-php-flag']) # Commit all changes self.cli_commit() # Verify all changes frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f' segment-routing on', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' segment-routing global-block {global_block_low} {global_block_high} local-block {local_block_low} {local_block_high}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' segment-routing node-msd {maximum_stack_size}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' segment-routing prefix {prefix_one} index {prefix_one_value} explicit-null', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' segment-routing prefix {prefix_two} index {prefix_two_value} no-php-flag', frrconfig) def test_ospf_15_ldp_sync(self): holddown = "500" interfaces = Section.interfaces('ethernet') self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', dummy_if]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ldp-sync', 'holddown', holddown]) # Commit main OSPF changes self.cli_commit() # Verify main OSPF changes frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' timers throttle spf 200 1000 10000', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' mpls ldp-sync holddown {holddown}', frrconfig) for interface in interfaces: self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', interface, 'ldp-sync', 'holddown', holddown]) # Commit interface changes for holddown self.cli_commit() for interface in interfaces: # Verify interface changes for holddown config = self.getFRRconfig(f'interface {interface}', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'interface {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf dead-interval 40', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf mpls ldp-sync', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf mpls ldp-sync holddown {holddown}', config) for interface in interfaces: self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', interface, 'ldp-sync', 'disable']) # Commit interface changes for disable self.cli_commit() for interface in interfaces: # Verify interface changes for disable config = self.getFRRconfig(f'interface {interface}', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'interface {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f' ip ospf dead-interval 40', config) self.assertNotIn(f' ip ospf mpls ldp-sync', config) def test_ospf_16_graceful_restart(self): period = '300' supported_grace_time = '400' router_ids = ['', ''] self.cli_set(base_path + ['capability', 'opaque']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['graceful-restart', 'grace-period', period]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['graceful-restart', 'helper', 'planned-only']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['graceful-restart', 'helper', 'no-strict-lsa-checking']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['graceful-restart', 'helper', 'supported-grace-time', supported_grace_time]) for router_id in router_ids: self.cli_set(base_path + ['graceful-restart', 'helper', 'enable', 'router-id', router_id]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit') self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' capability opaque', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' graceful-restart grace-period {period}', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' graceful-restart helper planned-only', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' no graceful-restart helper strict-lsa-checking', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' graceful-restart helper supported-grace-time {supported_grace_time}', frrconfig) for router_id in router_ids: self.assertIn(f' graceful-restart helper enable {router_id}', frrconfig) def test_ospf_17_duplicate_area_network(self): area0 = '0' area1 = '1' network = '' self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area0, 'network', network]) # we can not have the same network defined on two areas self.cli_set(base_path + ['area', area1, 'network', network]) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(base_path + ['area', area0]) self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR ospfd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf', endsection='^exit', empty_retry=60) self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig) self.assertIn(f' network {network} area {area1}', frrconfig) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)