#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os
import re

from glob import glob
from json import loads
from sys import exit

from vyos.base import Warning
from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.configdict import node_changed
from vyos.configdiff import get_config_diff, Diff
from vyos.configdep import set_dependents, call_dependents
from vyos.configverify import verify_interface_exists
from vyos.ethtool import Ethtool
from vyos.firewall import fqdn_config_parse
from vyos.firewall import geoip_update
from vyos.template import render
from vyos.utils.process import call
from vyos.utils.process import cmd
from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search_args
from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search_recursive
from vyos.utils.process import process_named_running
from vyos.utils.process import rc_cmd
from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import airbag


nat_conf_script = 'nat.py'
policy_route_conf_script = 'policy-route.py'

nftables_conf = '/run/nftables.conf'

sysfs_config = {
    'all_ping': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all', 'enable': '0', 'disable': '1'},
    'broadcast_ping': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts', 'enable': '0', 'disable': '1'},
    'ip_src_route': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_source_route'},
    'ipv6_receive_redirects': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/*/accept_redirects'},
    'ipv6_src_route': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/*/accept_source_route', 'enable': '0', 'disable': '-1'},
    'log_martians': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians'},
    'receive_redirects': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects'},
    'send_redirects': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/send_redirects'},
    'syn_cookies': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies'},
    'twa_hazards_protection': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rfc1337'}

valid_groups = [

nested_group_types = [
    'address_group', 'network_group', 'mac_group',
    'port_group', 'ipv6_address_group', 'ipv6_network_group'

snmp_change_type = {
    'unknown': 0,
    'add': 1,
    'delete': 2,
    'change': 3
snmp_event_source = 1
snmp_trap_mib = 'VYATTA-TRAP-MIB'
snmp_trap_name = 'mgmtEventTrap'

def geoip_updated(conf, firewall):
    diff = get_config_diff(conf)
    node_diff = diff.get_child_nodes_diff(['firewall'], expand_nodes=Diff.DELETE, recursive=True)

    out = {
        'name': [],
        'ipv6_name': [],
        'deleted_name': [],
        'deleted_ipv6_name': []
    updated = False

    for key, path in dict_search_recursive(firewall, 'geoip'):
        set_name = f'GEOIP_CC_{path[1]}_{path[2]}_{path[4]}'
        if (path[0] == 'ipv4'):
        elif (path[0] == 'ipv6'):
            set_name = f'GEOIP_CC6_{path[1]}_{path[2]}_{path[4]}'

        updated = True

    if 'delete' in node_diff:
        for key, path in dict_search_recursive(node_diff['delete'], 'geoip'):
            set_name = f'GEOIP_CC_{path[1]}_{path[2]}_{path[4]}'
            if (path[0] == 'ipv4'):
            elif (path[0] == 'ipv6'):
                set_name = f'GEOIP_CC_{path[1]}_{path[2]}_{path[4]}'
            updated = True

    if updated:
        return out

    return False

def get_config(config=None):
    if config:
        conf = config
        conf = Config()
    base = ['firewall']

    firewall = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),

    firewall['group_resync'] = bool('group' in firewall or node_changed(conf, base + ['group']))
    if firewall['group_resync']:
        # Update nat and policy-route as firewall groups were updated
        set_dependents('group_resync', conf)

    firewall['geoip_updated'] = geoip_updated(conf, firewall)


    set_dependents('conntrack', conf)

    return firewall

def verify_rule(firewall, rule_conf, ipv6):
    if 'action' not in rule_conf:
        raise ConfigError('Rule action must be defined')

    if 'jump' in rule_conf['action'] and 'jump_target' not in rule_conf:
        raise ConfigError('Action set to jump, but no jump-target specified')

    if 'jump_target' in rule_conf:
        if 'jump' not in rule_conf['action']:
            raise ConfigError('jump-target defined, but action jump needed and it is not defined')
        target = rule_conf['jump_target']
        if not ipv6:
            if target not in dict_search_args(firewall, 'ipv4', 'name'):
                raise ConfigError(f'Invalid jump-target. Firewall name {target} does not exist on the system')
            if target not in dict_search_args(firewall, 'ipv6', 'name'):
                raise ConfigError(f'Invalid jump-target. Firewall ipv6 name {target} does not exist on the system')

    if rule_conf['action'] == 'offload':
        if 'offload_target' not in rule_conf:
            raise ConfigError('Action set to offload, but no offload-target specified')

        offload_target = rule_conf['offload_target']

        if not dict_search_args(firewall, 'flowtable', offload_target):
            raise ConfigError(f'Invalid offload-target. Flowtable "{offload_target}" does not exist on the system')

    if rule_conf['action'] != 'synproxy' and 'synproxy' in rule_conf:
        raise ConfigError('"synproxy" option allowed only for action synproxy')
    if rule_conf['action'] == 'synproxy':
        if 'state' in rule_conf:
            raise ConfigError('For action "synproxy" state cannot be defined')
        if not rule_conf.get('synproxy', {}).get('tcp'):
            raise ConfigError('synproxy TCP MSS is not defined')
        if rule_conf.get('protocol', {}) != 'tcp':
            raise ConfigError('For action "synproxy" the protocol must be set to TCP')

    if 'queue_options' in rule_conf:
        if 'queue' not in rule_conf['action']:
            raise ConfigError('queue-options defined, but action queue needed and it is not defined')
        if 'fanout' in rule_conf['queue_options'] and ('queue' not in rule_conf or '-' not in rule_conf['queue']):
            raise ConfigError('queue-options fanout defined, then queue needs to be defined as a range')

    if 'queue' in rule_conf and 'queue' not in rule_conf['action']:
        raise ConfigError('queue defined, but action queue needed and it is not defined')

    if 'fragment' in rule_conf:
        if {'match_frag', 'match_non_frag'} <= set(rule_conf['fragment']):
            raise ConfigError('Cannot specify both "match-frag" and "match-non-frag"')

    if 'limit' in rule_conf:
        if 'rate' in rule_conf['limit']:
            rate_int = re.sub(r'\D', '', rule_conf['limit']['rate'])
            if int(rate_int) < 1:
                raise ConfigError('Limit rate integer cannot be less than 1')

    if 'ipsec' in rule_conf:
        if {'match_ipsec', 'match_non_ipsec'} <= set(rule_conf['ipsec']):
            raise ConfigError('Cannot specify both "match-ipsec" and "match-non-ipsec"')

    if 'recent' in rule_conf:
        if not {'count', 'time'} <= set(rule_conf['recent']):
            raise ConfigError('Recent "count" and "time" values must be defined')

    tcp_flags = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'tcp', 'flags')
    if tcp_flags:
        if dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'protocol') != 'tcp':
            raise ConfigError('Protocol must be tcp when specifying tcp flags')

        not_flags = dict_search_args(rule_conf, 'tcp', 'flags', 'not')
        if not_flags:
            duplicates = [flag for flag in tcp_flags if flag in not_flags]
            if duplicates:
                raise ConfigError(f'Cannot match a tcp flag as set and not set')

    if 'protocol' in rule_conf:
        if rule_conf['protocol'] == 'icmp' and ipv6:
            raise ConfigError(f'Cannot match IPv4 ICMP protocol on IPv6, use ipv6-icmp')
        if rule_conf['protocol'] == 'ipv6-icmp' and not ipv6:
            raise ConfigError(f'Cannot match IPv6 ICMP protocol on IPv4, use icmp')

    for side in ['destination', 'source']:
        if side in rule_conf:
            side_conf = rule_conf[side]

            if len({'address', 'fqdn', 'geoip'} & set(side_conf)) > 1:
                raise ConfigError('Only one of address, fqdn or geoip can be specified')

            if 'group' in side_conf:
                if len({'address_group', 'network_group', 'domain_group'} & set(side_conf['group'])) > 1:
                    raise ConfigError('Only one address-group, network-group or domain-group can be specified')

                for group in valid_groups:
                    if group in side_conf['group']:
                        group_name = side_conf['group'][group]

                        fw_group = f'ipv6_{group}' if ipv6 and group in ['address_group', 'network_group'] else group
                        error_group = fw_group.replace("_", "-")

                        if group in ['address_group', 'network_group', 'domain_group']:
                            types = [t for t in ['address', 'fqdn', 'geoip'] if t in side_conf]
                            if types:
                                raise ConfigError(f'{error_group} and {types[0]} cannot both be defined')

                        if group_name and group_name[0] == '!':
                            group_name = group_name[1:]

                        group_obj = dict_search_args(firewall, 'group', fw_group, group_name)

                        if group_obj is None:
                            raise ConfigError(f'Invalid {error_group} "{group_name}" on firewall rule')

                        if not group_obj:
                            Warning(f'{error_group} "{group_name}" has no members!')

            if 'port' in side_conf or dict_search_args(side_conf, 'group', 'port_group'):
                if 'protocol' not in rule_conf:
                    raise ConfigError('Protocol must be defined if specifying a port or port-group')

                if rule_conf['protocol'] not in ['tcp', 'udp', 'tcp_udp']:
                    raise ConfigError('Protocol must be tcp, udp, or tcp_udp when specifying a port or port-group')

            if 'port' in side_conf and dict_search_args(side_conf, 'group', 'port_group'):
                raise ConfigError(f'{side} port-group and port cannot both be defined')

    if 'log_options' in rule_conf:
        if 'log' not in rule_conf:
            raise ConfigError('log-options defined, but log is not enable')

        if 'snapshot_length' in rule_conf['log_options'] and 'group' not in rule_conf['log_options']:
            raise ConfigError('log-options snapshot-length defined, but log group is not define')

        if 'queue_threshold' in rule_conf['log_options'] and 'group' not in rule_conf['log_options']:
            raise ConfigError('log-options queue-threshold defined, but log group is not define')

    for direction in ['inbound_interface','outbound_interface']:
        if direction in rule_conf:
            if 'name' in rule_conf[direction] and 'group' in rule_conf[direction]:
                raise ConfigError(f'Cannot specify both interface group and interface name for {direction}')

def verify_nested_group(group_name, group, groups, seen):
    if 'include' not in group:


    for g in group['include']:
        if g not in groups:
            raise ConfigError(f'Nested group "{g}" does not exist')

        if g in seen:
            raise ConfigError(f'Group "{group_name}" has a circular reference')

        if 'include' in groups[g]:
            verify_nested_group(g, groups[g], groups, seen)

def verify_hardware_offload(ifname):
    ethtool = Ethtool(ifname)
    enabled, fixed = ethtool.get_hw_tc_offload()

    if not enabled and fixed:
        raise ConfigError(f'Interface "{ifname}" does not support hardware offload')

    if not enabled:
        raise ConfigError(f'Interface "{ifname}" requires "offload hw-tc-offload"')

def verify(firewall):
    if 'flowtable' in firewall:
        for flowtable, flowtable_conf in firewall['flowtable'].items():
            if 'interface' not in flowtable_conf:
                raise ConfigError(f'Flowtable "{flowtable}" requires at least one interface')

            for ifname in flowtable_conf['interface']:

            if dict_search_args(flowtable_conf, 'offload') == 'hardware':
                interfaces = flowtable_conf['interface']

                for ifname in interfaces:

    if 'group' in firewall:
        for group_type in nested_group_types:
            if group_type in firewall['group']:
                groups = firewall['group'][group_type]
                for group_name, group in groups.items():
                    verify_nested_group(group_name, group, groups, [])

    if 'ipv4' in firewall:
        for name in ['name','forward','input','output']:
            if name in firewall['ipv4']:
                for name_id, name_conf in firewall['ipv4'][name].items():
                    if 'jump' in name_conf['default_action'] and 'default_jump_target' not in name_conf:
                        raise ConfigError('default-action set to jump, but no default-jump-target specified')
                    if 'default_jump_target' in name_conf:
                        target = name_conf['default_jump_target']
                        if 'jump' not in name_conf['default_action']:
                            raise ConfigError('default-jump-target defined, but default-action jump needed and it is not defined')
                        if name_conf['default_jump_target'] == name_id:
                            raise ConfigError(f'Loop detected on default-jump-target.')
                        ## Now need to check that default-jump-target exists (other firewall chain/name)
                        if target not in dict_search_args(firewall['ipv4'], 'name'):
                            raise ConfigError(f'Invalid jump-target. Firewall name {target} does not exist on the system')

                    if 'rule' in name_conf:
                        for rule_id, rule_conf in name_conf['rule'].items():
                            verify_rule(firewall, rule_conf, False)

    if 'ipv6' in firewall:
        for name in ['name','forward','input','output']:
            if name in firewall['ipv6']:
                for name_id, name_conf in firewall['ipv6'][name].items():
                    if 'jump' in name_conf['default_action'] and 'default_jump_target' not in name_conf:
                        raise ConfigError('default-action set to jump, but no default-jump-target specified')
                    if 'default_jump_target' in name_conf:
                        target = name_conf['default_jump_target']
                        if 'jump' not in name_conf['default_action']:
                            raise ConfigError('default-jump-target defined, but default-action jump needed and it is not defined')
                        if name_conf['default_jump_target'] == name_id:
                            raise ConfigError(f'Loop detected on default-jump-target.')
                        ## Now need to check that default-jump-target exists (other firewall chain/name)
                        if target not in dict_search_args(firewall['ipv6'], 'name'):
                            raise ConfigError(f'Invalid jump-target. Firewall name {target} does not exist on the system')

                    if 'rule' in name_conf:
                        for rule_id, rule_conf in name_conf['rule'].items():
                            verify_rule(firewall, rule_conf, True)

    #### ZONESSSS
    local_zone = False
    zone_interfaces = []

    if 'zone' in firewall:
        for zone, zone_conf in firewall['zone'].items():
            if 'local_zone' not in zone_conf and 'interface' not in zone_conf:
                raise ConfigError(f'Zone "{zone}" has no interfaces and is not the local zone')

            if 'local_zone' in zone_conf:
                if local_zone:
                    raise ConfigError('There cannot be multiple local zones')
                if 'interface' in zone_conf:
                    raise ConfigError('Local zone cannot have interfaces assigned')
                if 'intra_zone_filtering' in zone_conf:
                    raise ConfigError('Local zone cannot use intra-zone-filtering')
                local_zone = True

            if 'interface' in zone_conf:
                found_duplicates = [intf for intf in zone_conf['interface'] if intf in zone_interfaces]

                if found_duplicates:
                    raise ConfigError(f'Interfaces cannot be assigned to multiple zones')

                zone_interfaces += zone_conf['interface']

            if 'intra_zone_filtering' in zone_conf:
                intra_zone = zone_conf['intra_zone_filtering']

                if len(intra_zone) > 1:
                    raise ConfigError('Only one intra-zone-filtering action must be specified')

                if 'firewall' in intra_zone:
                    v4_name = dict_search_args(intra_zone, 'firewall', 'name')
                    if v4_name and not dict_search_args(firewall, 'ipv4', 'name', v4_name):
                        raise ConfigError(f'Firewall name "{v4_name}" does not exist')

                    v6_name = dict_search_args(intra_zone, 'firewall', 'ipv6_name')
                    if v6_name and not dict_search_args(firewall, 'ipv6', 'name', v6_name):
                        raise ConfigError(f'Firewall ipv6-name "{v6_name}" does not exist')

                    if not v4_name and not v6_name:
                        raise ConfigError('No firewall names specified for intra-zone-filtering')

            if 'from' in zone_conf:
                for from_zone, from_conf in zone_conf['from'].items():
                    if from_zone not in firewall['zone']:
                        raise ConfigError(f'Zone "{zone}" refers to a non-existent or deleted zone "{from_zone}"')

                    v4_name = dict_search_args(from_conf, 'firewall', 'name')
                    if v4_name and not dict_search_args(firewall, 'ipv4', 'name', v4_name):
                        raise ConfigError(f'Firewall name "{v4_name}" does not exist')

                    v6_name = dict_search_args(from_conf, 'firewall', 'ipv6_name')
                    if v6_name and not dict_search_args(firewall, 'ipv6', 'name', v6_name):
                        raise ConfigError(f'Firewall ipv6-name "{v6_name}" does not exist')

    return None

def generate(firewall):
    if not os.path.exists(nftables_conf):
        firewall['first_install'] = True

    if 'zone' in firewall:
        for local_zone, local_zone_conf in firewall['zone'].items():
            if 'local_zone' not in local_zone_conf:

            local_zone_conf['from_local'] = {}

            for zone, zone_conf in firewall['zone'].items():
                if zone == local_zone or 'from' not in zone_conf:
                if local_zone in zone_conf['from']:
                    local_zone_conf['from_local'][zone] = zone_conf['from'][local_zone]

    render(nftables_conf, 'firewall/nftables.j2', firewall)
    return None

def apply_sysfs(firewall):
    for name, conf in sysfs_config.items():
        paths = glob(conf['sysfs'])
        value = None

        if name in firewall['global_options']:
            conf_value = firewall['global_options'][name]
            if conf_value in conf:
                value = conf[conf_value]
            elif conf_value == 'enable':
                value = '1'
            elif conf_value == 'disable':
                value = '0'

        if value:
            for path in paths:
                with open(path, 'w') as f:

def apply(firewall):
    install_result, output = rc_cmd(f'nft -f {nftables_conf}')
    if install_result == 1:
        raise ConfigError(f'Failed to apply firewall: {output}')



    # T970 Enable a resolver (systemd daemon) that checks
    # domain-group/fqdn addresses and update entries for domains by timeout
    # If router loaded without internet connection or for synchronization
    domain_action = 'stop'
    if dict_search_args(firewall, 'group', 'domain_group') or firewall['ip_fqdn'] or firewall['ip6_fqdn']:
        domain_action = 'restart'
    call(f'systemctl {domain_action} vyos-domain-resolver.service')

    if firewall['geoip_updated']:
        # Call helper script to Update set contents
        if 'name' in firewall['geoip_updated'] or 'ipv6_name' in firewall['geoip_updated']:
            print('Updating GeoIP. Please wait...')

    return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
        c = get_config()
    except ConfigError as e: