#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import re import sys from collections import OrderedDict from hurry import filesize from re import split as re_split from tabulate import tabulate from subprocess import TimeoutExpired from vyos.util import call from vyos.util import convert_data from vyos.util import seconds_to_human import vyos.opmode SWANCTL_CONF = '/etc/swanctl/swanctl.conf' def _convert(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() def _alphanum_key(key): return [_convert(c) for c in re_split('([0-9]+)', str(key))] def _get_vici_sas(): from vici import Session as vici_session try: session = vici_session() except Exception: raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem("IPsec not initialized") sas = list(session.list_sas()) return sas def _get_raw_data_sas(): get_sas = _get_vici_sas() sas = convert_data(get_sas) return sas def _get_formatted_output_sas(sas): sa_data = [] for sa in sas: for parent_sa in sa.values(): # create an item for each child-sa for child_sa in parent_sa.get('child-sas', {}).values(): # prepare a list for output data sa_out_name = sa_out_state = sa_out_uptime = sa_out_bytes = sa_out_packets = sa_out_remote_addr = sa_out_remote_id = sa_out_proposal = 'N/A' # collect raw data sa_name = child_sa.get('name') sa_state = child_sa.get('state') sa_uptime = child_sa.get('install-time') sa_bytes_in = child_sa.get('bytes-in') sa_bytes_out = child_sa.get('bytes-out') sa_packets_in = child_sa.get('packets-in') sa_packets_out = child_sa.get('packets-out') sa_remote_addr = parent_sa.get('remote-host') sa_remote_id = parent_sa.get('remote-id') sa_proposal_encr_alg = child_sa.get('encr-alg') sa_proposal_integ_alg = child_sa.get('integ-alg') sa_proposal_encr_keysize = child_sa.get('encr-keysize') sa_proposal_dh_group = child_sa.get('dh-group') # format data to display if sa_name: sa_out_name = sa_name if sa_state: if sa_state == 'INSTALLED': sa_out_state = 'up' else: sa_out_state = 'down' if sa_uptime: sa_out_uptime = seconds_to_human(sa_uptime) if sa_bytes_in and sa_bytes_out: bytes_in = filesize.size(int(sa_bytes_in)) bytes_out = filesize.size(int(sa_bytes_out)) sa_out_bytes = f'{bytes_in}/{bytes_out}' if sa_packets_in and sa_packets_out: packets_in = filesize.size(int(sa_packets_in), system=filesize.si) packets_out = filesize.size(int(sa_packets_out), system=filesize.si) packets_str = f'{packets_in}/{packets_out}' sa_out_packets = re.sub(r'B', r'', packets_str) if sa_remote_addr: sa_out_remote_addr = sa_remote_addr if sa_remote_id: sa_out_remote_id = sa_remote_id # format proposal if sa_proposal_encr_alg: sa_out_proposal = sa_proposal_encr_alg if sa_proposal_encr_keysize: sa_proposal_encr_keysize_str = sa_proposal_encr_keysize sa_out_proposal = f'{sa_out_proposal}_{sa_proposal_encr_keysize_str}' if sa_proposal_integ_alg: sa_proposal_integ_alg_str = sa_proposal_integ_alg sa_out_proposal = f'{sa_out_proposal}/{sa_proposal_integ_alg_str}' if sa_proposal_dh_group: sa_proposal_dh_group_str = sa_proposal_dh_group sa_out_proposal = f'{sa_out_proposal}/{sa_proposal_dh_group_str}' # add a new item to output data sa_data.append([ sa_out_name, sa_out_state, sa_out_uptime, sa_out_bytes, sa_out_packets, sa_out_remote_addr, sa_out_remote_id, sa_out_proposal ]) headers = [ "Connection", "State", "Uptime", "Bytes In/Out", "Packets In/Out", "Remote address", "Remote ID", "Proposal" ] sa_data = sorted(sa_data, key=_alphanum_key) output = tabulate(sa_data, headers) return output # Connections block def _get_vici_connections(): from vici import Session as vici_session try: session = vici_session() except Exception: raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem("IPsec not initialized") connections = list(session.list_conns()) return connections def _get_convert_data_connections(): get_connections = _get_vici_connections() connections = convert_data(get_connections) return connections def _get_parent_sa_proposal(connection_name: str, data: list) -> dict: """Get parent SA proposals by connection name if connections not in the 'down' state Args: connection_name (str): Connection name data (list): List of current SAs from vici Returns: str: Parent SA connection proposal AES_CBC/256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128/MODP_1024 """ if not data: return {} for sa in data: # check if parent SA exist if connection_name not in sa.keys(): return {} if 'encr-alg' in sa[connection_name]: encr_alg = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('encr-alg') cipher = encr_alg.split('_')[0] mode = encr_alg.split('_')[1] encr_keysize = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('encr-keysize') integ_alg = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('integ-alg') # prf_alg = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('prf-alg') dh_group = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('dh-group') proposal = { 'cipher': cipher, 'mode': mode, 'key_size': encr_keysize, 'hash': integ_alg, 'dh': dh_group } return proposal return {} def _get_parent_sa_state(connection_name: str, data: list) -> str: """Get parent SA state by connection name Args: connection_name (str): Connection name data (list): List of current SAs from vici Returns: Parent SA connection state """ if not data: return 'down' for sa in data: # check if parent SA exist if connection_name not in sa.keys(): return 'down' if sa[connection_name]['state'].lower() == 'established': return 'up' else: return 'down' def _get_child_sa_state(connection_name: str, tunnel_name: str, data: list) -> str: """Get child SA state by connection and tunnel name Args: connection_name (str): Connection name tunnel_name (str): Tunnel name data (list): List of current SAs from vici Returns: str: `up` if child SA state is 'installed' otherwise `down` """ if not data: return 'down' for sa in data: # check if parent SA exist if connection_name not in sa.keys(): return 'down' child_sas = sa[connection_name]['child-sas'] # Get all child SA states # there can be multiple SAs per tunnel child_sa_states = [ v['state'] for k, v in child_sas.items() if v['name'] == tunnel_name ] return 'up' if 'INSTALLED' in child_sa_states else 'down' def _get_child_sa_info(connection_name: str, tunnel_name: str, data: list) -> dict: """Get child SA installed info by connection and tunnel name Args: connection_name (str): Connection name tunnel_name (str): Tunnel name data (list): List of current SAs from vici Returns: dict: Info of the child SA in the dictionary format """ for sa in data: # check if parent SA exist if connection_name not in sa.keys(): return {} child_sas = sa[connection_name]['child-sas'] # Get all child SA data # Skip temp SA name (first key), get only SA values as dict # {'OFFICE-B-tunnel-0-46': {'name': 'OFFICE-B-tunnel-0'}...} # i.e get all data after 'OFFICE-B-tunnel-0-46' child_sa_info = [ v for k, v in child_sas.items() if 'name' in v and v['name'] == tunnel_name and v['state'] == 'INSTALLED' ] return child_sa_info[-1] if child_sa_info else {} def _get_child_sa_proposal(child_sa_data: dict) -> dict: if child_sa_data and 'encr-alg' in child_sa_data: encr_alg = child_sa_data.get('encr-alg') cipher = encr_alg.split('_')[0] mode = encr_alg.split('_')[1] key_size = child_sa_data.get('encr-keysize') integ_alg = child_sa_data.get('integ-alg') dh_group = child_sa_data.get('dh-group') proposal = { 'cipher': cipher, 'mode': mode, 'key_size': key_size, 'hash': integ_alg, 'dh': dh_group } return proposal return {} def _get_raw_data_connections(list_connections: list, list_sas: list) -> list: """Get configured VPN IKE connections and IPsec states Args: list_connections (list): List of configured connections from vici list_sas (list): List of current SAs from vici Returns: list: List and status of IKE/IPsec connections/tunnels """ base_dict = [] for connections in list_connections: base_list = {} for connection, conn_conf in connections.items(): base_list['ike_connection_name'] = connection base_list['ike_connection_state'] = _get_parent_sa_state( connection, list_sas) base_list['ike_remote_address'] = conn_conf['remote_addrs'] base_list['ike_proposal'] = _get_parent_sa_proposal( connection, list_sas) base_list['local_id'] = conn_conf.get('local-1', '').get('id') base_list['remote_id'] = conn_conf.get('remote-1', '').get('id') base_list['version'] = conn_conf.get('version', 'IKE') base_list['children'] = [] children = conn_conf['children'] for tunnel, tun_options in children.items(): state = _get_child_sa_state(connection, tunnel, list_sas) local_ts = tun_options.get('local-ts') remote_ts = tun_options.get('remote-ts') dpd_action = tun_options.get('dpd_action') close_action = tun_options.get('close_action') sa_info = _get_child_sa_info(connection, tunnel, list_sas) esp_proposal = _get_child_sa_proposal(sa_info) base_list['children'].append({ 'name': tunnel, 'state': state, 'local_ts': local_ts, 'remote_ts': remote_ts, 'dpd_action': dpd_action, 'close_action': close_action, 'sa': sa_info, 'esp_proposal': esp_proposal }) base_dict.append(base_list) return base_dict def _get_raw_connections_summary(list_conn, list_sas): import jmespath data = _get_raw_data_connections(list_conn, list_sas) match = '[*].children[]' child = jmespath.search(match, data) tunnels_down = len([k for k in child if k['state'] == 'down']) tunnels_up = len([k for k in child if k['state'] == 'up']) tun_dict = { 'tunnels': child, 'total': len(child), 'down': tunnels_down, 'up': tunnels_up } return tun_dict def _get_formatted_output_conections(data): from tabulate import tabulate data_entries = '' connections = [] for entry in data: tunnels = [] ike_name = entry['ike_connection_name'] ike_state = entry['ike_connection_state'] conn_type = entry.get('version', 'IKE') remote_addrs = ','.join(entry['ike_remote_address']) local_ts, remote_ts = '-', '-' local_id = entry['local_id'] remote_id = entry['remote_id'] proposal = '-' if entry.get('ike_proposal'): proposal = (f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["cipher"]}_' f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["mode"]}/' f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["key_size"]}/' f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["hash"]}/' f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["dh"]}') connections.append([ ike_name, ike_state, conn_type, remote_addrs, local_ts, remote_ts, local_id, remote_id, proposal ]) for tun in entry['children']: tun_name = tun.get('name') tun_state = tun.get('state') conn_type = 'IPsec' local_ts = '\n'.join(tun.get('local_ts')) remote_ts = '\n'.join(tun.get('remote_ts')) proposal = '-' if tun.get('esp_proposal'): proposal = (f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["cipher"]}_' f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["mode"]}/' f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["key_size"]}/' f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["hash"]}/' f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["dh"]}') connections.append([ tun_name, tun_state, conn_type, remote_addrs, local_ts, remote_ts, local_id, remote_id, proposal ]) connection_headers = [ 'Connection', 'State', 'Type', 'Remote address', 'Local TS', 'Remote TS', 'Local id', 'Remote id', 'Proposal' ] output = tabulate(connections, connection_headers, numalign='left') return output # Connections block end def get_peer_connections(peer, tunnel, return_all = False): search = rf'^[\s]*({peer}-(tunnel-[\d]+|vti)).*' matches = [] if not os.path.exists(SWANCTL_CONF): raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem("IPsec not initialized") with open(SWANCTL_CONF, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): result = re.match(search, line) if result: suffix = f'tunnel-{tunnel}' if tunnel.isnumeric() else tunnel if return_all or (result[2] == suffix): matches.append(result[1]) return matches def reset_peer(peer: str, tunnel:str): conns = get_peer_connections(peer, tunnel, return_all = (not tunnel or tunnel == 'all')) if not conns: raise vyos.opmode.IncorrectValue('Peer or tunnel(s) not found, aborting') for conn in conns: try: call(f'sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec down {conn}{{*}}', timeout = 10) call(f'sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec up {conn}', timeout = 10) except TimeoutExpired as e: raise vyos.opmode.InternalError(f'Timed out while resetting {conn}') print('Peer reset result: success') def show_sa(raw: bool): sa_data = _get_raw_data_sas() if raw: return sa_data return _get_formatted_output_sas(sa_data) def show_connections(raw: bool): list_conns = _get_convert_data_connections() list_sas = _get_raw_data_sas() if raw: return _get_raw_data_connections(list_conns, list_sas) connections = _get_raw_data_connections(list_conns, list_sas) return _get_formatted_output_conections(connections) def show_connections_summary(raw: bool): list_conns = _get_convert_data_connections() list_sas = _get_raw_data_sas() if raw: return _get_raw_connections_summary(list_conns, list_sas) if __name__ == '__main__': try: res = vyos.opmode.run(sys.modules[__name__]) if res: print(res) except (ValueError, vyos.opmode.Error) as e: print(e) sys.exit(1)