# Copyright 2019-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors <maintainers@vyos.io>
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# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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# Change syntax of bridge interface
# - move interface based bridge-group to actual bridge (de-nest)
# - make stp and igmp-snooping nodes valueless
# https://vyos.dev/T1556

from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree

def migrate_bridge(config, tree, intf):
    # check if bridge-group exists
    tree_bridge = tree + ['bridge-group']
    if config.exists(tree_bridge):
        bridge = config.return_value(tree_bridge + ['bridge'])
        # create new bridge member interface
        config.set(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface', intf])
        # format as tag node to avoid loading problems
        config.set_tag(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface'])

        # cost: migrate if configured
        tree_cost = tree + ['bridge-group', 'cost']
        if config.exists(tree_cost):
            cost = config.return_value(tree_cost)
            # set new node
            config.set(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface', intf, 'cost'], value=cost)

        # priority: migrate if configured
        tree_priority = tree + ['bridge-group', 'priority']
        if config.exists(tree_priority):
            priority = config.return_value(tree_priority)
            # set new node
            config.set(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface', intf, 'priority'], value=priority)

        # Delete the old bridge-group assigned to an interface

def migrate(config: ConfigTree) -> None:
    base = ['interfaces', 'bridge']

    if not config.exists(base):
        # Nothing to do

    # make stp and igmp-snooping nodes valueless
    for br in config.list_nodes(base):
        # STP: check if enabled
        if config.exists(base + [br, 'stp']):
            stp_val = config.return_value(base + [br, 'stp'])
            # STP: delete node with old syntax
            config.delete(base + [br, 'stp'])
            # STP: set new node - if enabled
            if stp_val == "true":
                config.set(base + [br, 'stp'], value=None)

        # igmp-snooping: check if enabled
        if config.exists(base + [br, 'igmp-snooping', 'querier']):
            igmp_val = config.return_value(base + [br, 'igmp-snooping', 'querier'])
            # igmp-snooping: delete node with old syntax
            config.delete(base + [br, 'igmp-snooping', 'querier'])
            # igmp-snooping: set new node - if enabled
            if igmp_val == "enable":
                config.set(base + [br, 'igmp', 'querier'], value=None)

    # move interface based bridge-group to actual bridge (de-nest)
    bridge_types = ['bonding', 'ethernet', 'l2tpv3', 'openvpn', 'vxlan', 'wireless']
    for type in bridge_types:
        if not config.exists(['interfaces', type]):

        for interface in config.list_nodes(['interfaces', type]):
            # check if bridge-group exists
            bridge_group = ['interfaces', type, interface]
            if config.exists(bridge_group + ['bridge-group']):
                migrate_bridge(config, bridge_group, interface)

            # We also need to migrate VLAN interfaces
            vlan_base = ['interfaces', type, interface, 'vif']
            if config.exists(vlan_base):
                for vlan in config.list_nodes(vlan_base):
                    intf = "{}.{}".format(interface, vlan)
                    migrate_bridge(config, vlan_base + [vlan], intf)

            # And then we have service VLANs (vif-s) interfaces
            vlan_base = ['interfaces', type, interface, 'vif-s']
            if config.exists(vlan_base):
                for vif_s in config.list_nodes(vlan_base):
                    intf = "{}.{}".format(interface, vif_s)
                    migrate_bridge(config, vlan_base + [vif_s], intf)

                    # Every service VLAN can have multiple customer VLANs (vif-c)
                    vlan_c = ['interfaces', type, interface, 'vif-s', vif_s, 'vif-c']
                    if config.exists(vlan_c):
                        for vif_c in config.list_nodes(vlan_c):
                            intf = "{}.{}.{}".format(interface, vif_s, vif_c)
                            migrate_bridge(config, vlan_c + [vif_c], intf)