#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Change syntax of bridge interface
# - move interface based bridge-group to actual bridge (de-nest)
# - make stp and igmp-snooping nodes valueless
# https://phabricator.vyos.net/T1556

import sys

from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree

if (len(sys.argv) < 1):
    print("Must specify file name!")

file_name = sys.argv[1]

with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
    config_file = f.read()

config = ConfigTree(config_file)
base = ['interfaces', 'bridge']

if not config.exists(base):
    # Nothing to do
    # make stp and igmp-snooping nodes valueless
    for br in config.list_nodes(base):
        # STP: check if enabled
        if config.exists(base + [br, 'stp']):
            stp_val = config.return_value(base + [br, 'stp'])
            # STP: delete node with old syntax
            config.delete(base + [br, 'stp'])
            # STP: set new node - if enabled
            if stp_val == "true":
                config.set(base + [br, 'stp'], value=None)

        # igmp-snooping: check if enabled
        if config.exists(base + [br, 'igmp-snooping', 'querier']):
            igmp_val = config.return_value(base + [br, 'igmp-snooping', 'querier'])
            # igmp-snooping: delete node with old syntax
            config.delete(base + [br, 'igmp-snooping', 'querier'])
            # igmp-snooping: set new node - if enabled
            if igmp_val == "enable":
                config.set(base + [br, 'igmp', 'querier'], value=None)

    # move interface based bridge-group to actual bridge (de-nest)
    bridge_types = ['bonding', 'ethernet', 'l2tpv3', 'openvpn', 'vxlan', 'wireless']
    for type in bridge_types:
        if not config.exists(['interfaces', type]):

        for intf in config.list_nodes(['interfaces', type]):
            # check if bridge-group exists
            if config.exists(['interfaces', type, intf, 'bridge-group']):
                bridge = config.return_value(['interfaces', type, intf, 'bridge-group', 'bridge'])

                # create new bridge member interface
                config.set(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface', intf])
                # format as tag node to avoid loading problems
                config.set_tag(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface'])

                # cost: migrate if configured
                if config.exists(['interfaces', type, intf, 'bridge-group', 'cost']):
                    cost = config.return_value(['interfaces', type, intf, 'bridge-group', 'cost'])
                    # set new node
                    config.set(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface', intf, 'cost'], value=cost)

                if config.exists(['interfaces', type, intf, 'bridge-group', 'priority']):
                    priority = config.return_value(['interfaces', type, intf, 'bridge-group', 'priority'])
                    # set new node
                    config.set(base + [bridge, 'member', 'interface', intf, 'priority'], value=priority)

                # Delete the old bridge-group assigned to an interface
                config.delete(['interfaces', type, intf, 'bridge-group'])

            with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
        except OSError as e:
            print("Failed to save the modified config: {}".format(e))