#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os from crypt import crypt, METHOD_SHA512 from netifaces import interfaces from psutil import users from pwd import getpwall, getpwnam from stat import S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, S_IRWXU, S_IRGRP, S_IXGRP from sys import exit from vyos.config import Config from vyos.configdict import list_diff from vyos import ConfigError from vyos.util import cmd from vyos.util import call from vyos.util import DEVNULL from vyos.template import render radius_config_file = "/etc/pam_radius_auth.conf" default_config_data = { 'deleted': False, 'add_users': [], 'del_users': [], 'radius_server': [], 'radius_source_address': '', 'radius_vrf': '' } def get_local_users(): """Returns list of dynamically allocated users (see Debian Policy Manual)""" local_users = [] for p in getpwall(): username = p[0] uid = getpwnam(username).pw_uid if uid in range(1000, 29999): if username not in ['radius_user', 'radius_priv_user']: local_users.append(username) return local_users def get_config(): login = default_config_data conf = Config() base_level = ['system', 'login'] # We do not need to check if the nodes exist or not and bail out early # ... this would interrupt the following logic on determine which users # should be deleted and which users should stay. # # All fine so far! # Read in all local users and store to list for username in conf.list_nodes(base_level + ['user']): user = { 'name': username, 'password_plaintext': '', 'password_encred': '!', 'public_keys': [], 'full_name': '', 'home_dir': '/home/' + username, } conf.set_level(base_level + ['user', username]) # Plaintext password if conf.exists(['authentication', 'plaintext-password']): user['password_plaintext'] = conf.return_value(['authentication', 'plaintext-password']) # Encrypted password if conf.exists(['authentication', 'encrypted-password']): user['password_encrypted'] = conf.return_value(['authentication', 'encrypted-password']) # User real name if conf.exists(['full-name']): user['full_name'] = conf.return_value(['full-name']) # User home-directory if conf.exists(['home-directory']): user['home_dir'] = conf.return_value(['home-directory']) # Read in public keys for id in conf.list_nodes(['authentication', 'public-keys']): key = { 'name': id, 'key': '', 'options': '', 'type': '' } conf.set_level(base_level + ['user', username, 'authentication', 'public-keys', id]) # Public Key portion if conf.exists(['key']): key['key'] = conf.return_value(['key']) # Options for individual public key if conf.exists(['options']): key['options'] = conf.return_value(['options']) # Type of public key if conf.exists(['type']): key['type'] = conf.return_value(['type']) # Append individual public key to list of user keys user['public_keys'].append(key) login['add_users'].append(user) # # RADIUS configuration # conf.set_level(base_level + ['radius']) if conf.exists(['source-address']): login['radius_source_address'] = conf.return_value(['source-address']) # retrieve VRF instance if conf.exists(['vrf']): login['radius_vrf'] = conf.return_value(['vrf']) # Read in all RADIUS servers and store to list for server in conf.list_nodes(['server']): server_cfg = { 'address': server, 'disabled': False, 'key': '', 'port': '1812', 'timeout': '2' } conf.set_level(base_level + ['radius', 'server', server]) # Check if RADIUS server was temporary disabled if conf.exists(['disable']): server_cfg['disabled'] = True # RADIUS shared secret if conf.exists(['key']): server_cfg['key'] = conf.return_value(['key']) # RADIUS authentication port if conf.exists(['port']): server_cfg['port'] = conf.return_value(['port']) # RADIUS session timeout if conf.exists(['timeout']): server_cfg['timeout'] = conf.return_value(['timeout']) # Append individual RADIUS server configuration to global server list login['radius_server'].append(server_cfg) # users no longer existing in the running configuration need to be deleted local_users = get_local_users() cli_users = [tmp['name'] for tmp in login['add_users']] # create a list of all users, cli and users all_users = list(set(local_users+cli_users)) # Remove any normal users that dos not exist in the current configuration. # This can happen if user is added but configuration was not saved and # system is rebooted. login['del_users'] = [tmp for tmp in all_users if tmp not in cli_users] return login def verify(login): cur_user = os.environ['SUDO_USER'] if cur_user in login['del_users']: raise ConfigError('Attempting to delete current user: {}'.format(cur_user)) for user in login['add_users']: for key in user['public_keys']: if not key['type']: raise ConfigError('SSH public key type missing for "{}"!'.format(key['name'])) if not key['key']: raise ConfigError('SSH public key for id "{}" missing!'.format(key['name'])) # At lease one RADIUS server must not be disabled if len(login['radius_server']) > 0: fail = True for server in login['radius_server']: if not server['disabled']: fail = False if fail: raise ConfigError('At least one RADIUS server must be active.') vrf_name = login['radius_vrf'] if vrf_name and vrf_name not in interfaces(): raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{vrf_name}" does not exist') return None def generate(login): # calculate users encrypted password for user in login['add_users']: if user['password_plaintext']: user['password_encrypted'] = crypt(user['password_plaintext'], METHOD_SHA512) user['password_plaintext'] = '' # remove old plaintext password and set new encrypted password os.system("vyos_libexec_dir=/usr/libexec/vyos /opt/vyatta/sbin/my_set system login user '{}' authentication plaintext-password '' >/dev/null".format(user['name'])) os.system("vyos_libexec_dir=/usr/libexec/vyos /opt/vyatta/sbin/my_set system login user '{}' authentication encrypted-password '{}' >/dev/null".format(user['name'], user['password_encrypted'])) # env = os.environ.copy() # env['vyos_libexec_dir'] = '/usr/libexec/vyos' # call("/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_set system login user '{}' authentication plaintext-password ''".format(user['name']), # env=env) # call("/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_set system login user '{}' authentication encrypted-password '{}'".format(user['name'], user['password_encrypted']), # env=env) elif user['password_encrypted']: # unset encrypted password so we do not update it with the same # value again and thus it will not appear in system logs user['password_encrypted'] = '' if len(login['radius_server']) > 0: render(radius_config_file, 'system-login/pam_radius_auth.conf.tmpl', login, trim_blocks=True) uid = getpwnam('root').pw_uid gid = getpwnam('root').pw_gid os.chown(radius_config_file, uid, gid) os.chmod(radius_config_file, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) else: if os.path.isfile(radius_config_file): os.unlink(radius_config_file) return None def apply(login): for user in login['add_users']: # make new user using vyatta shell and make home directory (-m), # default group of 100 (users) command = "useradd -m -N" # check if user already exists: if user['name'] in get_local_users(): # update existing account command = "usermod" # all accounts use /bin/vbash command += " -s /bin/vbash" # we need to use '' quotes when passing formatted data to the shell # else it will not work as some data parts are lost in translation if user['password_encrypted']: command += " -p '{}'".format(user['password_encrypted']) if user['full_name']: command += " -c '{}'".format(user['full_name']) if user['home_dir']: command += " -d '{}'".format(user['home_dir']) command += " -G frrvty,vyattacfg,sudo,adm,dip,disk" command += " {}".format(user['name']) try: cmd(command) uid = getpwnam(user['name']).pw_uid gid = getpwnam(user['name']).pw_gid # we should not rely on the home dir value stored in user['home_dir'] # as if a crazy user will choose username root or any other system # user this will fail. should be deny using root at all? home_dir = getpwnam(user['name']).pw_dir # install ssh keys ssh_key_dir = home_dir + '/.ssh' if not os.path.isdir(ssh_key_dir): os.mkdir(ssh_key_dir) os.chown(ssh_key_dir, uid, gid) os.chmod(ssh_key_dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP) ssh_key_file = ssh_key_dir + '/authorized_keys'; with open(ssh_key_file, 'w') as f: f.write("# Automatically generated by VyOS\n") f.write("# Do not edit, all changes will be lost\n") for id in user['public_keys']: line = '' if id['options']: line = '{} '.format(id['options']) line += '{} {} {}\n'.format(id['type'], id['key'], id['name']) f.write(line) os.chown(ssh_key_file, uid, gid) os.chmod(ssh_key_file, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) except Exception as e: raise ConfigError('Adding user "{}" raised an exception: {}'.format(user['name'], e)) for user in login['del_users']: try: # Logout user if he is logged in if user in list(set([tmp[0] for tmp in users()])): print('{} is logged in, forcing logout'.format(user)) call('pkill -HUP -u {}'.format(user)) # Remove user account but leave home directory to be safe call(f'userdel -r {user}', stderr=DEVNULL) except Exception as e: raise ConfigError('Deleting user "{}" raised an exception: {}'.format(user, e)) # # RADIUS configuration # if len(login['radius_server']) > 0: try: env = os.environ.copy() env['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' # Enable RADIUS in PAM cmd("pam-auth-update --package --enable radius", env=env) # Make NSS system aware of RADIUS, too command = "sed -i -e \'/\smapname/b\' \ -e \'/^passwd:/s/\s\s*/&mapuid /\' \ -e \'/^passwd:.*#/s/#.*/mapname &/\' \ -e \'/^passwd:[^#]*$/s/$/ mapname &/\' \ -e \'/^group:.*#/s/#.*/ mapname &/\' \ -e \'/^group:[^#]*$/s/: */&mapname /\' \ /etc/nsswitch.conf" cmd(command) except Exception as e: raise ConfigError('RADIUS configuration failed: {}'.format(e)) else: try: env = os.environ.copy() env['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' # Disable RADIUS in PAM cmd("pam-auth-update --package --remove radius", env=env) command = "sed -i -e \'/^passwd:.*mapuid[ \t]/s/mapuid[ \t]//\' \ -e \'/^passwd:.*[ \t]mapname/s/[ \t]mapname//\' \ -e \'/^group:.*[ \t]mapname/s/[ \t]mapname//\' \ -e \'s/[ \t]*$//\' \ /etc/nsswitch.conf" cmd(command) except Exception as e: raise ConfigError('Removing RADIUS configuration failed.\n{}'.format(e)) return None if __name__ == '__main__': try: c = get_config() verify(c) generate(c) apply(c) except ConfigError as e: print(e) exit(1)