#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import sys import os import re import subprocess import jinja2 import socket import time import syslog as sl from vyos.config import Config from vyos import ConfigError pidfile = r'/var/run/accel_sstp.pid' sstp_cnf_dir = r'/etc/accel-ppp/sstp' chap_secrets = sstp_cnf_dir + '/chap-secrets' sstp_conf = sstp_cnf_dir + '/sstp.config' ssl_cert_dir = r'/config/user-data/sstp' # config path creation if not os.path.exists(sstp_cnf_dir): os.makedirs(sstp_cnf_dir) sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, sstp_cnf_dir + " created") if not os.path.exists(ssl_cert_dir): os.makedirs(ssl_cert_dir) sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, ssl_cert_dir + " created") sstp_config = ''' ### generated by vpn_sstp.py ### [modules] log_syslog sstp ippool shaper {% if authentication['mode'] == 'local' %} chap-secrets {% endif -%} {% for proto in authentication['auth_proto'] %} {{proto}} {% endfor %} {% if authentication['mode'] == 'radius' %} radius {% endif %} [core] thread-count={{thread_cnt}} [common] single-session=replace [log] syslog=accel-sstp,daemon copy=1 level=5 [client-ip-range] disable [sstp] verbose=1 accept=ssl {% if certs %} ssl-ca-file=/config/user-data/sstp/{{certs['ca']}} ssl-pemfile=/config/user-data/sstp/{{certs['server-cert']}} ssl-keyfile=/config/user-data/sstp/{{certs['server-key']}} {% endif %} {%if ip_pool %} [ip-pool] gw-ip-address={{gw}} {% for sn in ip_pool %} {{sn}} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if dnsv4 %} [dns] {% for dns in dnsv4 -%} dns{{ loop.index }}={{ dns }} {% endfor -%} {% endif %} {% if authentication['mode'] == 'local' %} [chap-secrets] chap-secrets=/etc/accel-ppp/sstp/chap-secrets {% endif %} {%- if authentication['mode'] == 'radius' %} [radius] verbose=1 {% for rsrv in authentication['radius-srv']: %} server={{rsrv}},{{authentication['radius-srv'][rsrv]['secret']}},\ req-limit={{authentication['radius-srv'][rsrv]['req-limit']}},\ fail-time={{authentication['radius-srv'][rsrv]['fail-time']}} {% endfor -%} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['acct-timeout'] %} acct-timeout={{authentication['radiusopt']['acct-timeout']}} {% endif -%} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['timeout'] %} timeout={{authentication['radiusopt']['timeout']}} {% endif -%} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['max-try'] %} max-try={{authentication['radiusopt']['max-try']}} {% endif -%} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['nas-id'] %} nas-identifier={{authentication['radiusopt']['nas-id']}} {% endif -%} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['nas-ip'] %} nas-ip-address={{authentication['radiusopt']['nas-ip']}} {% endif -%} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['dae-srv'] %} dae-server={{authentication['radiusopt']['dae-srv']['ip-addr']}}:\ {{authentication['radiusopt']['dae-srv']['port']}},\ {{authentication['radiusopt']['dae-srv']['secret']}} {% endif -%} {% endif %} [ppp] verbose=1 check-ip=1 {% if mtu %} mtu={{mtu}} {% endif -%} {% if ppp['mppe'] %} mppe={{ppp['mppe']}} {% endif -%} {% if ppp['lcp-echo-interval'] %} lcp-echo-interval={{ppp['lcp-echo-interval']}} {% endif -%} {% if ppp['lcp-echo-failure'] %} lcp-echo-failure={{ppp['lcp-echo-failure']}} {% endif -%} {% if ppp['lcp-echo-timeout'] %} lcp-echo-timeout={{ppp['lcp-echo-timeout']}} {% endif %} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['shaper'] %} [shaper] verbose=1 attr={{authentication['radiusopt']['shaper']['attr']}} {% if authentication['radiusopt']['shaper']['vendor'] %} vendor={{authentication['radiusopt']['shaper']['vendor']}} {% endif -%} {% endif %} [cli] tcp= ''' # sstp chap secrets chap_secrets_conf = ''' # username server password acceptable local IP addresses shaper {% for user in authentication['local-users'] %} {% if authentication['local-users'][user]['state'] == 'enabled' %} {% if (authentication['local-users'][user]['upload']) and (authentication['local-users'][user]['download']) %} {{user}}\t*\t{{authentication['local-users'][user]['passwd']}}\t{{authentication['local-users'][user]['ip']}}\t\ {{authentication['local-users'][user]['download']}}/{{authentication['local-users'][user]['upload']}} {% else %} {{user}}\t*\t{{authentication['local-users'][user]['passwd']}}\t{{authentication['local-users'][user]['ip']}} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ''' ### # inline helper functions ### # depending on hw and threads, daemon needs a little to start # if it takes longer than 100 * 0.5 secs, exception is being raised # not sure if that's the best way to check it, but it worked so far quite well ### def chk_con(): cnt = 0 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) while True: try: s.connect(("", 2005)) s.close() break except ConnectionRefusedError: time.sleep(0.5) cnt += 1 if cnt == 100: raise("failed to start sstp server") break # chap_secrets file if auth mode local def write_chap_secrets(c): tmpl = jinja2.Template(chap_secrets_conf, trim_blocks=True) chap_secrets_txt = tmpl.render(c) old_umask = os.umask(0o077) open(chap_secrets, 'w').write(chap_secrets_txt) os.umask(old_umask) sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, chap_secrets + ' written') def accel_cmd(cmd=''): if not cmd: return None try: ret = subprocess.check_output( ['/usr/bin/accel-cmd', '-p', '2005', cmd]).decode().strip() return ret except: return 1 # check ig local-ip is in client pool subnet ### # inline helper functions end ### def get_config(): base_path = ['vpn', 'sstp'] c = Config() if not c.exists(base_path): return None c.set_level(base_path) config_data = { 'authentication': { 'local-users': { }, 'mode': 'local', 'auth_proto': [], 'radius-srv': {}, 'radiusopt': {}, 'dae-srv': {} }, 'certs': { 'ca': None, 'server-key': None, 'server-cert': None }, 'ip_pool': [], 'gw': None, 'dnsv4': [], 'mtu': None, 'ppp': {}, } # local auth if c.exists('authentication mode local'): if c.exists('authentication local-users'): for usr in c.list_nodes('authentication local-users username'): config_data['authentication']['local-users'].update( { usr: { 'passwd': None, 'state': 'enabled', 'ip': '*', 'upload': None, 'download': None } } ) if c.exists('authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' password'): config_data['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['passwd'] = c.return_value( 'authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' password') if c.exists('authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' disable'): config_data['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['state'] = 'disable' if c.exists('authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' static-ip'): config_data['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['ip'] = c.return_value( 'authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' static-ip') if c.exists('authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' rate-limit download'): config_data['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['download'] = c.return_value( 'authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' rate-limit download') if c.exists('authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' rate-limit upload'): config_data['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['upload'] = c.return_value( 'authentication local-users username ' + usr + ' rate-limit upload') if c.exists('authentication protocols'): auth_mods = {'pap': 'pap', 'chap': 'auth_chap_md5', 'mschap': 'auth_mschap_v1', 'mschap-v2': 'auth_mschap_v2'} for proto in c.return_values('authentication protocols'): config_data['authentication']['auth_proto'].append( auth_mods[proto]) else: config_data['authentication']['auth_proto'] = ['auth_mschap_v2'] # RADIUS auth and settings if c.exists('authentication mode radius'): config_data['authentication']['mode'] = c.return_value( 'authentication mode') if c.exists('authentication radius-server'): for rsrv in c.list_nodes('authentication radius-server'): config_data['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv] = {} if c.exists('authentication radius-server ' + rsrv + ' secret'): config_data['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv]['secret'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-server ' + rsrv + ' secret') else: config_data['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv]['secret'] = None if c.exists('authentication radius-server ' + rsrv + ' fail-time'): config_data['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv]['fail-time'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-server ' + rsrv + ' fail-time') else: config_data['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv]['fail-time'] = 0 if c.exists('authentication radius-server ' + rsrv + ' req-limit'): config_data['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv]['req-limit'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-server ' + rsrv + ' req-limit') else: config_data['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv]['req-limit'] = 0 # advanced radius-setting if c.exists('authentication radius-settings'): if c.exists('authentication radius-settings acct-timeout'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['acct-timeout'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-settings acct-timeout') if c.exists('authentication radius-settings max-try'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['max-try'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-settings max-try') if c.exists('authentication radius-settings timeout'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['timeout'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-settings timeout') if c.exists('authentication radius-settings nas-identifier'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['nas-id'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-settings nas-identifier') if c.exists('authentication radius-settings nas-ip-address'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['nas-ip'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-settings nas-ip-address') if c.exists('authentication radius-settings dae-server'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt'].update( { 'dae-srv': { 'ip-addr': c.return_value('authentication radius-settings dae-server ip-address'), 'port': c.return_value('authentication radius-settings dae-server port'), 'secret': str(c.return_value('authentication radius-settings dae-server secret')) } } ) if c.exists('authentication radius-settings rate-limit enable'): if not c.exists('authentication radius-settings rate-limit attribute'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['shaper'] = { 'attr': 'Filter-Id'} else: config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['shaper'] = { 'attr': c.return_value('authentication radius-settings rate-limit attribute') } if c.exists('authentication radius-settings rate-limit vendor'): config_data['authentication']['radiusopt']['shaper']['vendor'] = c.return_value( 'authentication radius-settings rate-limit vendor') if c.exists('sstp-settings ssl-certs ca'): config_data['certs']['ca'] = c.return_value( 'sstp-settings ssl-certs ca') if c.exists('sstp-settings ssl-certs server-cert'): config_data['certs']['server-cert'] = c.return_value( 'sstp-settings ssl-certs server-cert') if c.exists('sstp-settings ssl-certs server-key'): config_data['certs']['server-key'] = c.return_value( 'sstp-settings ssl-certs server-key') if c.exists('network-settings client-ip-settings subnet'): config_data['ip_pool'] = c.return_values( 'network-settings client-ip-settings subnet') if c.exists('network-settings client-ip-settings gateway-address'): config_data['gw'] = c.return_value( 'network-settings client-ip-settings gateway-address') if c.exists('network-settings name-server'): config_data['dnsv4'] = c.return_values('network-settings name-server') if c.exists('network-settings mtu'): config_data['mtu'] = c.return_value('network-settings mtu') # ppp if c.exists('ppp-settings mppe'): config_data['ppp']['mppe'] = c.return_value('ppp-settings mppe') if c.exists('ppp-settings lcp-echo-failure'): config_data['ppp']['lcp-echo-failure'] = c.return_value( 'ppp-settings lcp-echo-failure') if c.exists('ppp-settings lcp-echo-interval'): config_data['ppp']['lcp-echo-interval'] = c.return_value( 'ppp-settings lcp-echo-interval') if c.exists('ppp-settings lcp-echo-timeout'): config_data['ppp']['lcp-echo-timeout'] = c.return_value( 'ppp-settings lcp-echo-timeout') return config_data def verify(c): if c == None: return None # vertify auth settings if c['authentication']['mode'] == 'local': if not c['authentication']['local-users']: raise ConfigError( 'sstp-server authentication local-users required') for usr in c['authentication']['local-users']: if not c['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['passwd']: raise ConfigError('user ' + usr + ' requires a password') # if up/download is set, check that both have a value if c['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['upload']: if not c['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['download']: raise ConfigError( 'user ' + usr + ' requires download speed value') if c['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['download']: if not c['authentication']['local-users'][usr]['upload']: raise ConfigError( 'user ' + usr + ' requires upload speed value') if len(c['dnsv4']) > 2: raise ConfigError("Only 2 DNS name-servers can be configured") if not c['certs']['ca'] or not c['certs']['server-key'] or not c['certs']['server-cert']: raise ConfigError( 'service sstp-server sstp-settings ssl-certs needs the ssl certificates set up') else: ssl_path = ssl_cert_dir + '/' if not os.path.exists(ssl_path + c['certs']['ca']): raise ConfigError('CA {0} doesn\'t exist'.format( ssl_path + c['certs']['ca'])) if not os.path.exists(ssl_path + c['certs']['server-cert']): raise ConfigError('SSL Cert {0} doesn\'t exist'.format( ssl_path + c['certs']['server-cert'])) if not os.path.exists(ssl_path + c['certs']['server-cert']): raise ConfigError('SSL Key {0} doesn\'t exist'.format( ssl_path + c['certs']['server-key'])) if c['authentication']['mode'] == 'radius': if len(c['authentication']['radius-srv']) == 0: raise ConfigError( 'service sstp-server authentication radius-server needs a value') for rsrv in c['authentication']['radius-srv']: if c['authentication']['radius-srv'][rsrv]['secret'] == None: raise ConfigError( 'service sstp-server authentication radius-server {0} secret requires a value'.format(rsrv)) if c['authentication']['mode'] == 'local': if not c['ip_pool']: print ( "WARNING: service sstp-server network-settings client-ip-settings subnet requires a value") if not c['gw']: print ( "WARNING: service sstp-server network-settings client-ip-settings gateway-address requires a value") def generate(c): if c == None: return None # accel-cmd reload doesn't work so any change results in a restart of the daemon try: if os.cpu_count() == 1: c['thread_cnt'] = 1 else: c['thread_cnt'] = int(os.cpu_count()/2) except KeyError: if os.cpu_count() == 1: c['thread_cnt'] = 1 else: c['thread_cnt'] = int(os.cpu_count()/2) tmpl = jinja2.Template(sstp_config, trim_blocks=True) config_text = tmpl.render(c) open(sstp_conf, 'w').write(config_text) if c['authentication']['local-users']: write_chap_secrets(c) return c def apply(c): if c == None: if os.path.exists(pidfile): accel_cmd('shutdown hard') if os.path.exists(pidfile): os.remove(pidfile) return None if not os.path.exists(pidfile): ret = subprocess.call( ['/usr/sbin/accel-pppd', '-c', sstp_conf, '-p', pidfile, '-d']) chk_con() if ret != 0 and os.path.exists(pidfile): os.remove(pidfile) raise ConfigError('accel-pppd failed to start') else: accel_cmd('restart') sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "reloading config via daemon restart") if __name__ == '__main__': try: c = get_config() verify(c) generate(c) apply(c) except ConfigError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1)