#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # import os from copy import deepcopy from sys import exit from netifaces import interfaces from vyos.ifconfig import BondIf, EthernetIf from vyos.config import Config from vyos import ConfigError default_config_data = { 'address': [], 'address_remove': [], 'arp_mon_intvl': 0, 'arp_mon_tgt': [], 'description': '', 'deleted': False, 'dhcp_client_id': '', 'dhcp_hostname': '', 'dhcpv6_prm_only': False, 'dhcpv6_temporary': False, 'disable': False, 'disable_link_detect': 1, 'hash_policy': 'layer2', 'ip_arp_cache_tmo': 30, 'ip_proxy_arp': 0, 'ip_proxy_arp_pvlan': 0, 'intf': '', 'mac': '', 'mode': '802.3ad', 'member': [], 'mtu': 1500, 'primary': '', 'vif_s': [], 'vif_s_remove': [], 'vif': [], 'vif_remove': [] } def diff(first, second): second = set(second) return [item for item in first if item not in second] def get_bond_mode(mode): if mode == 'round-robin': return 'balance-rr' elif mode == 'active-backup': return 'active-backup' elif mode == 'xor-hash': return 'balance-xor' elif mode == 'broadcast': return 'broadcast' elif mode == '802.3ad': return '802.3ad' elif mode == 'transmit-load-balance': return 'balance-tlb' elif mode == 'adaptive-load-balance': return 'balance-alb' else: raise ConfigError('invalid bond mode "{}"'.format(mode)) def get_ethertype(ethertype_val): if ethertype_val == '0x88A8': return '802.1ad' elif ethertype_val == '0x8100': return '802.1q' else: raise ConfigError('invalid ethertype "{}"'.format(ethertype_val)) def vlan_to_dict(conf): """ Common used function which will extract VLAN related information from config and represent the result as Python dictionary. Function call's itself recursively if a vif-s/vif-c pair is detected. """ vlan = { 'id': conf.get_level().split()[-1], # get the '100' in 'interfaces bonding bond0 vif-s 100' 'address': [], 'address_remove': [], 'description': '', 'dhcp_client_id': '', 'dhcp_hostname': '', 'dhcpv6_prm_only': False, 'dhcpv6_temporary': False, 'disable': False, 'disable_link_detect': 1, 'mac': '', 'mtu': 1500 } # retrieve configured interface addresses if conf.exists('address'): vlan['address'] = conf.return_values('address') # Determine interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the bond eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address') act_addr = conf.return_values('address') vlan['address_remove'] = diff(eff_addr, act_addr) # retrieve interface description if conf.exists('description'): vlan['description'] = conf.return_value('description') # get DHCP client identifier if conf.exists('dhcp-options client-id'): vlan['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options client-id') # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name) if conf.exists('dhcp-options host-name'): vlan['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options host-name') # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options parameters-only'): vlan['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = conf.return_value('dhcpv6-options parameters-only') # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options temporary'): vlan['dhcpv6_temporary'] = conf.return_value('dhcpv6-options temporary') # ignore link state changes if conf.exists('disable-link-detect'): vlan['disable_link_detect'] = 2 # disable bond interface if conf.exists('disable'): vlan['disable'] = True # Media Access Control (MAC) address if conf.exists('mac'): vlan['mac'] = conf.return_value('mac') # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) if conf.exists('mtu'): vlan['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value('mtu')) # ethertype is mandatory on vif-s nodes and only exists here! # check if this is a vif-s node at all: if conf.get_level().split()[-2] == 'vif-s': vlan['vif_c'] = [] vlan['vif_c_remove'] = [] # ethertype uses a default of 0x88A8 tmp = '0x88A8' if conf.exists('ethertype'): tmp = conf.return_value('ethertype') vlan['ethertype'] = get_ethertype(tmp) # get vif-c interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which vif-c # interface is no longer present and needs to be removed eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif-c') act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif-c') vlan['vif_c_remove'] = diff(eff_intf, act_intf) # check if there is a Q-in-Q vlan customer interface # and call this function recursively if conf.exists('vif-c'): cfg_level = conf.get_level() # add new key (vif-c) to dictionary for vif in conf.list_nodes('vif-c'): # set config level to vif interface conf.set_level(cfg_level + ' vif-c ' + vif) vlan['vif_c'].append(vlan_to_dict(conf)) return vlan def apply_vlan_config(vlan, config): """ Generic function to apply a VLAN configuration from a dictionary to a VLAN interface """ if type(vlan) != type(EthernetIf("lo")): raise TypeError() # Configure interface address(es) for addr in config['address_remove']: vlan.del_addr(addr) for addr in config['address']: vlan.add_addr(addr) # update interface description used e.g. within SNMP vlan.ifalias = config['description'] # ignore link state changes vlan.link_detect = config['disable_link_detect'] # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) vlan.mtu = config['mtu'] # Change VLAN interface MAC address if config['mac']: vlan.mac = config['mac'] # enable/disable VLAN interface if config['disable']: vlan.state = 'down' else: vlan.state = 'up' def get_config(): # initialize kernel module if not loaded if not os.path.isfile('/sys/class/net/bonding_masters'): import syslog syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, "loading bonding kernel module") if os.system('modprobe bonding max_bonds=0 miimon=250') != 0: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, "failed loading bonding kernel module") raise ConfigError("failed loading bonding kernel module") bond = deepcopy(default_config_data) conf = Config() # determine tagNode instance try: bond['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE'] except KeyError as E: print("Interface not specified") # check if bond has been removed cfg_base = 'interfaces bonding ' + bond['intf'] if not conf.exists(cfg_base): bond['deleted'] = True return bond # set new configuration level conf.set_level(cfg_base) # retrieve configured interface addresses if conf.exists('address'): bond['address'] = conf.return_values('address') # ARP link monitoring frequency in milliseconds if conf.exists('arp-monitor interval'): bond['arp_mon_intvl'] = conf.return_value('arp-monitor interval') # IP address to use for ARP monitoring if conf.exists('arp-monitor target'): bond['arp_mon_tgt'] = conf.return_values('arp-monitor target') # retrieve interface description if conf.exists('description'): bond['description'] = conf.return_value('description') else: bond['description'] = bond['intf'] # get DHCP client identifier if conf.exists('dhcp-options client-id'): bond['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options client-id') # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name) if conf.exists('dhcp-options host-name'): bond['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value('dhcp-options host-name') # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options parameters-only'): bond['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = conf.return_value('dhcpv6-options parameters-only') # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address if conf.exists('dhcpv6-options temporary'): bond['dhcpv6_temporary'] = conf.return_value('dhcpv6-options temporary') # ignore link state changes if conf.exists('disable-link-detect'): bond['disable_link_detect'] = 2 # disable bond interface if conf.exists('disable'): bond['disable'] = True # Bonding transmit hash policy if conf.exists('hash-policy'): bond['hash_policy'] = conf.return_value('hash-policy') # ARP cache entry timeout in seconds if conf.exists('ip arp-cache-timeout'): bond['ip_arp_cache_tmo'] = int(conf.return_value('ip arp-cache-timeout')) # Enable proxy-arp on this interface if conf.exists('ip enable-proxy-arp'): bond['ip_proxy_arp'] = 1 # Enable private VLAN proxy ARP on this interface if conf.exists('ip proxy-arp-pvlan'): bond['ip_proxy_arp_pvlan'] = 1 # Media Access Control (MAC) address if conf.exists('mac'): bond['mac'] = conf.return_value('mac') # Bonding mode if conf.exists('mode'): bond['mode'] = get_bond_mode(conf.return_value('mode')) # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) if conf.exists('mtu'): bond['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value('mtu')) # determine bond member interfaces (currently configured) if conf.exists('member interface'): bond['member'] = conf.return_values('member interface') # get interface addresses (currently effective) - to determine which # address is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the bond eff_addr = conf.return_effective_values('address') act_addr = conf.return_values('address') bond['address_remove'] = diff(eff_addr, act_addr) # Primary device interface if conf.exists('primary'): bond['primary'] = conf.return_value('primary') # re-set configuration level and retrieve vif-s interfaces conf.set_level(cfg_base) # get vif-s interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which vif-s # interface is no longer present and needs to be removed eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif-s') act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif-s') bond['vif_s_remove'] = diff(eff_intf, act_intf) if conf.exists('vif-s'): for vif_s in conf.list_nodes('vif-s'): # set config level to vif-s interface conf.set_level(cfg_base + ' vif-s ' + vif_s) bond['vif_s'].append(vlan_to_dict(conf)) # re-set configuration level and retrieve vif-s interfaces conf.set_level(cfg_base) # Determine vif interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which # vif interface is no longer present and needs to be removed eff_intf = conf.list_effective_nodes('vif') act_intf = conf.list_nodes('vif') bond['vif_remove'] = diff(eff_intf, act_intf) if conf.exists('vif'): for vif in conf.list_nodes('vif'): # set config level to vif interface conf.set_level(cfg_base + ' vif ' + vif) bond['vif'].append(vlan_to_dict(conf)) return bond def verify(bond): if len (bond['arp_mon_tgt']) > 16: raise ConfigError('The maximum number of targets that can be specified is 16') if bond['primary']: if bond['mode'] not in ['active-backup', 'balance-tlb', 'balance-alb']: raise ConfigError('Mode dependency failed, primary not supported in this mode.'.format()) if bond['primary'] not in bond['member']: raise ConfigError('Interface "{}" is not part of the bond'.format(bond['primary'])) for vif_s in bond['vif_s']: for vif in bond['vif']: if vif['id'] == vif_s['id']: raise ConfigError('Can not use identical ID on vif and vif-s interface') return None def generate(bond): return None def apply(bond): b = BondIf(bond['intf']) if bond['deleted']: # delete bonding interface b.remove() else: # Some parameters can not be changed when the bond is up. # Always disable the bond prior changing anything b.state = 'down' # Configure interface address(es) for addr in bond['address_remove']: b.del_addr(addr) for addr in bond['address']: b.add_addr(addr) # ARP link monitoring frequency b.arp_interval = bond['arp_mon_intvl'] # reset miimon on arp-montior deletion if bond['arp_mon_intvl'] == 0: # reset miimon to default b.bond_miimon = 250 # ARP monitor targets need to be synchronized between sysfs and CLI. # Unfortunately an address can't be send twice to sysfs as this will # result in the following exception: OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument. # # We remove ALL adresses prior adding new ones, this will remove addresses # added manually by the user too - but as we are limited to 16 adresses # from the kernel side this looks valid to me. We won't run into an error # when a user added manual adresses which would result in having more # then 16 adresses in total. cur_addr = list(map(str, b.arp_ip_target.split())) for addr in cur_addr: b.arp_ip_target = '-' + addr # Add configured ARP target addresses for addr in bond['arp_mon_tgt']: b.arp_ip_target = '+' + addr # update interface description used e.g. within SNMP b.ifalias = bond['description'] # # missing DHCP/DHCPv6 options go here # # ignore link state changes b.link_detect = bond['disable_link_detect'] # Bonding transmit hash policy b.xmit_hash_policy = bond['hash_policy'] # configure ARP cache timeout in milliseconds b.arp_cache_tmp = bond['ip_arp_cache_tmo'] # Enable proxy-arp on this interface b.proxy_arp = bond['ip_proxy_arp'] # Enable private VLAN proxy ARP on this interface b.proxy_arp_pvlan = bond['ip_proxy_arp_pvlan'] # Change interface MAC address if bond['mac']: b.mac = bond['mac'] # The bonding mode can not be changed when there are interfaces enslaved # to this bond, thus we will free all interfaces from the bond first! for intf in b.get_slaves(): b.del_port(intf) # Bonding policy b.mode = bond['mode'] # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) b.mtu = bond['mtu'] # Primary device interface b.primary = bond['primary'] # Add (enslave) interfaces to bond for intf in bond['member']: b.add_port(intf) # remove no longer required service VLAN interfaces (vif-s) for vif_s in bond['vif_s_remove']: b.del_vlan(vif_s) # create service VLAN interfaces (vif-s) for vif_s in bond['vif_s']: s_vlan = b.add_vlan(vif_s['id'], ethertype=vif_s['ethertype']) apply_vlan_config(s_vlan, vif_s) # remove no longer required client VLAN interfaces (vif-c) # on lower service VLAN interface for vif_c in vif_s['vif_c_remove']: s_vlan.del_vlan(vif_c) # create client VLAN interfaces (vif-c) # on lower service VLAN interface for vif_c in vif_s['vif_c']: c_vlan = s_vlan.add_vlan(vif_c['id']) apply_vlan_config(c_vlan, vif_c) # remove no longer required VLAN interfaces (vif) for vif in bond['vif_remove']: b.del_vlan(vif) # create VLAN interfaces (vif) for vif in bond['vif']: vlan = b.add_vlan(vif['id']) apply_vlan_config(vlan, vif) # As the bond interface is always disabled first when changing # parameters we will only re-enable the interface if it is not # administratively disabled if not bond['disable']: b.state = 'up' return None if __name__ == '__main__': try: c = get_config() verify(c) generate(c) apply(c) except ConfigError as e: print(e) exit(1)