#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import re
import os
import unittest

from vyos.configsession import ConfigSession, ConfigSessionError
from vyos.util import read_file
from vyos.util import process_named_running

CONFIG_FILE = '/run/powerdns/recursor.conf'
FORWARD_FILE = '/run/powerdns/recursor.forward-zones.conf'
HOSTSD_FILE = '/run/powerdns/recursor.vyos-hostsd.conf.lua'
PROCESS_NAME= 'pdns-r/worker'

base_path = ['service', 'dns', 'forwarding']

allow_from = ['', '2001:db8::/32']
listen_adress = ['', '::1']

def get_config_value(key, file=CONFIG_FILE):
    tmp = read_file(file)
    tmp = re.findall(r'\n{}=+(.*)'.format(key), tmp)
    return tmp[0]

class TestServicePowerDNS(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.session = ConfigSession(os.getpid())

    def tearDown(self):
        # Delete DNS forwarding configuration
        del self.session

    def test_basic_forwarding(self):
        """ Check basic DNS forwarding settings """
        cache_size = '20'
        negative_ttl = '120'

        self.session.set(base_path + ['cache-size', cache_size])
        self.session.set(base_path + ['negative-ttl', negative_ttl])

        # check validate() - allow from must be defined
        with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
        for network in allow_from:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['allow-from', network])

        # check validate() - listen-address must be defined
        with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
        for address in listen_adress:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['listen-address', address])

        # configure DNSSEC
        self.session.set(base_path + ['dnssec', 'validate'])

        # Do not use local /etc/hosts file in name resolution
        self.session.set(base_path + ['ignore-hosts-file'])

        # commit changes

        # Check configured cache-size
        tmp = get_config_value('max-cache-entries')
        self.assertEqual(tmp, cache_size)

        # Networks allowed to query this server
        tmp = get_config_value('allow-from')
        self.assertEqual(tmp, ','.join(allow_from))

        # Addresses to listen for DNS queries
        tmp = get_config_value('local-address')
        self.assertEqual(tmp, ','.join(listen_adress))

        # Maximum amount of time negative entries are cached
        tmp = get_config_value('max-negative-ttl')
        self.assertEqual(tmp, negative_ttl)

        # Do not use local /etc/hosts file in name resolution
        tmp = get_config_value('export-etc-hosts')
        self.assertEqual(tmp, 'no')

        # Check for running process

    def test_dnssec(self):
        """ DNSSEC option testing """

        for network in allow_from:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['allow-from', network])
        for address in listen_adress:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['listen-address', address])

        options = ['off', 'process-no-validate', 'process', 'log-fail', 'validate']
        for option in options:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['dnssec', option])

            # commit changes

            tmp = get_config_value('dnssec')
            self.assertEqual(tmp, option)

            # Check for running process

    def test_external_nameserver(self):
        """ Externe Domain Name Servers (DNS) addresses """

        for network in allow_from:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['allow-from', network])
        for address in listen_adress:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['listen-address', address])

        nameservers = ['', '']
        for nameserver in nameservers:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['name-server', nameserver])

        # commit changes

        tmp = get_config_value(r'\+.', file=FORWARD_FILE)
        self.assertEqual(tmp, ', '.join(nameservers))

        # Do not use local /etc/hosts file in name resolution
        # default: yes
        tmp = get_config_value('export-etc-hosts')
        self.assertEqual(tmp, 'yes')

        # Check for running process

    def test_domain_forwarding(self):
        """ Externe Domain Name Servers (DNS) addresses """

        for network in allow_from:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['allow-from', network])
        for address in listen_adress:
            self.session.set(base_path + ['listen-address', address])

        domains = ['vyos.io', 'vyos.net', 'vyos.com']
        nameservers = ['', '']
        for domain in domains:
            for nameserver in nameservers:
                self.session.set(base_path + ['domain', domain, 'server', nameserver])

            # Test 'recursion-desired' flag for only one domain
            if domain == domains[0]:
                self.session.set(base_path + ['domain', domain, 'recursion-desired'])

            # Test 'negative trust anchor' flag for the second domain only
            if domain == domains[1]:
                self.session.set(base_path + ['domain', domain, 'addnta'])

        # commit changes

        # Test configured name-servers
        hosts_conf = read_file(HOSTSD_FILE)
        for domain in domains:
            # Test 'recursion-desired' flag for the first domain only
            if domain == domains[0]: key =f'\+{domain}'
            else: key =f'{domain}'
            tmp = get_config_value(key, file=FORWARD_FILE)
            self.assertEqual(tmp, ', '.join(nameservers))

            # Test 'negative trust anchor' flag for the second domain only
            if domain == domains[1]:
                self.assertIn(f'addNTA("{domain}", "static")', hosts_conf)

        # Check for running process

if __name__ == '__main__':