#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018-2023 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os from sys import exit from vyos.base import Warning from vyos.config import Config from vyos.pki import wrap_certificate from vyos.pki import wrap_private_key from vyos.template import render from vyos.utils.process import call from vyos.utils.network import check_port_availability from vyos.utils.process import is_systemd_service_running from vyos.utils.network import is_listen_port_bind_service from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search from vyos import ConfigError from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt from time import sleep from vyos import airbag airbag.enable() cfg_dir = '/run/ocserv' ocserv_conf = cfg_dir + '/ocserv.conf' ocserv_passwd = cfg_dir + '/ocpasswd' ocserv_otp_usr = cfg_dir + '/users.oath' radius_cfg = cfg_dir + '/radiusclient.conf' radius_servers = cfg_dir + '/radius_servers' # Generate hash from user cleartext password def get_hash(password): return sha512_crypt.hash(password) def get_config(config=None): if config: conf = config else: conf = Config() base = ['vpn', 'openconnect'] if not conf.exists(base): return None ocserv = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True, with_recursive_defaults=True, with_pki=True) return ocserv def verify(ocserv): if ocserv is None: return None # Check if listen-ports not binded other services # It can be only listen by 'ocserv-main' for proto, port in ocserv.get('listen_ports').items(): if check_port_availability(ocserv['listen_address'], int(port), proto) is not True and \ not is_listen_port_bind_service(int(port), 'ocserv-main'): raise ConfigError(f'"{proto}" port "{port}" is used by another service') # Check accounting if "accounting" in ocserv: if "mode" in ocserv["accounting"] and "radius" in ocserv["accounting"]["mode"]: if not origin["accounting"]['radius']['server']: raise ConfigError('Openconnect accounting mode radius requires at least one RADIUS server') if "authentication" not in ocserv or "mode" not in ocserv["authentication"]: raise ConfigError('Accounting depends on OpenConnect authentication configuration') elif "radius" not in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]: raise ConfigError('RADIUS accounting must be used with RADIUS authentication') # Check authentication if "authentication" in ocserv: if "mode" in ocserv["authentication"]: if ("local" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"] and "radius" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]): raise ConfigError('OpenConnect authentication modes are mutually-exclusive, remove either local or radius from your configuration') if "radius" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]: if not ocserv["authentication"]['radius']['server']: raise ConfigError('Openconnect authentication mode radius requires at least one RADIUS server') if "local" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]: if not ocserv.get("authentication", {}).get("local_users"): raise ConfigError('openconnect mode local required at least one user') if not ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"]: raise ConfigError('openconnect mode local required at least one user') else: # For OTP mode: verify that each local user has an OTP key if "otp" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"]: users_wo_key = [] for user, user_config in ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"].items(): # User has no OTP key defined if dict_search('otp.key', user_config) == None: users_wo_key.append(user) if users_wo_key: raise ConfigError(f'OTP enabled, but no OTP key is configured for these users:\n{users_wo_key}') # For password (and default) mode: verify that each local user has password if "password" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"] or "otp" not in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"]: users_wo_pswd = [] for user in ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"]: if not "password" in ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]: users_wo_pswd.append(user) if users_wo_pswd: raise ConfigError(f'password required for users:\n{users_wo_pswd}') # Validate that if identity-based-config is configured all child config nodes are set if 'identity_based_config' in ocserv["authentication"]: if 'disabled' not in ocserv["authentication"]["identity_based_config"]: Warning("Identity based configuration files is a 3rd party addition. Use at your own risk, this might break the ocserv daemon!") if 'mode' not in ocserv["authentication"]["identity_based_config"]: raise ConfigError('OpenConnect radius identity-based-config enabled but mode not selected') elif 'group' in ocserv["authentication"]["identity_based_config"]["mode"] and "radius" not in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]: raise ConfigError('OpenConnect config-per-group must be used with radius authentication') if 'directory' not in ocserv["authentication"]["identity_based_config"]: raise ConfigError('OpenConnect identity-based-config enabled but directory not set') if 'default_config' not in ocserv["authentication"]["identity_based_config"]: raise ConfigError('OpenConnect identity-based-config enabled but default-config not set') else: raise ConfigError('openconnect authentication mode required') else: raise ConfigError('openconnect authentication credentials required') # Check ssl if 'ssl' not in ocserv: raise ConfigError('openconnect ssl required') if not ocserv['pki'] or 'certificate' not in ocserv['pki']: raise ConfigError('PKI not configured') ssl = ocserv['ssl'] if 'certificate' not in ssl: raise ConfigError('openconnect ssl certificate required') cert_name = ssl['certificate'] if cert_name not in ocserv['pki']['certificate']: raise ConfigError('Invalid openconnect ssl certificate') cert = ocserv['pki']['certificate'][cert_name] if 'certificate' not in cert: raise ConfigError('Missing certificate in PKI') if 'private' not in cert or 'key' not in cert['private']: raise ConfigError('Missing private key in PKI') if 'ca_certificate' in ssl: if 'ca' not in ocserv['pki']: raise ConfigError('PKI not configured') if ssl['ca_certificate'] not in ocserv['pki']['ca']: raise ConfigError('Invalid openconnect ssl CA certificate') # Check network settings if "network_settings" in ocserv: if "push_route" in ocserv["network_settings"]: # Replace default route if "" in ocserv["network_settings"]["push_route"]: ocserv["network_settings"]["push_route"].remove("") ocserv["network_settings"]["push_route"].append("default") else: ocserv["network_settings"]["push_route"] = ["default"] else: raise ConfigError('openconnect network settings required') def generate(ocserv): if not ocserv: return None if "radius" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]: if dict_search(ocserv, 'accounting.mode.radius'): # Render radius client configuration render(radius_cfg, 'ocserv/radius_conf.j2', ocserv) merged_servers = ocserv["accounting"]["radius"]["server"] | ocserv["authentication"]["radius"]["server"] # Render radius servers # Merge the accounting and authentication servers into a single dictionary render(radius_servers, 'ocserv/radius_servers.j2', {'server': merged_servers}) else: # Render radius client configuration render(radius_cfg, 'ocserv/radius_conf.j2', ocserv) # Render radius servers render(radius_servers, 'ocserv/radius_servers.j2', ocserv["authentication"]["radius"]) elif "local" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]: # if mode "OTP", generate OTP users file parameters if "otp" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"]: if "local_users" in ocserv["authentication"]: for user in ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"]: # OTP token type from CLI parameters: otp_interval = str(ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["otp"].get("interval")) token_type = ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["otp"].get("token_type") otp_length = str(ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["otp"].get("otp_length")) if token_type == "hotp-time": otp_type = "HOTP/T" + otp_interval elif token_type == "hotp-event": otp_type = "HOTP/E" else: otp_type = "HOTP/T" + otp_interval ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["otp"]["token_tmpl"] = otp_type + "/" + otp_length # if there is a password, generate hash if "password" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"] or not "otp" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"]: if "local_users" in ocserv["authentication"]: for user in ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"]: ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["hash"] = get_hash(ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["password"]) if "password-otp" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"]: # Render local users ocpasswd render(ocserv_passwd, 'ocserv/ocserv_passwd.j2', ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]) # Render local users OTP keys render(ocserv_otp_usr, 'ocserv/ocserv_otp_usr.j2', ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]) elif "password" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"]: # Render local users ocpasswd render(ocserv_passwd, 'ocserv/ocserv_passwd.j2', ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]) elif "otp" in ocserv["authentication"]["mode"]["local"]: # Render local users OTP keys render(ocserv_otp_usr, 'ocserv/ocserv_otp_usr.j2', ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]) else: # Render local users ocpasswd render(ocserv_passwd, 'ocserv/ocserv_passwd.j2', ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]) else: if "local_users" in ocserv["authentication"]: for user in ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"]: ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["hash"] = get_hash(ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]["username"][user]["password"]) # Render local users render(ocserv_passwd, 'ocserv/ocserv_passwd.j2', ocserv["authentication"]["local_users"]) if "ssl" in ocserv: cert_file_path = os.path.join(cfg_dir, 'cert.pem') cert_key_path = os.path.join(cfg_dir, 'cert.key') ca_cert_file_path = os.path.join(cfg_dir, 'ca.pem') if 'certificate' in ocserv['ssl']: cert_name = ocserv['ssl']['certificate'] pki_cert = ocserv['pki']['certificate'][cert_name] with open(cert_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_certificate(pki_cert['certificate'])) if 'private' in pki_cert and 'key' in pki_cert['private']: with open(cert_key_path, 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_private_key(pki_cert['private']['key'])) if 'ca_certificate' in ocserv['ssl']: ca_name = ocserv['ssl']['ca_certificate'] pki_ca_cert = ocserv['pki']['ca'][ca_name] with open(ca_cert_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_certificate(pki_ca_cert['certificate'])) # Render config render(ocserv_conf, 'ocserv/ocserv_config.j2', ocserv) def apply(ocserv): if not ocserv: call('systemctl stop ocserv.service') for file in [ocserv_conf, ocserv_passwd, ocserv_otp_usr]: if os.path.exists(file): os.unlink(file) else: call('systemctl reload-or-restart ocserv.service') counter = 0 while True: # exit early when service runs if is_systemd_service_running("ocserv.service"): break sleep(0.250) if counter > 5: raise ConfigError('openconnect failed to start, check the logs for details') break counter += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': try: c = get_config() verify(c) generate(c) apply(c) except ConfigError as e: print(e) exit(1)