#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2018-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os

from ipaddress import ip_address
from ipaddress import ip_network
from netaddr import IPRange
from sys import exit

from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.pki import wrap_certificate
from vyos.pki import wrap_private_key
from vyos.template import render
from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search_args
from vyos.utils.file import chmod_775
from vyos.utils.file import makedir
from vyos.utils.file import write_file
from vyos.utils.process import call
from vyos.utils.network import interface_exists
from vyos.utils.network import is_subnet_connected
from vyos.utils.network import is_addr_assigned
from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import airbag

ctrl_config_file = '/run/kea/kea-ctrl-agent.conf'
ctrl_socket = '/run/kea/dhcp4-ctrl-socket'
config_file = '/run/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf'
lease_file = '/config/dhcp/dhcp4-leases.csv'
systemd_override = r'/run/systemd/system/kea-ctrl-agent.service.d/10-override.conf'
user_group = '_kea'

ca_cert_file = '/run/kea/kea-failover-ca.pem'
cert_file = '/run/kea/kea-failover.pem'
cert_key_file = '/run/kea/kea-failover-key.pem'

def dhcp_slice_range(exclude_list, range_dict):
    This function is intended to slice a DHCP range. What does it mean?

    Lets assume we have a DHCP range from '' to ''
    but want to exclude address '' and ''. We will
    pass an input 'range_dict' in the format:
      {'start' : '', 'stop' : '' }
    and we will receive an output list of:
      [{'start' : '' , 'stop' : ''  },
       {'start' : '', 'stop' : '' }]
    The resulting list can then be used in turn to build the proper dhcpd
    configuration file.
    output = []
    # exclude list must be sorted for this to work
    exclude_list = sorted(exclude_list)
    range_start = range_dict['start']
    range_stop = range_dict['stop']
    range_last_exclude = ''

    for e in exclude_list:
        if (ip_address(e) >= ip_address(range_start)) and \
           (ip_address(e) <= ip_address(range_stop)):
            range_last_exclude = e

    for e in exclude_list:
        if (ip_address(e) >= ip_address(range_start)) and \
           (ip_address(e) <= ip_address(range_stop)):

            # Build new address range ending one address before exclude address
            r = {
                'start' : range_start,
                'stop' : str(ip_address(e) -1)
            # On the next run our address range will start one address after
            # the exclude address
            range_start = str(ip_address(e) + 1)

            # on subsequent exclude addresses we can not
            # append them to our output
            if not (ip_address(r['start']) > ip_address(r['stop'])):
                # Everything is fine, add range to result

            # Take care of last IP address range spanning from the last exclude
            # address (+1) to the end of the initial configured range
            if ip_address(e) == ip_address(range_last_exclude):
                r = {
                  'start': str(ip_address(e) + 1),
                  'stop': str(range_stop)
                if not (ip_address(r['start']) > ip_address(r['stop'])):
          # if the excluded address was not part of the range, we simply return
          # the entire ranga again
          if not range_last_exclude:
              if range_dict not in output:

    return output

def get_config(config=None):
    if config:
        conf = config
        conf = Config()
    base = ['service', 'dhcp-server']
    if not conf.exists(base):
        return None

    dhcp = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),

    if 'shared_network_name' in dhcp:
        for network, network_config in dhcp['shared_network_name'].items():
            if 'subnet' in network_config:
                for subnet, subnet_config in network_config['subnet'].items():
                    # If exclude IP addresses are defined we need to slice them out of
                    # the defined ranges
                    if {'exclude', 'range'} <= set(subnet_config):
                        new_range_id = 0
                        new_range_dict = {}
                        for r, r_config in subnet_config['range'].items():
                            for slice in dhcp_slice_range(subnet_config['exclude'], r_config):
                                new_range_dict.update({new_range_id : slice})
                                new_range_id +=1

                                {'range' : new_range_dict})

    if len(dhcp['high_availability']) == 1:
        ## only default value for mode is set, need to remove ha node
        del dhcp['high_availability']
        if dict_search('high_availability.certificate', dhcp):
            dhcp['pki'] = conf.get_config_dict(['pki'], key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True, no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)

    return dhcp

def verify(dhcp):
    # bail out early - looks like removal from running config
    if not dhcp or 'disable' in dhcp:
        return None

    # If DHCP is enabled we need one share-network
    if 'shared_network_name' not in dhcp:
        raise ConfigError('No DHCP shared networks configured.\n' \
                          'At least one DHCP shared network must be configured.')

    # Inspect shared-network/subnet
    listen_ok = False
    subnets = []
    failover_ok = False
    shared_networks =  len(dhcp['shared_network_name'])
    disabled_shared_networks = 0

    subnet_ids = []

    # A shared-network requires a subnet definition
    for network, network_config in dhcp['shared_network_name'].items():
        if 'disable' in network_config:
            disabled_shared_networks += 1

        if 'subnet' not in network_config:
            raise ConfigError(f'No subnets defined for {network}. At least one\n' \
                              'lease subnet must be configured.')

        for subnet, subnet_config in network_config['subnet'].items():
            if 'subnet_id' not in subnet_config:
                raise ConfigError(f'Unique subnet ID not specified for subnet "{subnet}"')

            if subnet_config['subnet_id'] in subnet_ids:
                raise ConfigError(f'Subnet ID for subnet "{subnet}" is not unique')


            # All delivered static routes require a next-hop to be set
            if 'static_route' in subnet_config:
                for route, route_option in subnet_config['static_route'].items():
                    if 'next_hop' not in route_option:
                        raise ConfigError(f'DHCP static-route "{route}" requires router to be defined!')

            # Check if DHCP address range is inside configured subnet declaration
            if 'range' in subnet_config:
                networks = []
                for range, range_config in subnet_config['range'].items():
                    if not {'start', 'stop'} <= set(range_config):
                        raise ConfigError(f'DHCP range "{range}" start and stop address must be defined!')

                    # Start/Stop address must be inside network
                    for key in ['start', 'stop']:
                        if ip_address(range_config[key]) not in ip_network(subnet):
                            raise ConfigError(f'DHCP range "{range}" {key} address not within shared-network "{network}, {subnet}"!')

                    # Stop address must be greater or equal to start address
                    if ip_address(range_config['stop']) < ip_address(range_config['start']):
                        raise ConfigError(f'DHCP range "{range}" stop address must be greater or equal\n' \
                                          'to the ranges start address!')

                    for network in networks:
                        start = range_config['start']
                        stop = range_config['stop']
                        if start in network:
                            raise ConfigError(f'Range "{range}" start address "{start}" already part of another range!')
                        if stop in network:
                            raise ConfigError(f'Range "{range}" stop address "{stop}" already part of another range!')

                    tmp = IPRange(range_config['start'], range_config['stop'])

            # Exclude addresses must be in bound
            if 'exclude' in subnet_config:
                for exclude in subnet_config['exclude']:
                    if ip_address(exclude) not in ip_network(subnet):
                        raise ConfigError(f'Excluded IP address "{exclude}" not within shared-network "{network}, {subnet}"!')

            # At least one DHCP address range or static-mapping required
            if 'range' not in subnet_config and 'static_mapping' not in subnet_config:
                raise ConfigError(f'No DHCP address range or active static-mapping configured\n' \
                                  f'within shared-network "{network}, {subnet}"!')

            if 'static_mapping' in subnet_config:
                # Static mappings require just a MAC address (will use an IP from the dynamic pool if IP is not set)
                used_ips = []
                used_mac = []
                used_duid = []
                for mapping, mapping_config in subnet_config['static_mapping'].items():
                    if 'ip_address' in mapping_config:
                        if ip_address(mapping_config['ip_address']) not in ip_network(subnet):
                            raise ConfigError(f'Configured static lease address for mapping "{mapping}" is\n' \
                                              f'not within shared-network "{network}, {subnet}"!')

                        if ('mac' not in mapping_config and 'duid' not in mapping_config) or \
                            ('mac' in mapping_config and 'duid' in mapping_config):
                            raise ConfigError(f'Either MAC address or Client identifier (DUID) is required for '
                                              f'static mapping "{mapping}" within shared-network "{network}, {subnet}"!')

                        if 'disable' not in mapping_config:
                            if mapping_config['ip_address'] in used_ips:
                                raise ConfigError(f'Configured IP address for static mapping "{mapping}" already exists on another static mapping')

                    if 'disable' not in mapping_config:
                        if 'mac' in mapping_config:
                            if mapping_config['mac'] in used_mac:
                                raise ConfigError(f'Configured MAC address for static mapping "{mapping}" already exists on another static mapping')

                        if 'duid' in mapping_config:
                            if mapping_config['duid'] in used_duid:
                                raise ConfigError(f'Configured DUID for static mapping "{mapping}" already exists on another static mapping')

            # There must be one subnet connected to a listen interface.
            # This only counts if the network itself is not disabled!
            if 'disable' not in network_config:
                if is_subnet_connected(subnet, primary=False):
                    listen_ok = True

            # Subnets must be non overlapping
            if subnet in subnets:
                raise ConfigError(f'Configured subnets must be unique! Subnet "{subnet}"\n'
                                   'defined multiple times!')

            # Check for overlapping subnets
            net = ip_network(subnet)
            for n in subnets:
                net2 = ip_network(n)
                if (net != net2):
                    if net.overlaps(net2):
                        raise ConfigError(f'Conflicting subnet ranges: "{net}" overlaps "{net2}"!')

    # Prevent 'disable' for shared-network if only one network is configured
    if (shared_networks - disabled_shared_networks) < 1:
        raise ConfigError(f'At least one shared network must be active!')

    if 'high_availability' in dhcp:
        for key in ['name', 'remote', 'source_address', 'status']:
            if key not in dhcp['high_availability']:
                tmp = key.replace('_', '-')
                raise ConfigError(f'DHCP high-availability requires "{tmp}" to be specified!')

        if len({'certificate', 'ca_certificate'} & set(dhcp['high_availability'])) == 1:
            raise ConfigError(f'DHCP secured high-availability requires both certificate and CA certificate')

        if 'certificate' in dhcp['high_availability']:
            cert_name = dhcp['high_availability']['certificate']

            if cert_name not in dhcp['pki']['certificate']:
                raise ConfigError(f'Invalid certificate specified for DHCP high-availability')

            if not dict_search_args(dhcp['pki']['certificate'], cert_name, 'certificate'):
                raise ConfigError(f'Invalid certificate specified for DHCP high-availability')

            if not dict_search_args(dhcp['pki']['certificate'], cert_name, 'private', 'key'):
                raise ConfigError(f'Missing private key on certificate specified for DHCP high-availability')

        if 'ca_certificate' in dhcp['high_availability']:
            ca_cert_name = dhcp['high_availability']['ca_certificate']
            if ca_cert_name not in dhcp['pki']['ca']:
                raise ConfigError(f'Invalid CA certificate specified for DHCP high-availability')

            if not dict_search_args(dhcp['pki']['ca'], ca_cert_name, 'certificate'):
                raise ConfigError(f'Invalid CA certificate specified for DHCP high-availability')

    for address in (dict_search('listen_address', dhcp) or []):
        if is_addr_assigned(address, include_vrf=True):
            listen_ok = True
            # no need to probe further networks, we have one that is valid
            raise ConfigError(f'listen-address "{address}" not configured on any interface')

    if not listen_ok:
        raise ConfigError('None of the configured subnets have an appropriate primary IP address on any\n'
                          'broadcast interface configured, nor was there an explicit listen-address\n'
                          'configured for serving DHCP relay packets!')

    if 'listen_address' in dhcp and 'listen_interface' in dhcp:
        raise ConfigError(f'Cannot define listen-address and listen-interface at the same time')

    for interface in (dict_search('listen_interface', dhcp) or []):
        if not interface_exists(interface):
            raise ConfigError(f'listen-interface "{interface}" does not exist')

    return None

def generate(dhcp):
    # bail out early - looks like removal from running config
    if not dhcp or 'disable' in dhcp:
        return None

    dhcp['lease_file'] = lease_file
    dhcp['machine'] = os.uname().machine

    # Create directory for lease file if necessary
    lease_dir = os.path.dirname(lease_file)
    if not os.path.isdir(lease_dir):
        makedir(lease_dir, group='vyattacfg')

    # Create lease file if necessary and let kea own it - 'kea-lfc' expects it that way
    if not os.path.exists(lease_file):
        write_file(lease_file, '', user=user_group, group=user_group, mode=0o644)

    for f in [cert_file, cert_key_file, ca_cert_file]:
        if os.path.exists(f):

    if 'high_availability' in dhcp:
        if 'certificate' in dhcp['high_availability']:
            cert_name = dhcp['high_availability']['certificate']
            cert_data = dhcp['pki']['certificate'][cert_name]['certificate']
            key_data = dhcp['pki']['certificate'][cert_name]['private']['key']
            write_file(cert_file, wrap_certificate(cert_data), user=user_group, mode=0o600)
            write_file(cert_key_file, wrap_private_key(key_data), user=user_group, mode=0o600)

            dhcp['high_availability']['cert_file'] = cert_file
            dhcp['high_availability']['cert_key_file'] = cert_key_file

        if 'ca_certificate' in dhcp['high_availability']:
            ca_cert_name = dhcp['high_availability']['ca_certificate']
            ca_cert_data = dhcp['pki']['ca'][ca_cert_name]['certificate']
            write_file(ca_cert_file, wrap_certificate(ca_cert_data), user=user_group, mode=0o600)

            dhcp['high_availability']['ca_cert_file'] = ca_cert_file

        render(systemd_override, 'dhcp-server/10-override.conf.j2', dhcp)

    render(ctrl_config_file, 'dhcp-server/kea-ctrl-agent.conf.j2', dhcp, user=user_group, group=user_group)
    render(config_file, 'dhcp-server/kea-dhcp4.conf.j2', dhcp, user=user_group, group=user_group)

    return None

def apply(dhcp):
    services = ['kea-ctrl-agent', 'kea-dhcp4-server', 'kea-dhcp-ddns-server']

    if not dhcp or 'disable' in dhcp:
        for service in services:
            call(f'systemctl stop {service}.service')

        if os.path.exists(config_file):

        return None

    for service in services:
        action = 'restart'

        if service == 'kea-dhcp-ddns-server' and 'dynamic_dns_update' not in dhcp:
            action = 'stop'

        if service == 'kea-ctrl-agent' and 'high_availability' not in dhcp:
            action = 'stop'

        call(f'systemctl {action} {service}.service')

    return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
        c = get_config()
    except ConfigError as e: