#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import subprocess from sys import exit from ipaddress import ip_address, ip_interface, IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface, IPv4Address, IPv6Address from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment from json import dumps from pathlib import Path import vyos.config import vyos.keepalived from vyos.defaults import directories as vyos_data_dir from vyos import ConfigError daemon_file = "/etc/default/keepalived" config_file = "/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf" config_dict_path = "/run/keepalived_config.dict" def get_config(): vrrp_groups = [] sync_groups = [] config = vyos.config.Config() # Get the VRRP groups for group_name in config.list_nodes("high-availability vrrp group"): config.set_level("high-availability vrrp group {0}".format(group_name)) # Retrieve the values group = {"preempt": True, "use_vmac": False, "disable": False} if config.exists("disable"): group["disable"] = True group["name"] = group_name group["vrid"] = config.return_value("vrid") group["interface"] = config.return_value("interface") group["description"] = config.return_value("description") group["advertise_interval"] = config.return_value("advertise-interval") group["priority"] = config.return_value("priority") group["hello_source"] = config.return_value("hello-source-address") group["peer_address"] = config.return_value("peer-address") group["sync_group"] = config.return_value("sync-group") group["preempt_delay"] = config.return_value("preempt-delay") group["virtual_addresses"] = config.return_values("virtual-address") group["auth_password"] = config.return_value("authentication password") group["auth_type"] = config.return_value("authentication type") group["health_check_script"] = config.return_value("health-check script") group["health_check_interval"] = config.return_value("health-check interval") group["health_check_count"] = config.return_value("health-check failure-count") group["master_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script master") group["backup_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script backup") group["fault_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script fault") group["stop_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script stop") if config.exists("no-preempt"): group["preempt"] = False if config.exists("rfc3768-compatibility"): group["use_vmac"] = True # Substitute defaults where applicable if not group["advertise_interval"]: group["advertise_interval"] = 1 if not group["priority"]: group["priority"] = 100 if not group["preempt_delay"]: group["preempt_delay"] = 0 if not group["health_check_interval"]: group["health_check_interval"] = 60 if not group["health_check_count"]: group["health_check_count"] = 3 # FIXUP: translate our option for auth type to keepalived's syntax # for simplicity if group["auth_type"]: if group["auth_type"] == "plaintext-password": group["auth_type"] = "PASS" else: group["auth_type"] = "AH" vrrp_groups.append(group) config.set_level("") # Get the sync group used for conntrack-sync conntrack_sync_group = None if config.exists("service conntrack-sync failover-mechanism vrrp"): conntrack_sync_group = config.return_value("service conntrack-sync failover-mechanism vrrp sync-group") # Get the sync groups for sync_group_name in config.list_nodes("high-availability vrrp sync-group"): config.set_level("high-availability vrrp sync-group {0}".format(sync_group_name)) sync_group = {"conntrack_sync": False} sync_group["name"] = sync_group_name sync_group["members"] = config.return_values("member") if conntrack_sync_group: if conntrack_sync_group == sync_group_name: sync_group["conntrack_sync"] = True # add transition script configuration sync_group["master_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script master") sync_group["backup_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script backup") sync_group["fault_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script fault") sync_group["stop_script"] = config.return_value("transition-script stop") sync_groups.append(sync_group) # create a file with dict with proposed configuration with open("{}.temp".format(config_dict_path), 'w') as dict_file: dict_file.write(dumps({'vrrp_groups': vrrp_groups, 'sync_groups': sync_groups})) return (vrrp_groups, sync_groups) def verify(data): vrrp_groups, sync_groups = data for group in vrrp_groups: # Check required fields if not group["vrid"]: raise ConfigError("vrid is required but not set in VRRP group {0}".format(group["name"])) if not group["interface"]: raise ConfigError("interface is required but not set in VRRP group {0}".format(group["name"])) if not group["virtual_addresses"]: raise ConfigError("virtual-address is required but not set in VRRP group {0}".format(group["name"])) if group["auth_password"] and (not group["auth_type"]): raise ConfigError("authentication type is required but not set in VRRP group {0}".format(group["name"])) # Keepalived doesn't allow mixing IPv4 and IPv6 in one group, so we mirror that restriction # XXX: filter on map object is destructive, so we force it to list. # Additionally, filter objects always evaluate to True, empty or not, # so we force them to lists as well. vaddrs = list(map(lambda i: ip_interface(i), group["virtual_addresses"])) vaddrs4 = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, IPv4Interface), vaddrs)) vaddrs6 = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, IPv6Interface), vaddrs)) if vaddrs4 and vaddrs6: raise ConfigError("VRRP group {0} mixes IPv4 and IPv6 virtual addresses, this is not allowed. Create separate groups for IPv4 and IPv6".format(group["name"])) if vaddrs4: if group["hello_source"]: hsa = ip_address(group["hello_source"]) if isinstance(hsa, IPv6Address): raise ConfigError("VRRP group {0} uses IPv4 but its hello-source-address is IPv6".format(group["name"])) if group["peer_address"]: pa = ip_address(group["peer_address"]) if isinstance(pa, IPv6Address): raise ConfigError("VRRP group {0} uses IPv4 but its peer-address is IPv6".format(group["name"])) if vaddrs6: if group["hello_source"]: hsa = ip_address(group["hello_source"]) if isinstance(hsa, IPv4Address): raise ConfigError("VRRP group {0} uses IPv6 but its hello-source-address is IPv4".format(group["name"])) if group["peer_address"]: pa = ip_address(group["peer_address"]) if isinstance(pa, IPv4Address): raise ConfigError("VRRP group {0} uses IPv6 but its peer-address is IPv4".format(group["name"])) # Disallow same VRID on multiple interfaces _groups = sorted(vrrp_groups, key=(lambda x: x["interface"])) count = len(_groups) - 1 index = 0 while (index < count): if (_groups[index]["vrid"] == _groups[index + 1]["vrid"]) and (_groups[index]["interface"] == _groups[index + 1]["interface"]): raise ConfigError("VRID {0} is used in groups {1} and {2} that both use interface {3}. Groups on the same interface must use different VRIDs".format( _groups[index]["vrid"], _groups[index]["name"], _groups[index + 1]["name"], _groups[index]["interface"])) else: index += 1 # Check sync groups vrrp_group_names = list(map(lambda x: x["name"], vrrp_groups)) for sync_group in sync_groups: for m in sync_group["members"]: if not (m in vrrp_group_names): raise ConfigError("VRRP sync-group {0} refers to VRRP group {1}, but group {1} does not exist".format(sync_group["name"], m)) def generate(data): # Prepare Jinja2 template loader from files tmpl_path = os.path.join(vyos_data_dir['data'], 'templates', 'vrrp') fs_loader = FileSystemLoader(tmpl_path) env = Environment(loader=fs_loader) vrrp_groups, sync_groups = data # Remove disabled groups from the sync group member lists for sync_group in sync_groups: for member in sync_group["members"]: g = list(filter(lambda x: x["name"] == member, vrrp_groups))[0] if g["disable"]: print("Warning: ignoring disabled VRRP group {0} in sync-group {1}".format(g["name"], sync_group["name"])) # Filter out disabled groups vrrp_groups = list(filter(lambda x: x["disable"] is not True, vrrp_groups)) tmpl = env.get_template('keepalived.conf.tmpl') config_text = tmpl.render({"groups": vrrp_groups, "sync_groups": sync_groups}) with open(config_file, 'w') as f: f.write(config_text) tmpl = env.get_template('daemon.tmpl') config_text = tmpl.render() with open(daemon_file, 'w') as f: f.write(config_text) return None def apply(data): vrrp_groups, sync_groups = data if vrrp_groups: # safely rename a temporary file with configuration dict try: dict_file = Path("{}.temp".format(config_dict_path)) dict_file.rename(Path(config_dict_path)) except Exception as err: print("Unable to rename the file with keepalived config for FIFO pipe: {}".format(err)) if not vyos.keepalived.vrrp_running(): print("Starting the VRRP process") ret = subprocess.call("sudo systemctl restart keepalived.service", shell=True) else: print("Reloading the VRRP process") ret = subprocess.call("sudo systemctl reload keepalived.service", shell=True) if ret != 0: raise ConfigError("keepalived failed to start") else: # VRRP is removed in the commit print("Stopping the VRRP process") subprocess.call("sudo systemctl stop keepalived.service", shell=True) os.unlink(config_file) return None if __name__ == '__main__': try: c = get_config() verify(c) generate(c) apply(c) except ConfigError as e: print("VRRP error: {0}".format(str(e))) exit(1)