#!/usr/bin/env python3 ## Script called up strongswan to bring the vti interface up/down based on the state of the IPSec tunnel. ## Called as vti_up_down vti_intf_name import os import sys from vyos.util import call, get_interface_config, get_interface_address def get_dhcp_address(interface): addr = get_interface_address(interface) if not addr: return None if len(addr['addr_info']) == 0: return None return addr['addr_info'][0]['local'] if __name__ == '__main__': verb = os.getenv('PLUTO_VERB') connection = os.getenv('PLUTO_CONNECTION') interface = sys.argv[1] dhcp_interface = sys.argv[2] print(f'vti-up-down: start: {verb} {connection} {interface}') if verb in ['up-client', 'up-host']: call('sudo ip route delete default table 220') vti_link = get_interface_config(interface) if not vti_link: print('vti-up-down: interface not found') sys.exit(0) vti_link_up = (vti_link['operstate'] == 'UP' if 'operstate' in vti_link else False) if verb in ['up-client', 'up-host']: if not vti_link_up: if dhcp_interface != 'no': local_ip = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface) call(f'sudo ip tunnel change {interface} local {local_ip}') call(f'sudo ip link set {interface} up') elif verb in ['down-client', 'down-host']: if vti_link_up: call(f'sudo ip link set {interface} down') print('vti-up-down: finish')