#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021-2025 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
import ipaddress
import os
import re
import jmespath
from sys import exit
from time import sleep
from ipaddress import ip_address
from netaddr import IPNetwork
from netaddr import IPRange
from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.config import config_dict_merge
from vyos.configdep import set_dependents
from vyos.configdep import call_dependents
from vyos.configdict import get_interface_dict
from vyos.configdict import leaf_node_changed
from vyos.configverify import verify_interface_exists
from vyos.configverify import dynamic_interface_pattern
from vyos.defaults import directories
from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
from vyos.pki import encode_public_key
from vyos.pki import load_private_key
from vyos.pki import wrap_certificate
from vyos.pki import wrap_crl
from vyos.pki import wrap_public_key
from vyos.pki import wrap_private_key
from vyos.template import ip_from_cidr
from vyos.template import is_ipv4
from vyos.template import is_ipv6
from vyos.template import render
from vyos.utils.network import is_ipv6_link_local
from vyos.utils.network import interface_exists
from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search_args
from vyos.utils.process import call
from vyos.utils.vti_updown_db import vti_updown_db_exists
from vyos.utils.vti_updown_db import open_vti_updown_db_for_create_or_update
from vyos.utils.vti_updown_db import remove_vti_updown_db
from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import airbag
dhcp_wait_attempts = 2
dhcp_wait_sleep = 1
swanctl_dir = '/etc/swanctl'
charon_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/charon.conf'
charon_dhcp_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/charon/dhcp.conf'
charon_radius_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/charon/eap-radius.conf'
interface_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/interfaces_use.conf'
swanctl_conf = f'{swanctl_dir}/swanctl.conf'
default_install_routes = 'yes'
vici_socket = '/var/run/charon.vici'
CERT_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509/'
PUBKEY_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/pubkey/'
KEY_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/private/'
CA_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509ca/'
CRL_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509crl/'
DHCP_HOOK_IFLIST = '/tmp/ipsec_dhcp_interfaces'
def get_config(config=None):
if config:
conf = config
conf = Config()
base = ['vpn', 'ipsec']
l2tp_base = ['vpn', 'l2tp', 'remote-access', 'ipsec-settings']
# retrieve common dictionary keys
ipsec = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
ipsec['nhrp_exists'] = conf.exists(['protocols', 'nhrp', 'tunnel'])
if ipsec['nhrp_exists']:
set_dependents('nhrp', conf)
if not conf.exists(base):
ipsec.update({'deleted' : ''})
return ipsec
# We have to cleanup the default dict, as default values could
# enable features which are not explicitly enabled on the
# CLI. E.g. dead-peer-detection defaults should not be injected
# unless the feature is explicitly opted in to by setting the
# top-level node
default_values = conf.get_config_defaults(**ipsec.kwargs, recursive=True)
if 'ike_group' in ipsec:
for name, ike in ipsec['ike_group'].items():
if 'dead_peer_detection' not in ike:
del default_values['ike_group'][name]['dead_peer_detection']
ipsec = config_dict_merge(default_values, ipsec)
ipsec['dhcp_interfaces'] = set()
ipsec['enabled_vti_interfaces'] = set()
ipsec['persistent_vti_interfaces'] = set()
ipsec['dhcp_no_address'] = {}
ipsec['install_routes'] = 'no' if conf.exists(base + ["options", "disable-route-autoinstall"]) else default_install_routes
ipsec['interface_change'] = leaf_node_changed(conf, base + ['interface'])
if ipsec['nhrp_exists']:
set_dependents('nhrp', conf)
tmp = conf.get_config_dict(l2tp_base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
if tmp:
ipsec['l2tp'] = conf.merge_defaults(tmp, recursive=True)
ipsec['l2tp_outside_address'] = conf.return_value(['vpn', 'l2tp', 'remote-access', 'outside-address'])
ipsec['l2tp_ike_default'] = 'aes256-sha1-modp1024,3des-sha1-modp1024'
ipsec['l2tp_esp_default'] = 'aes256-sha1,3des-sha1'
# Collect the interface dicts for any refernced VTI interfaces in
# case we need to bring the interface up
ipsec['vti_interface_dicts'] = {}
if 'site_to_site' in ipsec and 'peer' in ipsec['site_to_site']:
for peer, peer_conf in ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'].items():
if 'vti' in peer_conf:
if 'bind' in peer_conf['vti']:
vti_interface = peer_conf['vti']['bind']
if vti_interface not in ipsec['vti_interface_dicts']:
_, vti = get_interface_dict(conf, ['interfaces', 'vti'], vti_interface)
ipsec['vti_interface_dicts'][vti_interface] = vti
if 'remote_access' in ipsec:
if 'connection' in ipsec['remote_access']:
for name, ra_conf in ipsec['remote_access']['connection'].items():
if 'bind' in ra_conf:
vti_interface = ra_conf['bind']
if vti_interface not in ipsec['vti_interface_dicts']:
_, vti = get_interface_dict(conf, ['interfaces', 'vti'], vti_interface)
ipsec['vti_interface_dicts'][vti_interface] = vti
return ipsec
def get_dhcp_address(iface):
addresses = Interface(iface).get_addr()
if not addresses:
return None
for address in addresses:
if not is_ipv6_link_local(address):
return ip_from_cidr(address)
return None
def verify_pki_x509(pki, x509_conf):
if not pki or 'ca' not in pki or 'certificate' not in pki:
raise ConfigError(f'PKI is not configured')
cert_name = x509_conf['certificate']
for ca_cert_name in x509_conf['ca_certificate']:
if not dict_search_args(pki, 'ca', ca_cert_name, 'certificate'):
raise ConfigError(f'Missing CA certificate on specified PKI CA certificate "{ca_cert_name}"')
if not dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'certificate'):
raise ConfigError(f'Missing certificate on specified PKI certificate "{cert_name}"')
if not dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'private', 'key'):
raise ConfigError(f'Missing private key on specified PKI certificate "{cert_name}"')
return True
def verify_pki_rsa(pki, rsa_conf):
if not pki or 'key_pair' not in pki:
raise ConfigError(f'PKI is not configured')
local_key = rsa_conf['local_key']
remote_key = rsa_conf['remote_key']
if not dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', local_key, 'private', 'key'):
raise ConfigError(f'Missing private key on specified local-key "{local_key}"')
if not dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', remote_key, 'public', 'key'):
raise ConfigError(f'Missing public key on specified remote-key "{remote_key}"')
return True
def verify(ipsec):
if not ipsec or 'deleted' in ipsec:
if 'authentication' in ipsec:
if 'psk' in ipsec['authentication']:
for psk, psk_config in ipsec['authentication']['psk'].items():
if 'id' not in psk_config or 'secret' not in psk_config:
raise ConfigError(f'Authentication psk "{psk}" missing "id" or "secret"')
if 'interface' in ipsec:
tmp = re.compile(dynamic_interface_pattern)
for interface in ipsec['interface']:
# exclude check interface for dynamic interfaces
if tmp.match(interface):
verify_interface_exists(ipsec, interface, warning_only=True)
verify_interface_exists(ipsec, interface)
# need to use a pseudo-random function (PRF) with an authenticated encryption algorithm.
# If a hash algorithm is defined then it will be mapped to an equivalent PRF
if 'ike_group' in ipsec:
for _, ike_config in ipsec['ike_group'].items():
for proposal, proposal_config in ike_config.get('proposal', {}).items():
if 'encryption' in proposal_config and 'prf' not in proposal_config:
# list of hash algorithms that cannot be mapped to an equivalent PRF
algs = ['aes128gmac', 'aes192gmac', 'aes256gmac', 'sha256_96']
if 'hash' in proposal_config and proposal_config['hash'] in algs:
raise ConfigError(
f"A PRF algorithm is mandatory in IKE proposal {proposal}"
if 'l2tp' in ipsec:
if 'esp_group' in ipsec['l2tp']:
if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or ipsec['l2tp']['esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on L2TP remote-access config")
if 'ike_group' in ipsec['l2tp']:
if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or ipsec['l2tp']['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on L2TP remote-access config")
if 'authentication' not in ipsec['l2tp']:
raise ConfigError(f'Missing authentication settings on L2TP remote-access config')
if 'mode' not in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f'Missing authentication mode on L2TP remote-access config')
if not ipsec['l2tp_outside_address']:
raise ConfigError(f'Missing outside-address on L2TP remote-access config')
if ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['mode'] == 'pre-shared-secret':
if 'pre_shared_secret' not in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f'Missing pre shared secret on L2TP remote-access config')
if ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509':
if 'x509' not in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f'Missing x509 settings on L2TP remote-access config')
x509 = ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['x509']
if 'ca_certificate' not in x509 or 'certificate' not in x509:
raise ConfigError(f'Missing x509 certificates on L2TP remote-access config')
verify_pki_x509(ipsec['pki'], x509)
if 'profile' in ipsec:
for profile, profile_conf in ipsec['profile'].items():
if 'esp_group' in profile_conf:
if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or profile_conf['esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on {profile} profile")
raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on {profile} profile")
if 'ike_group' in profile_conf:
if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or profile_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on {profile} profile")
raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on {profile} profile")
if 'authentication' not in profile_conf:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on {profile} profile")
if 'remote_access' in ipsec:
if 'connection' in ipsec['remote_access']:
for name, ra_conf in ipsec['remote_access']['connection'].items():
if 'local_address' not in ra_conf and 'dhcp_interface' not in ra_conf:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing local-address or dhcp-interface on remote-access connection {name}")
if 'dhcp_interface' in ra_conf:
dhcp_interface = ra_conf['dhcp_interface']
verify_interface_exists(ipsec, dhcp_interface)
dhcp_base = directories['isc_dhclient_dir']
if not os.path.exists(f'{dhcp_base}/dhclient_{dhcp_interface}.conf'):
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid dhcp-interface on remote-access connection {name}")
if 'disable' not in ra_conf:
address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface)
count = 0
while not address and count < dhcp_wait_attempts:
address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface)
count += 1
if not address:
ipsec['dhcp_no_address'][f'ra_{name}'] = dhcp_interface
print(f"Failed to get address from dhcp-interface on remote-access connection {name} -- skipped")
if 'esp_group' in ra_conf:
if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or ra_conf['esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on {name} remote-access config")
raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on {name} remote-access config")
if 'ike_group' in ra_conf:
if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or ra_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on {name} remote-access config")
ike = ra_conf['ike_group']
if dict_search(f'ike_group.{ike}.key_exchange', ipsec) != 'ikev2':
raise ConfigError('IPsec remote-access connections requires IKEv2!')
raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on {name} remote-access config")
if 'authentication' not in ra_conf:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on {name} remote-access config")
if ra_conf['authentication']['server_mode'] == 'x509':
if 'x509' not in ra_conf['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 settings on {name} remote-access config")
x509 = ra_conf['authentication']['x509']
if 'ca_certificate' not in x509 or 'certificate' not in x509:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 certificates on {name} remote-access config")
verify_pki_x509(ipsec['pki'], x509)
elif ra_conf['authentication']['server_mode'] == 'pre-shared-secret':
if 'pre_shared_secret' not in ra_conf['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing pre-shared-key on {name} remote-access config")
if 'client_mode' not in ra_conf['authentication']:
raise ConfigError('Client authentication method is required!')
if dict_search('authentication.client_mode', ra_conf) == 'eap-radius':
if dict_search('remote_access.radius.server', ipsec) == None:
raise ConfigError('RADIUS authentication requires at least one server')
if 'bind' in ra_conf:
vti_interface = ra_conf['bind']
if not interface_exists(vti_interface):
raise ConfigError(f'VTI interface {vti_interface} for remote-access connection {name} does not exist!')
if 'disable' not in ra_conf:
# remote access VPN interfaces are always up regardless of whether clients are connected
if 'pool' in ra_conf:
if {'dhcp', 'radius'} <= set(ra_conf['pool']):
raise ConfigError(f'Can not use both DHCP and RADIUS for address allocation '\
f'at the same time for "{name}"!')
if 'dhcp' in ra_conf['pool'] and len(ra_conf['pool']) > 1:
raise ConfigError(f'Can not use DHCP and a predefined address pool for "{name}"!')
if 'radius' in ra_conf['pool'] and len(ra_conf['pool']) > 1:
raise ConfigError(f'Can not use RADIUS and a predefined address pool for "{name}"!')
for pool in ra_conf['pool']:
if pool == 'dhcp':
if dict_search('remote_access.dhcp.server', ipsec) == None:
raise ConfigError('IPsec DHCP server is not configured!')
elif pool == 'radius':
if dict_search('remote_access.radius.server', ipsec) == None:
raise ConfigError('IPsec RADIUS server is not configured!')
if dict_search('authentication.client_mode', ra_conf) != 'eap-radius':
raise ConfigError('RADIUS IP pool requires eap-radius client authentication!')
elif 'pool' not in ipsec['remote_access'] or pool not in ipsec['remote_access']['pool']:
raise ConfigError(f'Requested pool "{pool}" does not exist!')
if 'pool' in ipsec['remote_access']:
pool_networks = []
for pool, pool_config in ipsec['remote_access']['pool'].items():
if 'prefix' not in pool_config and 'range' not in pool_config:
raise ConfigError(f'Mandatory prefix or range must be specified for pool "{pool}"!')
if 'prefix' in pool_config and 'range' in pool_config:
raise ConfigError(f'Only one of prefix or range can be specified for pool "{pool}"!')
if 'prefix' in pool_config:
range_is_ipv4 = is_ipv4(pool_config['prefix'])
range_is_ipv6 = is_ipv6(pool_config['prefix'])
net = IPNetwork(pool_config['prefix'])
start = net.first
stop = net.last
for network in pool_networks:
if start in network or stop in network:
raise ConfigError(f'Prefix for pool "{pool}" is already part of another pool\'s range!')
tmp = IPRange(start, stop)
if 'range' in pool_config:
range_config = pool_config['range']
if not {'start', 'stop'} <= set(range_config.keys()):
raise ConfigError(f'Range start and stop address must be defined for pool "{pool}"!')
range_both_ipv4 = is_ipv4(range_config['start']) and is_ipv4(range_config['stop'])
range_both_ipv6 = is_ipv6(range_config['start']) and is_ipv6(range_config['stop'])
if not (range_both_ipv4 or range_both_ipv6):
raise ConfigError(f'Range start and stop must be of the same address family for pool "{pool}"!')
if ip_address(range_config['stop']) < ip_address(range_config['start']):
raise ConfigError(f'Range stop address must be greater or equal\n' \
'to the range\'s start address for pool "{pool}"!')
range_is_ipv4 = is_ipv4(range_config['start'])
range_is_ipv6 = is_ipv6(range_config['start'])
start = range_config['start']
stop = range_config['stop']
for network in pool_networks:
if start in network:
raise ConfigError(f'Range "{range}" start address "{start}" already part of another pool\'s range!')
if stop in network:
raise ConfigError(f'Range "{range}" stop address "{stop}" already part of another pool\'s range!')
tmp = IPRange(start, stop)
if 'name_server' in pool_config:
if len(pool_config['name_server']) > 2:
raise ConfigError(f'Only two name-servers are supported for remote-access pool "{pool}"!')
for ns in pool_config['name_server']:
v4_addr_and_ns = is_ipv4(ns) and not range_is_ipv4
v6_addr_and_ns = is_ipv6(ns) and not range_is_ipv6
if v4_addr_and_ns or v6_addr_and_ns:
raise ConfigError('Must use both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for pool prefix/range and name-server addresses!')
if 'exclude' in pool_config:
for exclude in pool_config['exclude']:
v4_addr_and_exclude = is_ipv4(exclude) and not range_is_ipv4
v6_addr_and_exclude = is_ipv6(exclude) and not range_is_ipv6
if v4_addr_and_exclude or v6_addr_and_exclude:
raise ConfigError('Must use both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for pool prefix/range and exclude prefixes!')
if 'radius' in ipsec['remote_access'] and 'server' in ipsec['remote_access']['radius']:
for server, server_config in ipsec['remote_access']['radius']['server'].items():
if 'key' not in server_config:
raise ConfigError(f'Missing RADIUS secret key for server "{server}"')
if 'site_to_site' in ipsec and 'peer' in ipsec['site_to_site']:
for peer, peer_conf in ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'].items():
has_default_esp = False
# Peer name it is swanctl connection name and shouldn't contain dots or colons, T4118
if bool(re.search(':|\.', peer)):
raise ConfigError(f'Incorrect peer name "{peer}" '
f'Peer name can contain alpha-numeric letters, hyphen and underscore')
if 'remote_address' not in peer_conf:
print(f'You should set correct remote-address "peer {peer} remote-address x.x.x.x"\n')
if 'default_esp_group' in peer_conf:
has_default_esp = True
if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or peer_conf['default_esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if 'ike_group' in peer_conf:
if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or peer_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on site-to-site peer {peer}")
raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if 'authentication' not in peer_conf or 'mode' not in peer_conf['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if {'id', 'use_x509_id'} <= set(peer_conf['authentication']):
raise ConfigError(f"Manually set peer id and use-x509-id are mutually exclusive!")
if peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509':
if 'x509' not in peer_conf['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 settings on site-to-site peer {peer}")
x509 = peer_conf['authentication']['x509']
if 'ca_certificate' not in x509 or 'certificate' not in x509:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 certificates on site-to-site peer {peer}")
verify_pki_x509(ipsec['pki'], x509)
elif peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'rsa':
if 'rsa' not in peer_conf['authentication']:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing RSA settings on site-to-site peer {peer}")
rsa = peer_conf['authentication']['rsa']
if 'local_key' not in rsa:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing RSA local-key on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if 'remote_key' not in rsa:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing RSA remote-key on site-to-site peer {peer}")
verify_pki_rsa(ipsec['pki'], rsa)
if 'local_address' not in peer_conf and 'dhcp_interface' not in peer_conf:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing local-address or dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf:
dhcp_interface = peer_conf['dhcp_interface']
verify_interface_exists(ipsec, dhcp_interface)
dhcp_base = directories['isc_dhclient_dir']
if not os.path.exists(f'{dhcp_base}/dhclient_{dhcp_interface}.conf'):
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if 'disable' not in peer_conf:
address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface)
count = 0
while not address and count < dhcp_wait_attempts:
address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface)
count += 1
if not address:
ipsec['dhcp_no_address'][f'peer_{peer}'] = dhcp_interface
print(f"Failed to get address from dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer} -- skipped")
if 'vti' in peer_conf:
if 'local_address' in peer_conf and 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf:
raise ConfigError(f"A single local-address or dhcp-interface is required when using VTI on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if 'bind' in peer_conf['vti']:
vti_interface = peer_conf['vti']['bind']
if not interface_exists(vti_interface):
raise ConfigError(f'VTI interface {vti_interface} for site-to-site peer {peer} does not exist!')
if 'disable' not in peer_conf:
if 'vti' not in peer_conf and 'tunnel' not in peer_conf:
raise ConfigError(f"No VTI or tunnel specified on site-to-site peer {peer}")
if 'tunnel' in peer_conf:
for tunnel, tunnel_conf in peer_conf['tunnel'].items():
if 'esp_group' not in tunnel_conf and not has_default_esp:
raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
esp_group_name = tunnel_conf['esp_group'] if 'esp_group' in tunnel_conf else peer_conf['default_esp_group']
if esp_group_name not in ipsec['esp_group']:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
esp_group = ipsec['esp_group'][esp_group_name]
if 'mode' in esp_group and esp_group['mode'] == 'transport':
if 'protocol' in tunnel_conf and ((peer in ['any', '']) or ('local_address' not in peer_conf or peer_conf['local_address'] in ['any', ''])):
raise ConfigError(f"Fixed local-address or peer required when a protocol is defined with ESP transport mode on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
if ('local' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf['local']) or ('remote' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf['remote']):
raise ConfigError(f"Local/remote prefix cannot be used with ESP transport mode on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
def cleanup_pki_files():
if not os.path.exists(path):
for file in os.listdir(path):
file_path = os.path.join(path, file)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
def generate_pki_files_x509(pki, x509_conf):
for ca_cert_name in x509_conf['ca_certificate']:
ca_cert_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'ca', ca_cert_name, 'certificate')
ca_cert_crls = dict_search_args(pki, 'ca', ca_cert_name, 'crl') or []
crl_index = 1
with open(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{ca_cert_name}.pem'), 'w') as f:
for crl in ca_cert_crls:
with open(os.path.join(CRL_PATH, f'{ca_cert_name}_{crl_index}.pem'), 'w') as f:
crl_index += 1
cert_name = x509_conf['certificate']
cert_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'certificate')
key_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'private', 'key')
protected = 'passphrase' in x509_conf
with open(os.path.join(CERT_PATH, f'{cert_name}.pem'), 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(KEY_PATH, f'x509_{cert_name}.pem'), 'w') as f:
f.write(wrap_private_key(key_data, protected))
def generate_pki_files_rsa(pki, rsa_conf):
local_key_name = rsa_conf['local_key']
local_key_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', local_key_name, 'private', 'key')
protected = 'passphrase' in rsa_conf
remote_key_name = rsa_conf['remote_key']
remote_key_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', remote_key_name, 'public', 'key')
local_key = load_private_key(local_key_data, rsa_conf['passphrase'] if protected else None)
with open(os.path.join(KEY_PATH, f'rsa_{local_key_name}.pem'), 'w') as f:
f.write(wrap_private_key(local_key_data, protected))
with open(os.path.join(PUBKEY_PATH, f'{local_key_name}.pem'), 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(PUBKEY_PATH, f'{remote_key_name}.pem'), 'w') as f:
def generate(ipsec):
if not ipsec or 'deleted' in ipsec:
for config_file in [charon_dhcp_conf, charon_radius_conf, interface_conf, swanctl_conf]:
if os.path.isfile(config_file):
render(charon_conf, 'ipsec/charon.j2', {'install_routes': default_install_routes})
if ipsec['dhcp_interfaces']:
with open(DHCP_HOOK_IFLIST, 'w') as f:
f.write(" ".join(ipsec['dhcp_interfaces']))
elif os.path.exists(DHCP_HOOK_IFLIST):
for path in [swanctl_dir, CERT_PATH, CA_PATH, CRL_PATH, PUBKEY_PATH]:
if not os.path.exists(path):
os.mkdir(path, mode=0o755)
if not os.path.exists(KEY_PATH):
os.mkdir(KEY_PATH, mode=0o700)
if 'l2tp' in ipsec:
if 'authentication' in ipsec['l2tp'] and 'x509' in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']:
generate_pki_files_x509(ipsec['pki'], ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['x509'])
if 'remote_access' in ipsec and 'connection' in ipsec['remote_access']:
for rw, rw_conf in ipsec['remote_access']['connection'].items():
if f'ra_{rw}' in ipsec['dhcp_no_address']:
local_ip = ''
if 'local_address' in rw_conf:
local_ip = rw_conf['local_address']
elif 'dhcp_interface' in rw_conf:
local_ip = get_dhcp_address(rw_conf['dhcp_interface'])
ipsec['remote_access']['connection'][rw]['local_address'] = local_ip
if 'authentication' in rw_conf and 'x509' in rw_conf['authentication']:
generate_pki_files_x509(ipsec['pki'], rw_conf['authentication']['x509'])
if 'site_to_site' in ipsec and 'peer' in ipsec['site_to_site']:
for peer, peer_conf in ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'].items():
if f'peer_{peer}' in ipsec['dhcp_no_address']:
if peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509':
generate_pki_files_x509(ipsec['pki'], peer_conf['authentication']['x509'])
elif peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'rsa':
generate_pki_files_rsa(ipsec['pki'], peer_conf['authentication']['rsa'])
local_ip = ''
if 'local_address' in peer_conf:
local_ip = peer_conf['local_address']
elif 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf:
local_ip = get_dhcp_address(peer_conf['dhcp_interface'])
ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'][peer]['local_address'] = local_ip
if 'tunnel' in peer_conf:
for tunnel, tunnel_conf in peer_conf['tunnel'].items():
local_prefixes = dict_search_args(tunnel_conf, 'local', 'prefix')
remote_prefixes = dict_search_args(tunnel_conf, 'remote', 'prefix')
if not local_prefixes or not remote_prefixes:
passthrough = None
for local_prefix in local_prefixes:
for remote_prefix in remote_prefixes:
local_net = ipaddress.ip_network(local_prefix)
remote_net = ipaddress.ip_network(remote_prefix)
if local_net.overlaps(remote_net):
if passthrough is None:
passthrough = []
ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'][peer]['tunnel'][tunnel]['passthrough'] = passthrough
# auth psk dhcp-interface
if jmespath.search('authentication.psk.*.dhcp_interface', ipsec):
for psk, psk_config in ipsec['authentication']['psk'].items():
if 'dhcp_interface' in psk_config:
for iface in psk_config['dhcp_interface']:
id = get_dhcp_address(iface)
if id:
render(charon_conf, 'ipsec/charon.j2', ipsec)
render(charon_dhcp_conf, 'ipsec/charon/dhcp.conf.j2', ipsec)
render(charon_radius_conf, 'ipsec/charon/eap-radius.conf.j2', ipsec)
render(interface_conf, 'ipsec/interfaces_use.conf.j2', ipsec)
render(swanctl_conf, 'ipsec/swanctl.conf.j2', ipsec)
def apply(ipsec):
systemd_service = 'strongswan.service'
if not ipsec or 'deleted' in ipsec:
call(f'systemctl stop {systemd_service}')
if vti_updown_db_exists():
call(f'systemctl reload-or-restart {systemd_service}')
if ipsec['enabled_vti_interfaces']:
with open_vti_updown_db_for_create_or_update() as db:
db.commit(lambda interface: ipsec['vti_interface_dicts'][interface])
elif vti_updown_db_exists():
if ipsec:
if ipsec.get('nhrp_exists', False):
except ConfigError:
# Ignore config errors on dependent due to being called too early. Example:
# ConfigError("ConfigError('Interface ethN requires an IP address!')")
if __name__ == '__main__':
ipsec = get_config()
except ConfigError as e: