#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2023 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This file is part of VyOS. # # VyOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # VyOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # VyOS. If not, see . from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace from pathlib import Path from shutil import copy, chown, rmtree, copytree from sys import exit from passlib.hosts import linux_context from urllib.parse import urlparse from psutil import disk_partitions from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree from vyos.remote import download from vyos.system import disk, grub, image, compat, SYSTEM_CFG_VER from vyos.template import render from vyos.utils.io import ask_input, ask_yes_no from vyos.utils.file import chmod_2775 from vyos.utils.process import run # define text messages MSG_ERR_NOT_LIVE: str = 'The system is already installed. Please use "add system image" instead.' MSG_ERR_LIVE: str = 'The system is in live-boot mode. Please use "install image" instead.' MSG_ERR_NO_DISK: str = 'No suitable disk was found. There must be at least one disk of 2GB or greater size.' MSG_ERR_IMPROPER_IMAGE: str = 'Missing sha256sum.txt.\nEither this image is corrupted, or of era 1.2.x (md5sum) and would downgrade image tools;\ndisallowed in either case.' MSG_INFO_INSTALL_WELCOME: str = 'Welcome to VyOS installation!\nThis command will install VyOS to your permanent storage.' MSG_INFO_INSTALL_EXIT: str = 'Exiting from VyOS installation' MSG_INFO_INSTALL_SUCCESS: str = 'The image installed successfully; please reboot now.' MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISKS_LIST: str = 'The following disks were found:' MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_SELECT: str = 'Which one should be used for installation?' MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_CONFIRM: str = 'Installation will delete all data on the drive. Continue?' MSG_INFO_INSTALL_PARTITONING: str = 'Creating partition table...' MSG_INPUT_CONFIG_FOUND: str = 'An active configuration was found. Would you like to copy it to the new image?' MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_NAME: str = 'What would you like to name this image?' MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_DEFAULT: str = 'Would you like to set a new image as default one for boot?' MSG_INPUT_PASSWORD: str = 'Please enter a password for the "vyos" user' MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_ALL: str = 'Would you like to use all the free space on the drive?' MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_SET: str = 'Please specify the size (in GB) of the root partition (min is 1.5 GB)?' MSG_INPUT_CONSOLE_TYPE: str = 'What console should be used by default? (K: KVM, S: Serial, U: USB-Serial)?' MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_INVALID: str = 'Signature is not valid. Do you want to continue with installation?' MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_UNAVAL: str = 'Signature is not available. Do you want to continue with installation?' MSG_WARN_ROOT_SIZE_TOOBIG: str = 'The size is too big. Try again.' MSG_WARN_ROOT_SIZE_TOOSMALL: str = 'The size is too small. Try again' MSG_WARN_IMAGE_NAME_WRONG: str = 'The suggested name is unsupported!\n' 'It must be between 1 and 32 characters long and contains only the next characters: .+-_ a-z A-Z 0-9' CONST_MIN_DISK_SIZE: int = 2147483648 # 2 GB CONST_MIN_ROOT_SIZE: int = 1610612736 # 1.5 GB # a reserved space: 2MB for header, 1 MB for BIOS partition, 256 MB for EFI CONST_RESERVED_SPACE: int = (2 + 1 + 256) * 1024**2 # define directories and paths DIR_INSTALLATION: str = '/mnt/installation' DIR_ROOTFS_SRC: str = f'{DIR_INSTALLATION}/root_src' DIR_ROOTFS_DST: str = f'{DIR_INSTALLATION}/root_dst' DIR_ISO_MOUNT: str = f'{DIR_INSTALLATION}/iso_src' DIR_DST_ROOT: str = f'{DIR_INSTALLATION}/disk_dst' DIR_KERNEL_SRC: str = '/boot/' FILE_ROOTFS_SRC: str = '/usr/lib/live/mount/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs' ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH: str = '/tmp/vyos_installation.iso' # default boot variables DEFAULT_BOOT_VARS: dict[str, str] = { 'timeout': '5', 'console_type': 'tty', 'console_num': '0', 'bootmode': 'normal' } def bytes_to_gb(size: int) -> float: """Convert Bytes to GBytes, rounded to 1 decimal number Args: size (int): input size in bytes Returns: float: size in GB """ return round(size / 1024**3, 1) def gb_to_bytes(size: float) -> int: """Convert GBytes to Bytes Args: size (float): input size in GBytes Returns: int: size in bytes """ return int(size * 1024**3) def find_disk() -> tuple[str, int]: """Find a target disk for installation Returns: tuple[str, int]: disk name and size in bytes """ # check for available disks disks_available: dict[str, int] = disk.disks_size() for disk_name, disk_size in disks_available.copy().items(): if disk_size < CONST_MIN_DISK_SIZE: del disks_available[disk_name] if not disks_available: print(MSG_ERR_NO_DISK) exit(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_EXIT) # select one as a target print(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISKS_LIST) default_disk: str = list(disks_available)[0] for disk_name, disk_size in disks_available.items(): disk_size_human: str = bytes_to_gb(disk_size) print(f'Drive: {disk_name} ({disk_size_human} GB)') disk_selected: str = ask_input(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_SELECT, default=default_disk, valid_responses=list(disks_available)) return disk_selected, disks_available[disk_selected] def ask_root_size(available_space: int) -> int: """Define a size of root partition Args: available_space (int): available space in bytes for a root partition Returns: int: defined size """ if ask_yes_no(MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_ALL, default=True): return available_space while True: root_size_gb: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_SET) root_size_kbytes: int = (gb_to_bytes(float(root_size_gb))) // 1024 if root_size_kbytes > available_space: print(MSG_WARN_ROOT_SIZE_TOOBIG) continue if root_size_kbytes < CONST_MIN_ROOT_SIZE / 1024: print(MSG_WARN_ROOT_SIZE_TOOSMALL) continue return root_size_kbytes def prepare_tmp_disr() -> None: """Create temporary directories for installation """ print('Creating temporary directories') for dir in [DIR_ROOTFS_SRC, DIR_ROOTFS_DST, DIR_DST_ROOT]: dirpath = Path(dir) dirpath.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True) def setup_grub(root_dir: str) -> None: """Install GRUB configurations Args: root_dir (str): a path to the root of target filesystem """ print('Installing GRUB configuration files') grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_DIR_MAIN}/grub.cfg' grub_cfg_vars = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_VARS}' grub_cfg_modules = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MODULES}' grub_cfg_menu = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MENU}' grub_cfg_options = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_OPTIONS}' # create new files render(grub_cfg_main, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MAIN, {}) grub.common_write(root_dir) grub.vars_write(grub_cfg_vars, DEFAULT_BOOT_VARS) grub.modules_write(grub_cfg_modules, []) grub.write_cfg_ver(1, root_dir) render(grub_cfg_menu, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MENU, {}) render(grub_cfg_options, grub.TMPL_GRUB_OPTS, {}) def configure_authentication(config_file: str, password: str) -> None: """Write encrypted password to config file Args: config_file (str): path of target config file password (str): plaintext password N.B. this can not be deferred by simply setting the plaintext password and relying on the config mode script to process at boot, as the config will not automatically be saved in that case, thus leaving the plaintext exposed """ encrypted_password = linux_context.hash(password) with open(config_file) as f: config_string = f.read() config = ConfigTree(config_string) config.set([ 'system', 'login', 'user', 'vyos', 'authentication', 'encrypted-password' ], value=encrypted_password, replace=True) config.set_tag(['system', 'login', 'user']) with open(config_file, 'w') as f: f.write(config.to_string()) def validate_signature(file_path: str, sign_type: str) -> None: """Validate a file by signature and delete a signature file Args: file_path (str): a path to file sign_type (str): a signature type """ print('Validating signature') signature_valid: bool = False # validate with minisig if sign_type == 'minisig': for pubkey in [ '/usr/share/vyos/keys/vyos-release.minisign.pub', '/usr/share/vyos/keys/vyos-backup.minisign.pub' ]: if run(f'minisign -V -q -p {pubkey} -m {file_path} -x {file_path}.minisig' ) == 0: signature_valid = True break Path(f'{file_path}.minisig').unlink() # validate with GPG if sign_type == 'asc': if run(f'gpg --verify ${file_path}.asc ${file_path}') == 0: signature_valid = True Path(f'{file_path}.asc').unlink() # warn or pass if not signature_valid: if not ask_yes_no(MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_INVALID, default=False): exit(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_EXIT) else: print('Signature is valid') def image_fetch(image_path: str) -> Path: """Fetch an ISO image Args: image_path (str): a path, remote or local Returns: Path: a path to a local file """ try: # check a type of path if urlparse(image_path).scheme: # download an image download(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH, image_path, True, True) # download a signature sign_file = (False, '') for sign_type in ['minisig', 'asc']: try: download(f'{ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH}.{sign_type}', f'{image_path}.{sign_type}') sign_file = (True, sign_type) break except Exception: print(f'{sign_type} signature is not available') # validate a signature if it is available if sign_file[0]: validate_signature(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH, sign_file[1]) else: if not ask_yes_no(MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_UNAVAL, default=False): cleanup() exit(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_EXIT) return Path(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH) else: local_path: Path = Path(image_path) if local_path.is_file(): return local_path else: raise except Exception: print(f'The image cannot be fetched from: {image_path}') exit(1) def migrate_config() -> bool: """Check for active config and ask user for migration Returns: bool: user's decision """ active_config_path: Path = Path('/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot') if active_config_path.exists(): if ask_yes_no(MSG_INPUT_CONFIG_FOUND, default=True): return True return False def cleanup(mounts: list[str] = [], remove_items: list[str] = []) -> None: """Clean up after installation Args: mounts (list[str], optional): List of mounts to unmount. Defaults to []. remove_items (list[str], optional): List of files or directories to remove. Defaults to []. """ print('Cleaning up') # clean up installation directory by default mounts_all = disk_partitions(all=True) for mounted_device in mounts_all: if mounted_device.mountpoint.startswith(DIR_INSTALLATION) and not ( mounted_device.device in mounts or mounted_device.mountpoint in mounts): mounts.append(mounted_device.mountpoint) # add installation dir to cleanup list if DIR_INSTALLATION not in remove_items: remove_items.append(DIR_INSTALLATION) # also delete an ISO file if Path(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH).exists( ) and ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH not in remove_items: remove_items.append(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH) if mounts: print('Unmounting target filesystems') for mountpoint in mounts: disk.partition_umount(mountpoint) if remove_items: print('Removing temporary files') for remove_item in remove_items: if Path(remove_item).exists(): if Path(remove_item).is_file(): Path(remove_item).unlink() if Path(remove_item).is_dir(): rmtree(remove_item) def install_image() -> None: """Install an image to a disk """ if not image.is_live_boot(): exit(MSG_ERR_NOT_LIVE) print(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_WELCOME) if not ask_yes_no('Would you like to continue?'): print(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_EXIT) exit() try: # configure image name running_image_name: str = image.get_running_image() while True: image_name: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_NAME, running_image_name) if image.validate_name(image_name): break print(MSG_WARN_IMAGE_NAME_WRONG) # define target drive install_target, target_size = find_disk() # define target rootfs size in KB (smallest unit acceptable by sgdisk) availabe_size: int = (target_size - CONST_RESERVED_SPACE) // 1024 rootfs_size: int = ask_root_size(availabe_size) # ask for password user_password: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_PASSWORD, default='vyos') # ask for default console console_type: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_CONSOLE_TYPE, default='K', valid_responses=['K', 'S', 'U']) console_dict: dict[str, str] = {'K': 'tty', 'S': 'ttyS', 'U': 'ttyUSB'} # create partitions if not ask_yes_no(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_CONFIRM): print(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_EXIT) exit() print(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_PARTITONING) disk.disk_cleanup(install_target) disk.parttable_create(install_target, rootfs_size) disk.filesystem_create(f'{install_target}2', 'efi') disk.filesystem_create(f'{install_target}3', 'ext4') # create directiroes for installation media prepare_tmp_disr() # mount target filesystem and create required dirs inside print('Mounting new partitions') disk.partition_mount(f'{install_target}3', DIR_DST_ROOT) Path(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi').mkdir(parents=True) disk.partition_mount(f'{install_target}2', f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi') # a config dir. It is the deepest one, so the comand will # create all the rest in a single step print('Creating a configuration file') target_config_dir: str = f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/rw/opt/vyatta/etc/config/' Path(target_config_dir).mkdir(parents=True) chown(target_config_dir, group='vyattacfg') chmod_2775(target_config_dir) # copy config copy('/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot', target_config_dir) configure_authentication(f'{target_config_dir}/config.boot', user_password) Path(f'{target_config_dir}/.vyatta_config').touch() # create a persistence.conf Path(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/persistence.conf').write_text('/ union\n') # copy system image and kernel files print('Copying system image files') for file in Path(DIR_KERNEL_SRC).iterdir(): if file.is_file(): copy(file, f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/') copy(FILE_ROOTFS_SRC, f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/{image_name}.squashfs') # install GRUB print('Installing GRUB to the drive') grub.install(install_target, f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/', f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi') setup_grub(DIR_DST_ROOT) # add information about version grub.create_structure() grub.version_add(image_name, DIR_DST_ROOT) grub.set_default(image_name, DIR_DST_ROOT) grub.set_console_type(console_dict[console_type], DIR_DST_ROOT) # umount filesystems and remove temporary files cleanup([f'{install_target}2', f'{install_target}3'], ['/mnt/installation']) # we are done print(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_SUCCESS) exit() except Exception as err: print(f'Unable to install VyOS: {err}') # unmount filesystems and clenup try: cleanup([f'{install_target}2', f'{install_target}3'], ['/mnt/installation']) except Exception as err: print(f'Cleanup failed: {err}') exit(1) @compat.grub_cfg_update def add_image(image_path: str) -> None: """Add a new image Args: image_path (str): a path to an ISO image """ if image.is_live_boot(): exit(MSG_ERR_LIVE) # fetch an image iso_path: Path = image_fetch(image_path) try: # mount an ISO Path(DIR_ISO_MOUNT).mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True) disk.partition_mount(iso_path, DIR_ISO_MOUNT, 'iso9660') # check sums print('Validating image checksums') if not Path(DIR_ISO_MOUNT).joinpath('sha256sum.txt').exists(): cleanup() exit(MSG_ERR_IMPROPER_IMAGE) if run(f'cd {DIR_ISO_MOUNT} && sha256sum --status -c sha256sum.txt'): cleanup() exit('Image checksum verification failed.') # mount rootfs (to get a system version) Path(DIR_ROOTFS_SRC).mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True) disk.partition_mount(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live/filesystem.squashfs', DIR_ROOTFS_SRC, 'squashfs') cfg_ver: str = image.get_image_tools_version(DIR_ROOTFS_SRC) version_name: str = image.get_image_version(DIR_ROOTFS_SRC) disk.partition_umount(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live/filesystem.squashfs') if cfg_ver < SYSTEM_CFG_VER: raise compat.DowngradingImageTools( f'Adding image would downgrade image tools to v.{cfg_ver}; disallowed') image_name: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_NAME, version_name) set_as_default: bool = ask_yes_no(MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_DEFAULT, default=True) # find target directory root_dir: str = disk.find_persistence() # a config dir. It is the deepest one, so the comand will # create all the rest in a single step target_config_dir: str = f'{root_dir}/boot/{image_name}/rw/opt/vyatta/etc/config/' # copy config if migrate_config(): print('Copying configuration directory') # copytree preserves perms but not ownership: Path(target_config_dir).mkdir(parents=True) chown(target_config_dir, group='vyattacfg') chmod_2775(target_config_dir) copytree('/opt/vyatta/etc/config/', target_config_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True) else: Path(target_config_dir).mkdir(parents=True) chown(target_config_dir, group='vyattacfg') chmod_2775(target_config_dir) Path(f'{target_config_dir}/.vyatta_config').touch() # copy system image and kernel files print('Copying system image files') for file in Path(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live').iterdir(): if file.is_file() and (file.match('initrd*') or file.match('vmlinuz*')): copy(file, f'{root_dir}/boot/{image_name}/') copy(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live/filesystem.squashfs', f'{root_dir}/boot/{image_name}/{image_name}.squashfs') # unmount an ISO and cleanup cleanup([str(iso_path)]) # add information about version grub.version_add(image_name, root_dir) if set_as_default: grub.set_default(image_name, root_dir) except Exception as err: # unmount an ISO and cleanup cleanup([str(iso_path)]) exit(f'Whooops: {err}') def parse_arguments() -> Namespace: """Parse arguments Returns: Namespace: a namespace with parsed arguments """ parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser( description='Install new system images') parser.add_argument('--action', choices=['install', 'add'], required=True, help='action to perform with an image') parser.add_argument( '--image_path', help='a path (HTTP or local file) to an image that needs to be installed' ) # parser.add_argument('--image_new_name', help='a new name for image') args: Namespace = parser.parse_args() # Validate arguments if args.action == 'add' and not args.image_path: exit('A path to image is required for add action') return args if __name__ == '__main__': try: args: Namespace = parse_arguments() if args.action == 'install': install_image() if args.action == 'add': add_image(args.image_path) exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Stopped by Ctrl+C') cleanup() exit() except Exception as err: exit(f'{err}')