#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2021-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import unittest from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError from vyos.template import is_ipv6 from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config from vyos.utils.network import get_vrf_tableid base_path = ['protocols', 'static'] vrf_path = ['protocols', 'vrf'] routes = { '' : { 'next_hop' : { '' : { 'distance' : '100' }, '' : { 'distance' : '110', 'interface' : 'eth0' }, '' : { 'distance' : '120', 'disable' : '' }, '' : { 'bfd' : '' }, '' : { 'bfd_source' : '' }, }, 'interface' : { 'eth0' : { 'distance' : '130' }, 'eth1' : { 'distance' : '140' }, }, 'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' }, }, '' : { 'interface' : { 'eth0' : { 'distance' : '50', 'vrf' : 'black' }, 'eth1' : { 'distance' : '60', 'vrf' : 'black' }, }, 'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '90' }, }, '' : { 'interface' : { 'eth0' : { 'distance' : '50', 'vrf' : 'black' }, 'eth1' : { 'disable' : '' }, }, 'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '90' }, }, '' : { 'blackhole' : {}, }, '' : { 'reject' : { 'distance' : '10', 'tag' : '200' }, }, '' : { 'blackhole' : {}, 'reject' : { 'distance' : '10', 'tag' : '200' }, }, '2001:db8:100::/40' : { 'next_hop' : { '2001:db8::1' : { 'distance' : '10' }, '2001:db8::2' : { 'distance' : '20', 'interface' : 'eth0' }, '2001:db8::3' : { 'distance' : '30', 'disable' : '' }, '2001:db8::4' : { 'bfd' : '' }, '2001:db8::5' : { 'bfd_source' : '2001:db8::ffff' }, }, 'interface' : { 'eth0' : { 'distance' : '40', 'vrf' : 'black' }, 'eth1' : { 'distance' : '50', 'disable' : '' }, }, 'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' }, }, '2001:db8:200::/40' : { 'interface' : { 'eth0' : { 'distance' : '40' }, 'eth1' : { 'distance' : '50', 'disable' : '' }, }, 'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' }, }, '2001:db8:300::/40' : { 'reject' : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' }, }, '2001:db8:400::/40' : { 'next_hop' : { '2001:db8::400' : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::400/2002::400/2003::400/2004::400' }, }, }, '2001:db8:500::/40' : { 'next_hop' : { '2001:db8::500' : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::500/2002::500/2003::500/2004::500' }, }, }, '2001:db8:600::/40' : { 'interface' : { 'eth0' : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::600/2002::600' }, }, }, '2001:db8:700::/40' : { 'interface' : { 'eth1' : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::700' }, }, }, '2001:db8::/32' : { 'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '200', 'tag' : '600' } }, } tables = ['80', '81', '82'] class TestProtocolsStatic(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestProtocolsStatic, cls).setUpClass() cls.cli_delete(cls, ['vrf']) cls.cli_set(cls, ['vrf', 'name', 'black', 'table', '43210']) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.cli_delete(cls, ['vrf']) super(TestProtocolsStatic, cls).tearDownClass() def tearDown(self): self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_commit() v4route = self.getFRRconfig('ip route', end='') self.assertFalse(v4route) v6route = self.getFRRconfig('ipv6 route', end='') self.assertFalse(v6route) def test_01_static(self): bfd_profile = 'vyos-test' for route, route_config in routes.items(): route_type = 'route' if is_ipv6(route): route_type = 'route6' base = base_path + [route_type, route] if 'next_hop' in route_config: for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items(): self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop]) if 'disable' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'disable']) if 'distance' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'distance', next_hop_config['distance']]) if 'interface' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'interface', next_hop_config['interface']]) if 'vrf' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'vrf', next_hop_config['vrf']]) if 'bfd' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'bfd', 'profile', bfd_profile ]) if 'bfd_source' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'bfd', 'multi-hop', 'source', next_hop_config['bfd_source'], 'profile', bfd_profile]) if 'segments' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'segments', next_hop_config['segments']]) if 'interface' in route_config: for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items(): self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface]) if 'disable' in interface_config: self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'disable']) if 'distance' in interface_config: self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'distance', interface_config['distance']]) if 'vrf' in interface_config: self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'vrf', interface_config['vrf']]) if 'segments' in interface_config: self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'segments', interface_config['segments']]) if 'blackhole' in route_config: self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole']) if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']: self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'distance', route_config['blackhole']['distance']]) if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']: self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'tag', route_config['blackhole']['tag']]) if 'reject' in route_config: self.cli_set(base + ['reject']) if 'distance' in route_config['reject']: self.cli_set(base + ['reject', 'distance', route_config['reject']['distance']]) if 'tag' in route_config['reject']: self.cli_set(base + ['reject', 'tag', route_config['reject']['tag']]) if {'blackhole', 'reject'} <= set(route_config): # Can not use blackhole and reject at the same time with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_delete(base + ['blackhole']) self.cli_delete(base + ['reject']) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR bgpd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('ip route', end='') # Verify routes for route, route_config in routes.items(): ip_ipv6 = 'ip' if is_ipv6(route): ip_ipv6 = 'ipv6' if 'next_hop' in route_config: for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items(): tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {next_hop}' if 'interface' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['interface'] if 'distance' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['distance'] if 'vrf' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + next_hop_config['vrf'] if 'bfd' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' bfd profile ' + bfd_profile if 'bfd_source' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' bfd multi-hop source ' + next_hop_config['bfd_source'] + ' profile ' + bfd_profile if 'segments' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' segments ' + next_hop_config['segments'] if 'disable' in next_hop_config: self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig) else: self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if 'interface' in route_config: for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items(): tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {interface}' if 'interface' in interface_config: tmp += ' ' + interface_config['interface'] if 'distance' in interface_config: tmp += ' ' + interface_config['distance'] if 'vrf' in interface_config: tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + interface_config['vrf'] if 'segments' in interface_config: tmp += ' segments ' + interface_config['segments'] if 'disable' in interface_config: self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig) else: self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if {'blackhole', 'reject'} <= set(route_config): # Can not use blackhole and reject at the same time # Config error validated above - skip this route continue if 'blackhole' in route_config: tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} blackhole' if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']: tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['blackhole']['tag'] if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']: tmp += ' ' + route_config['blackhole']['distance'] self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if 'reject' in route_config: tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} reject' if 'tag' in route_config['reject']: tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['reject']['tag'] if 'distance' in route_config['reject']: tmp += ' ' + route_config['reject']['distance'] self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) def test_02_static_table(self): for table in tables: for route, route_config in routes.items(): route_type = 'route' if is_ipv6(route): route_type = 'route6' base = base_path + ['table', table, route_type, route] if 'next_hop' in route_config: for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items(): self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop]) if 'disable' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'disable']) if 'distance' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'distance', next_hop_config['distance']]) if 'interface' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'interface', next_hop_config['interface']]) if 'vrf' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'vrf', next_hop_config['vrf']]) if 'interface' in route_config: for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items(): self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface]) if 'disable' in interface_config: self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'disable']) if 'distance' in interface_config: self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'distance', interface_config['distance']]) if 'vrf' in interface_config: self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'vrf', interface_config['vrf']]) if 'blackhole' in route_config: self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole']) if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']: self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'distance', route_config['blackhole']['distance']]) if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']: self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'tag', route_config['blackhole']['tag']]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() # Verify FRR bgpd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('ip route', end='') for table in tables: # Verify routes for route, route_config in routes.items(): ip_ipv6 = 'ip' if is_ipv6(route): ip_ipv6 = 'ipv6' if 'next_hop' in route_config: for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items(): tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {next_hop}' if 'interface' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['interface'] if 'distance' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['distance'] if 'vrf' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + next_hop_config['vrf'] tmp += ' table ' + table if 'disable' in next_hop_config: self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig) else: self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if 'interface' in route_config: for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items(): tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {interface}' if 'interface' in interface_config: tmp += ' ' + interface_config['interface'] if 'distance' in interface_config: tmp += ' ' + interface_config['distance'] if 'vrf' in interface_config: tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + interface_config['vrf'] tmp += ' table ' + table if 'disable' in interface_config: self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig) else: self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if 'blackhole' in route_config: tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} blackhole' if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']: tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['blackhole']['tag'] if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']: tmp += ' ' + route_config['blackhole']['distance'] tmp += ' table ' + table self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) def test_03_static_vrf(self): # Create VRF instances and apply the static routes from above to FRR. # Re-read the configured routes and match them if they are programmed # properly. This also includes VRF leaking vrfs = { 'red' : { 'table' : '1000' }, 'green' : { 'table' : '2000' }, 'blue' : { 'table' : '3000' }, } for vrf, vrf_config in vrfs.items(): vrf_base_path = ['vrf', 'name', vrf] self.cli_set(vrf_base_path + ['table', vrf_config['table']]) for route, route_config in routes.items(): route_type = 'route' if is_ipv6(route): route_type = 'route6' route_base_path = vrf_base_path + ['protocols', 'static', route_type, route] if 'next_hop' in route_config: for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items(): self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop]) if 'disable' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'disable']) if 'distance' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'distance', next_hop_config['distance']]) if 'interface' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'interface', next_hop_config['interface']]) if 'vrf' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'vrf', next_hop_config['vrf']]) if 'segments' in next_hop_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'segments', next_hop_config['segments']]) if 'interface' in route_config: for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items(): self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface]) if 'disable' in interface_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'disable']) if 'distance' in interface_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'distance', interface_config['distance']]) if 'vrf' in interface_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'vrf', interface_config['vrf']]) if 'segments' in interface_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'segments', interface_config['segments']]) if 'blackhole' in route_config: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['blackhole']) if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['blackhole', 'distance', route_config['blackhole']['distance']]) if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']: self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['blackhole', 'tag', route_config['blackhole']['tag']]) # commit changes self.cli_commit() for vrf, vrf_config in vrfs.items(): tmp = get_interface_config(vrf) # Compare VRF table ID self.assertEqual(get_vrf_tableid(vrf), int(vrf_config['table'])) self.assertEqual(tmp['linkinfo']['info_kind'], 'vrf') # Verify FRR bgpd configuration frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}') self.assertIn(f'vrf {vrf}', frrconfig) # Verify routes for route, route_config in routes.items(): ip_ipv6 = 'ip' if is_ipv6(route): ip_ipv6 = 'ipv6' if 'next_hop' in route_config: for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items(): tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {next_hop}' if 'interface' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['interface'] if 'distance' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['distance'] if 'vrf' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + next_hop_config['vrf'] if 'segments' in next_hop_config: tmp += ' segments ' + next_hop_config['segments'] if 'disable' in next_hop_config: self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig) else: self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if 'interface' in route_config: for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items(): tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {interface}' if 'interface' in interface_config: tmp += ' ' + interface_config['interface'] if 'distance' in interface_config: tmp += ' ' + interface_config['distance'] if 'vrf' in interface_config: tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + interface_config['vrf'] if 'segments' in interface_config: tmp += ' segments ' + interface_config['segments'] if 'disable' in interface_config: self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig) else: self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if 'blackhole' in route_config: tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} blackhole' if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']: tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['blackhole']['tag'] if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']: tmp += ' ' + route_config['blackhole']['distance'] self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2, failfast=True)