#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2022-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import jmespath
import json
import sys
import typing

from tabulate import tabulate

from vyos.utils.process import cmd
from vyos.utils.process import rc_cmd
from vyos.utils.process	import call

import vyos.opmode

def _get_json_data():
    Get bridge data format JSON
    return cmd(f'bridge --json link show')

def _get_raw_data_summary():
    """Get interested rules
    :returns dict
    data = _get_json_data()
    data_dict = json.loads(data)
    return data_dict

def _get_raw_data_vlan(tunnel:bool=False):
    :returns dict
    show = 'show'
    if tunnel:
        show = 'tunnel'
    json_data = cmd(f'bridge --json --compressvlans vlan {show}')
    data_dict = json.loads(json_data)
    return data_dict

def _get_raw_data_vni() -> dict:
    :returns dict
    json_data = cmd(f'bridge --json vni show')
    data_dict = json.loads(json_data)
    return data_dict

def _get_raw_data_fdb(bridge):
    """Get MAC-address for the bridge brX
    :returns list
    code, json_data = rc_cmd(f'bridge --json fdb show br {bridge}')
    # From iproute2 fdb.c, fdb_show() will only exit(-1) in case of
    # non-existent bridge device; raise error.
    if code == 255:
        raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem(f"no such bridge device {bridge}")
    data_dict = json.loads(json_data)
    return data_dict

def _get_raw_data_mdb(bridge):
    """Get MAC-address multicast gorup for the bridge brX
    :return list
    json_data = cmd(f'bridge --json  mdb show br {bridge}')
    data_dict = json.loads(json_data)
    return data_dict

def _get_bridge_members(bridge: str) -> list:
    Get list of interface bridge members
    :param bridge: str
    :default: ['n/a']
    :return: list
    data = _get_raw_data_summary()
    members = jmespath.search(f'[?master == `{bridge}`].ifname', data)
    return [member for member in members] if members else ['n/a']

def _get_member_options(bridge: str):
    data = _get_raw_data_summary()
    options = jmespath.search(f'[?master == `{bridge}`]', data)
    return options

def _get_formatted_output_summary(data):
    data_entries = ''
    bridges = set(jmespath.search('[*].master', data))
    for bridge in bridges:
        member_options = _get_member_options(bridge)
        member_entries = []
        for option in member_options:
            interface = option.get('ifname')
            ifindex = option.get('ifindex')
            state = option.get('state')
            mtu = option.get('mtu')
            flags = ','.join(option.get('flags')).lower()
            prio = option.get('priority')
            member_entries.append([interface, state, mtu, flags, prio])
        member_headers = ["Member", "State", "MTU", "Flags", "Prio"]
        output_members = tabulate(member_entries, member_headers, numalign="left")
        output_bridge = f"""Bridge interface {bridge}:

        data_entries += output_bridge
    output = data_entries
    return output

def _get_formatted_output_vlan(data):
    data_entries = []
    for entry in data:
        interface = entry.get('ifname')
        vlans = entry.get('vlans')
        for vlan_entry in vlans:
            vlan = vlan_entry.get('vlan')
            if vlan_entry.get('vlanEnd'):
                vlan_end = vlan_entry.get('vlanEnd')
                vlan = f'{vlan}-{vlan_end}'
            flags_raw = vlan_entry.get('flags')
            flags = ', '.join(flags_raw if isinstance(flags_raw,list) else "").lower()
            data_entries.append([interface, vlan, flags])

    headers = ["Interface", "VLAN", "Flags"]
    output = tabulate(data_entries, headers)
    return output

def _get_formatted_output_vlan_tunnel(data):
    data_entries = []
    for entry in data:
        interface = entry.get('ifname')
        first = True
        for tunnel_entry in entry.get('tunnels'):
            vlan = tunnel_entry.get('vlan')
            vni = tunnel_entry.get('tunid')
            if first:
                data_entries.append([interface, vlan, vni])
                first = False
                # Group by VXLAN interface only - no need to repeat
                # VXLAN interface name for every VLAN <-> VNI mapping
                # Interface      VLAN    VNI
                # -----------  ------  -----
                # vxlan0          100    100
                #                 200    200
                data_entries.append(['', vlan, vni])

    headers = ["Interface", "VLAN", "VNI"]
    output = tabulate(data_entries, headers)
    return output

def _get_formatted_output_vni(data):
    data_entries = []
    for entry in data:
        interface = entry.get('ifname')
        vlans = entry.get('vnis')
        for vlan_entry in vlans:
            vlan = vlan_entry.get('vni')
            if vlan_entry.get('vniEnd'):
                vlan_end = vlan_entry.get('vniEnd')
                vlan = f'{vlan}-{vlan_end}'
            data_entries.append([interface, vlan])

    headers = ["Interface", "VNI"]
    output = tabulate(data_entries, headers)
    return output

def _get_formatted_output_fdb(data):
    data_entries = []
    for entry in data:
        interface = entry.get('ifname')
        mac = entry.get('mac')
        state = entry.get('state')
        flags = ','.join(entry['flags'])
        data_entries.append([interface, mac, state, flags])

    headers = ["Interface", "Mac address", "State", "Flags"]
    output = tabulate(data_entries, headers, numalign="left")
    return output

def _get_formatted_output_mdb(data):
    data_entries = []
    for entry in data:
        for mdb_entry in entry['mdb']:
            interface = mdb_entry.get('port')
            group = mdb_entry.get('grp')
            state = mdb_entry.get('state')
            flags = ','.join(mdb_entry.get('flags'))
            data_entries.append([interface, group, state, flags])
    headers = ["Interface", "Group", "State", "Flags"]
    output = tabulate(data_entries, headers)
    return output

def _get_bridge_detail(iface):
    """Get interface detail statistics"""
    return call(f'vtysh -c "show interface {iface}"')

def _get_bridge_detail_nexthop_group(iface):
    """Get interface detail nexthop_group statistics"""
    return call(f'vtysh -c "show interface {iface} nexthop-group"')

def _get_bridge_detail_nexthop_group_raw(iface):
    out = cmd(f'vtysh -c "show interface {iface} nexthop-group"')
    return out

def _get_bridge_detail_raw(iface):
    """Get interface detail json statistics"""
    data =  cmd(f'vtysh -c "show interface {iface} json"')
    data_dict = json.loads(data)
    return data_dict

def show(raw: bool):
    bridge_data = _get_raw_data_summary()
    if raw:
        return bridge_data
        return _get_formatted_output_summary(bridge_data)

def show_vlan(raw: bool, tunnel: typing.Optional[bool]):
    bridge_vlan = _get_raw_data_vlan(tunnel)
    if raw:
        return bridge_vlan
        if tunnel:
            return _get_formatted_output_vlan_tunnel(bridge_vlan)
            return _get_formatted_output_vlan(bridge_vlan)

def show_vni(raw: bool):
    bridge_vni = _get_raw_data_vni()
    if raw:
        return bridge_vni
        return _get_formatted_output_vni(bridge_vni)

def show_fdb(raw: bool, interface: str):
    fdb_data = _get_raw_data_fdb(interface)
    if raw:
        return fdb_data
        return _get_formatted_output_fdb(fdb_data)

def show_mdb(raw: bool, interface: str):
    mdb_data = _get_raw_data_mdb(interface)
    if raw:
        return mdb_data
        return _get_formatted_output_mdb(mdb_data)

def show_detail(raw: bool, nexthop_group: typing.Optional[bool], interface: str):
    if raw:
        if nexthop_group:
            return _get_bridge_detail_nexthop_group_raw(interface)
            return _get_bridge_detail_raw(interface)
        if nexthop_group:
            return _get_bridge_detail_nexthop_group(interface)
            return _get_bridge_detail(interface)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        res = vyos.opmode.run(sys.modules[__name__])
        if res:
    except (ValueError, vyos.opmode.Error) as e: