#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
import os
import re
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment
from copy import deepcopy
from sys import exit
from stat import S_IRUSR
from ipaddress import ip_address,ip_network,IPv4Interface
from netifaces import interfaces
from time import sleep
from shutil import rmtree
from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.defaults import directories as vyos_data_dir
from vyos.ifconfig import VTunIf
from vyos.util import call, is_bridge_member, chown, chmod_755
from vyos.validate import is_addr_assigned
from vyos import ConfigError
user = 'openvpn'
group = 'openvpn'
default_config_data = {
'address': [],
'auth_user': '',
'auth_pass': '',
'auth': False,
'bridge_member': [],
'compress_lzo': False,
'deleted': False,
'description': '',
'disable': False,
'disable_ncp': False,
'encryption': '',
'hash': '',
'intf': '',
'ipv6_autoconf': 0,
'ipv6_eui64_prefix': '',
'ipv6_forwarding': 1,
'ipv6_dup_addr_detect': 1,
'ping_restart': '60',
'ping_interval': '10',
'local_address': '',
'local_address_subnet': '',
'local_host': '',
'local_port': '',
'mode': '',
'ncp_ciphers': '',
'options': [],
'persistent_tunnel': False,
'protocol': 'udp',
'redirect_gateway': '',
'remote_address': '',
'remote_host': [],
'remote_port': '',
'client': [],
'server_domain': '',
'server_max_conn': '',
'server_dns_nameserver': [],
'server_push_route': [],
'server_reject_unconfigured': False,
'server_subnet': '',
'server_topology': '',
'shared_secret_file': '',
'tls': False,
'tls_auth': '',
'tls_ca_cert': '',
'tls_cert': '',
'tls_crl': '',
'tls_dh': '',
'tls_key': '',
'tls_crypt': '',
'tls_role': '',
'tls_version_min': '',
'type': 'tun',
'uid': user,
'gid': group,
def get_config_name(intf):
cfg_file = f'/run/openvpn/{intf}.conf'
return cfg_file
def openvpn_mkdir(directory):
# create directory on demand
if not os.path.exists(directory):
# fix permissions - corresponds to mode 755
chown(directory, user, group)
def fixup_permission(filename, permission=S_IRUSR):
Check if the given file exists and change ownershit to root/vyattacfg
and appripriate file access permissions - default is user and group readable
if os.path.isfile(filename):
os.chmod(filename, permission)
chown(filename, 'root', 'vyattacfg')
def checkCertHeader(header, filename):
Verify if filename contains specified header.
Returns True if match is found, False if no match or file is not found
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return False
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if re.match(header, line):
return True
return False
def get_config():
openvpn = deepcopy(default_config_data)
conf = Config()
# determine tagNode instance
if 'VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE' not in os.environ:
raise ConfigError('Interface (VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE) not specified')
openvpn['intf'] = os.environ['VYOS_TAGNODE_VALUE']
# Check if interface instance has been removed
if not conf.exists('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf']):
openvpn['deleted'] = True
return openvpn
# Check if we belong to any bridge interface
for bridge in conf.list_nodes('interfaces bridge'):
for intf in conf.list_nodes('interfaces bridge {} member interface'.format(bridge)):
if intf == openvpn['intf']:
# set configuration level
conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'])
# retrieve authentication options - username
if conf.exists('authentication username'):
openvpn['auth_user'] = conf.return_value('authentication username')
openvpn['auth'] = True
# retrieve authentication options - username
if conf.exists('authentication password'):
openvpn['auth_pass'] = conf.return_value('authentication password')
openvpn['auth'] = True
# retrieve interface description
if conf.exists('description'):
openvpn['description'] = conf.return_value('description')
# interface device-type
if conf.exists('device-type'):
openvpn['type'] = conf.return_value('device-type')
# disable interface
if conf.exists('disable'):
openvpn['disable'] = True
# data encryption algorithm cipher
if conf.exists('encryption cipher'):
openvpn['encryption'] = conf.return_value('encryption cipher')
# disable ncp-ciphers support
if conf.exists('encryption disable-ncp'):
openvpn['disable_ncp'] = True
# data encryption algorithm ncp-list
if conf.exists('encryption ncp-ciphers'):
_ncp_ciphers = []
for enc in conf.return_values('encryption ncp-ciphers'):
if enc == 'des':
elif enc == '3des':
elif enc == 'aes128':
elif enc == 'aes128gcm':
elif enc == 'aes192':
elif enc == 'aes192gcm':
elif enc == 'aes256':
elif enc == 'aes256gcm':
openvpn['ncp_ciphers'] = ':'.join(_ncp_ciphers)
# hash algorithm
if conf.exists('hash'):
openvpn['hash'] = conf.return_value('hash')
# Maximum number of keepalive packet failures
if conf.exists('keep-alive failure-count') and conf.exists('keep-alive interval'):
fail_count = conf.return_value('keep-alive failure-count')
interval = conf.return_value('keep-alive interval')
openvpn['ping_interval' ] = interval
openvpn['ping_restart' ] = int(interval) * int(fail_count)
# Local IP address of tunnel - even as it is a tag node - we can only work
# on the first address
if conf.exists('local-address'):
openvpn['local_address'] = conf.list_nodes('local-address')[0]
if conf.exists('local-address {} subnet-mask'.format(openvpn['local_address'])):
openvpn['local_address_subnet'] = conf.return_value('local-address {} subnet-mask'.format(openvpn['local_address']))
# Local IP address to accept connections
if conf.exists('local-host'):
openvpn['local_host'] = conf.return_value('local-host')
# Local port number to accept connections
if conf.exists('local-port'):
openvpn['local_port'] = conf.return_value('local-port')
# Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
if conf.exists('ipv6 address autoconf'):
openvpn['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1
# Get prefix for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
if conf.exists('ipv6 address eui64'):
openvpn['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_value('ipv6 address eui64')
# Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
if conf.exists('ipv6 disable-forwarding'):
openvpn['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0
# IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
if conf.exists('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
openvpn['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(conf.return_value('ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits'))
# OpenVPN operation mode
if conf.exists('mode'):
openvpn['mode'] = conf.return_value('mode')
# Additional OpenVPN options
if conf.exists('openvpn-option'):
openvpn['options'] = conf.return_values('openvpn-option')
# Do not close and reopen interface
if conf.exists('persistent-tunnel'):
openvpn['persistent_tunnel'] = True
# Communication protocol
if conf.exists('protocol'):
openvpn['protocol'] = conf.return_value('protocol')
# IP address of remote end of tunnel
if conf.exists('remote-address'):
openvpn['remote_address'] = conf.return_value('remote-address')
# Remote host to connect to (dynamic if not set)
if conf.exists('remote-host'):
openvpn['remote_host'] = conf.return_values('remote-host')
# Remote port number to connect to
if conf.exists('remote-port'):
openvpn['remote_port'] = conf.return_value('remote-port')
# OpenVPN tunnel to be used as the default route
# see https://openvpn.net/community-resources/reference-manual-for-openvpn-2-4/
# redirect-gateway flags
if conf.exists('replace-default-route'):
openvpn['redirect_gateway'] = 'def1'
if conf.exists('replace-default-route local'):
openvpn['redirect_gateway'] = 'local def1'
# Topology for clients
if conf.exists('server topology'):
openvpn['server_topology'] = conf.return_value('server topology')
# Server-mode subnet (from which client IPs are allocated)
if conf.exists('server subnet'):
network = conf.return_value('server subnet')
tmp = IPv4Interface(network).with_netmask
# convert the network in format: "" for later use in template
openvpn['server_subnet'] = tmp.replace(r'/', ' ')
# Client-specific settings
for client in conf.list_nodes('server client'):
# set configuration level
conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'] + ' server client ' + client)
data = {
'name': client,
'disable': False,
'ip': '',
'push_route': [],
'subnet': [],
'remote_netmask': ''
# note: with "topology subnet", this is " ".
# with "topology p2p", this is " ".
if openvpn['server_topology'] == 'subnet':
# we are only interested in the netmask portion of server_subnet
data['remote_netmask'] = openvpn['server_subnet'].split(' ')[1]
# we need the server subnet in format
subnet = openvpn['server_subnet'].replace(' ', r'/')
# get iterator over the usable hosts in the network
tmp = ip_network(subnet).hosts()
# OpenVPN always uses the subnets first available IP address
data['remote_netmask'] = list(tmp)[0]
# Option to disable client connection
if conf.exists('disable'):
data['disable'] = True
# IP address of the client
if conf.exists('ip'):
data['ip'] = conf.return_value('ip')
# Route to be pushed to the client
for network in conf.return_values('push-route'):
tmp = IPv4Interface(network).with_netmask
data['push_route'].append(tmp.replace(r'/', ' '))
# Subnet belonging to the client
for network in conf.return_values('subnet'):
tmp = IPv4Interface(network).with_netmask
data['subnet'].append(tmp.replace(r'/', ' '))
# Append to global client list
# re-set configuration level
conf.set_level('interfaces openvpn ' + openvpn['intf'])
# DNS suffix to be pushed to all clients
if conf.exists('server domain-name'):
openvpn['server_domain'] = conf.return_value('server domain-name')
# Number of maximum client connections
if conf.exists('server max-connections'):
openvpn['server_max_conn'] = conf.return_value('server max-connections')
# Domain Name Server (DNS)
if conf.exists('server name-server'):
openvpn['server_dns_nameserver'] = conf.return_values('server name-server')
# Route to be pushed to all clients
if conf.exists('server push-route'):
for network in conf.return_values('server push-route'):
tmp = IPv4Interface(network).with_netmask
openvpn['server_push_route'].append(tmp.replace(r'/', ' '))
# Reject connections from clients that are not explicitly configured
if conf.exists('server reject-unconfigured-clients'):
openvpn['server_reject_unconfigured'] = True
# File containing TLS auth static key
if conf.exists('tls auth-file'):
openvpn['tls_auth'] = conf.return_value('tls auth-file')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# File containing certificate for Certificate Authority (CA)
if conf.exists('tls ca-cert-file'):
openvpn['tls_ca_cert'] = conf.return_value('tls ca-cert-file')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# File containing certificate for this host
if conf.exists('tls cert-file'):
openvpn['tls_cert'] = conf.return_value('tls cert-file')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# File containing certificate revocation list (CRL) for this host
if conf.exists('tls crl-file'):
openvpn['tls_crl'] = conf.return_value('tls crl-file')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# File containing Diffie Hellman parameters (server only)
if conf.exists('tls dh-file'):
openvpn['tls_dh'] = conf.return_value('tls dh-file')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# File containing this host's private key
if conf.exists('tls key-file'):
openvpn['tls_key'] = conf.return_value('tls key-file')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# File containing key to encrypt control channel packets
if conf.exists('tls crypt-file'):
openvpn['tls_crypt'] = conf.return_value('tls crypt-file')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# Role in TLS negotiation
if conf.exists('tls role'):
openvpn['tls_role'] = conf.return_value('tls role')
openvpn['tls'] = True
# Minimum required TLS version
if conf.exists('tls tls-version-min'):
openvpn['tls_version_min'] = conf.return_value('tls tls-version-min')
openvpn['tls'] = True
if conf.exists('shared-secret-key-file'):
openvpn['shared_secret_file'] = conf.return_value('shared-secret-key-file')
if conf.exists('use-lzo-compression'):
openvpn['compress_lzo'] = True
# Special case when using EC certificates:
# if key-file is EC and dh-file is unset, set tls_dh to 'none'
if not openvpn['tls_dh'] and openvpn['tls_key'] and checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----', openvpn['tls_key']):
openvpn['tls_dh'] = 'none'
return openvpn
def verify(openvpn):
if openvpn['deleted']:
interface = openvpn['intf']
is_member, bridge = is_bridge_member(interface)
if is_member:
# can not use a f'' formatted-string here as bridge would not get
# expanded in the print statement
raise ConfigError('Can not delete interface "{0}" as it ' \
'is a member of bridge "{1}"!'.format(interface, bridge))
return None
if not openvpn['mode']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify OpenVPN operation mode')
# Checks which need to be performed on interface rmeoval
if openvpn['deleted']:
# OpenVPN interface can not be deleted if it's still member of a bridge
if openvpn['bridge_member']:
raise ConfigError('Can not delete {} as it is a member interface of bridge {}!'.format(openvpn['intf'], bridge))
# Check if we have disabled ncp and at the same time specified ncp-ciphers
if openvpn['disable_ncp'] and openvpn['ncp_ciphers']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify both "encryption disable-ncp" and "encryption ncp-ciphers"')
# OpenVPN client mode - VERIFY
if openvpn['mode'] == 'client':
if openvpn['local_port']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "local-port" in client mode')
if openvpn['local_host']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "local-host" in client mode')
if openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-passive':
raise ConfigError('Protocol "tcp-passive" is not valid in client mode')
if not openvpn['remote_host']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "remote-host" in client mode')
if openvpn['tls_dh'] and openvpn['tls_dh'] != 'none':
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "tls dh-file" in client mode')
# OpenVPN site-to-site - VERIFY
if openvpn['mode'] == 'site-to-site':
if openvpn['ncp_ciphers']:
raise ConfigError('encryption ncp-ciphers cannot be specified in site-to-site mode, only server or client')
if openvpn['mode'] == 'site-to-site' and not openvpn['bridge_member']:
if not openvpn['local_address']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "local-address" or "bridge member interface"')
for host in openvpn['remote_host']:
if host == openvpn['remote_address']:
raise ConfigError('"remote-address" cannot be the same as "remote-host"')
if openvpn['type'] == 'tun':
if not openvpn['remote_address']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "remote-address"')
if openvpn['local_address'] == openvpn['remote_address']:
raise ConfigError('"local-address" and "remote-address" cannot be the same')
if openvpn['local_address'] == openvpn['local_host']:
raise ConfigError('"local-address" cannot be the same as "local-host"')
# checks for client-server or site-to-site bridged
if openvpn['local_address'] or openvpn['remote_address']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "local-address" or "remote-address" in client-server or bridge mode')
# OpenVPN server mode - VERIFY
if openvpn['mode'] == 'server':
if openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-active':
raise ConfigError('Protocol "tcp-active" is not valid in server mode')
if openvpn['remote_port']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "remote-port" in server mode')
if openvpn['remote_host']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "remote-host" in server mode')
if openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-passive' and len(openvpn['remote_host']) > 1:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify more than 1 "remote-host" with "tcp-passive"')
if not openvpn['tls_dh'] and not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----', openvpn['tls_key']):
raise ConfigError('Must specify "tls dh-file" when not using EC keys in server mode')
if not openvpn['server_subnet']:
if not openvpn['bridge_member']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "server subnet" or "bridge member interface" in server mode')
# checks for both client and site-to-site go here
if openvpn['server_reject_unconfigured']:
raise ConfigError('reject-unconfigured-clients is only supported in OpenVPN server mode')
if openvpn['server_topology']:
raise ConfigError('The "topology" option is only valid in server mode')
if (not openvpn['remote_host']) and openvpn['redirect_gateway']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot set "replace-default-route" without "remote-host"')
# OpenVPN common verification section
# not depending on any operation mode
# verify specified IP address is present on any interface on this system
if openvpn['local_host']:
if not is_addr_assigned(openvpn['local_host']):
raise ConfigError('No interface on system with specified local-host IP address: {}'.format(openvpn['local_host']))
# TCP active
if openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-active':
if openvpn['local_port']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "local-port" with "tcp-active"')
if not openvpn['remote_host']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "remote-host" with "tcp-active"')
# shared secret and TLS
if not (openvpn['shared_secret_file'] or openvpn['tls']):
raise ConfigError('Must specify one of "shared-secret-key-file" and "tls"')
if openvpn['shared_secret_file'] and openvpn['tls']:
raise ConfigError('Can only specify one of "shared-secret-key-file" and "tls"')
if openvpn['mode'] in ['client', 'server']:
if not openvpn['tls']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "tls" in client-server mode')
# TLS/encryption
if openvpn['shared_secret_file']:
if openvpn['encryption'] in ['aes128gcm', 'aes192gcm', 'aes256gcm']:
raise ConfigError('GCM encryption with shared-secret-key-file is not supported')
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----', openvpn['shared_secret_file']):
raise ConfigError('Specified shared-secret-key-file "{}" is not valid'.format(openvpn['shared_secret_file']))
if openvpn['tls']:
if not openvpn['tls_ca_cert']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "tls ca-cert-file"')
if not (openvpn['mode'] == 'client' and openvpn['auth']):
if not openvpn['tls_cert']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "tls cert-file"')
if not openvpn['tls_key']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "tls key-file"')
if openvpn['tls_auth'] and openvpn['tls_crypt']:
raise ConfigError('TLS auth and crypt are mutually exclusive')
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', openvpn['tls_ca_cert']):
raise ConfigError('Specified ca-cert-file "{}" is invalid'.format(openvpn['tls_ca_cert']))
if openvpn['tls_auth']:
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----', openvpn['tls_auth']):
raise ConfigError('Specified auth-file "{}" is invalid'.format(openvpn['tls_auth']))
if openvpn['tls_cert']:
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', openvpn['tls_cert']):
raise ConfigError('Specified cert-file "{}" is invalid'.format(openvpn['tls_cert']))
if openvpn['tls_key']:
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN (?:RSA |EC )?PRIVATE KEY-----', openvpn['tls_key']):
raise ConfigError('Specified key-file "{}" is not valid'.format(openvpn['tls_key']))
if openvpn['tls_crypt']:
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----', openvpn['tls_crypt']):
raise ConfigError('Specified TLS crypt-file "{}" is invalid'.format(openvpn['tls_crypt']))
if openvpn['tls_crl']:
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----', openvpn['tls_crl']):
raise ConfigError('Specified crl-file "{} not valid'.format(openvpn['tls_crl']))
if openvpn['tls_dh'] and openvpn['tls_dh'] != 'none':
if not checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----', openvpn['tls_dh']):
raise ConfigError('Specified dh-file "{}" is not valid'.format(openvpn['tls_dh']))
if openvpn['tls_role']:
if openvpn['mode'] in ['client', 'server']:
if not openvpn['tls_auth']:
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "tls role" in client-server mode')
if openvpn['tls_role'] == 'active':
if openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-passive':
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "tcp-passive" when "tls role" is "active"')
if openvpn['tls_dh'] and openvpn['tls_dh'] != 'none':
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "tls dh-file" when "tls role" is "active"')
elif openvpn['tls_role'] == 'passive':
if openvpn['protocol'] == 'tcp-active':
raise ConfigError('Cannot specify "tcp-active" when "tls role" is "passive"')
if not openvpn['tls_dh']:
raise ConfigError('Must specify "tls dh-file" when "tls role" is "passive"')
if openvpn['tls_key'] and checkCertHeader('-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----', openvpn['tls_key']):
if openvpn['tls_dh'] and openvpn['tls_dh'] != 'none':
print('Warning: using dh-file and EC keys simultaneously will lead to DH ciphers being used instead of ECDH')
print('Diffie-Hellman prime file is unspecified, assuming ECDH')
# Auth user/pass
if openvpn['auth']:
if not openvpn['auth_user']:
raise ConfigError('Username for authentication is missing')
if not openvpn['auth_pass']:
raise ConfigError('Password for authentication is missing')
# Client
subnet = openvpn['server_subnet'].replace(' ', '/')
for client in openvpn['client']:
if client['ip'] and not ip_address(client['ip']) in ip_network(subnet):
raise ConfigError('Client IP "{}" not in server subnet "{}'.format(client['ip'], subnet))
return None
def generate(openvpn):
if openvpn['deleted'] or openvpn['disable']:
return None
# Prepare Jinja2 template loader from files
tmpl_path = os.path.join(vyos_data_dir['data'], 'templates', 'openvpn')
fs_loader = FileSystemLoader(tmpl_path)
env = Environment(loader=fs_loader)
interface = openvpn['intf']
directory = os.path.dirname(get_config_name(interface))
# we can't know which clients were deleted, remove all client configs
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, 'ccd', interface)):
rmtree(os.path.join(directory, 'ccd', interface), ignore_errors=True)
# create config directory on demand
# create status directory on demand
openvpn_mkdir(directory + '/status')
# create client config dir on demand
openvpn_mkdir(directory + '/ccd')
# crete client config dir per interface on demand
openvpn_mkdir(directory + '/ccd/' + interface)
# Fix file permissons for keys
# Generate User/Password authentication file
if openvpn['auth']:
auth_file = '/tmp/openvpn-{}-pw'.format(interface)
with open(auth_file, 'w') as f:
f.write('{}\n{}'.format(openvpn['auth_user'], openvpn['auth_pass']))
# delete old auth file if present
if os.path.isfile('/tmp/openvpn-{}-pw'.format(interface)):
# Generate client specific configuration
for client in openvpn['client']:
client_file = directory + '/ccd/' + interface + '/' + client['name']
tmpl = env.get_template('client.conf.tmpl')
client_text = tmpl.render(client)
with open(client_file, 'w') as f:
chown(client_file, user, group)
tmpl = env.get_template('server.conf.tmpl')
config_text = tmpl.render(openvpn)
# we need to support quoting of raw parameters from OpenVPN CLI
# see https://phabricator.vyos.net/T1632
config_text = config_text.replace(""",'"')
with open(get_config_name(interface), 'w') as f:
chown(get_config_name(interface), user, group)
return None
def apply(openvpn):
interface = openvpn['intf']
call(f'systemctl stop openvpn@{interface}.service')
# Do some cleanup when OpenVPN is disabled/deleted
if openvpn['deleted'] or openvpn['disable']:
# cleanup old configuration file
if os.path.isfile(get_config_name(interface)):
# cleanup client config dir
directory = os.path.dirname(get_config_name(interface))
ccd_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'ccd', interface)
if os.path.isdir(ccd_dir):
rmtree(ccd_dir, ignore_errors=True)
# cleanup auth file
user_auth_file = f'/tmp/openvpn-{interface}-pw'
if os.path.isfile(user_auth_file):
return None
# On configuration change we need to wait for the 'old' interface to
# vanish from the Kernel, if it is not gone, OpenVPN will report:
# ERROR: Cannot ioctl TUNSETIFF vtun10: Device or resource busy (errno=16)
while interface in interfaces():
sleep(0.250) # 250ms
# No matching OpenVPN process running - maybe it got killed or none
# existed - nevertheless, spawn new OpenVPN process
call(f'systemctl start openvpn@{interface}.service')
# better late then sorry ... but we can only set interface alias after
# OpenVPN has been launched and created the interface
cnt = 0
while interface not in interfaces():
# If VPN tunnel can't be established because the peer/server isn't
# (temporarily) available, the vtun interface never becomes registered
# with the kernel, and the commit would hang if there is no bail out
# condition
cnt += 1
if cnt == 50:
# sleep 250ms
# we need to catch the exception if the interface is not up due to
# reason stated above
o = VTunIf(interface)
# update interface description used e.g. within SNMP
# IPv6 address autoconfiguration
# IPv6 EUI-based address
# IPv6 forwarding
# IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
# TAP interface needs to be brought up explicitly
if openvpn['type'] == 'tap':
if not openvpn['disable']:
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
c = get_config()
except ConfigError as e: