#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import json import sys import typing from jinja2 import Template import vyos.opmode from vyos.ifconfig import VRRP from vyos.ifconfig.vrrp import VRRPNoData stat_template = Template(""" {% for rec in instances %} VRRP Instance: {{rec.instance}} Advertisements: Received: {{rec.advert_rcvd}} Sent: {{rec.advert_sent}} Became master: {{rec.become_master}} Released master: {{rec.release_master}} Packet Errors: Length: {{rec.packet_len_err}} TTL: {{rec.ip_ttl_err}} Invalid Type: {{rec.invalid_type_rcvd}} Advertisement Interval: {{rec.advert_interval_err}} Address List: {{rec.addr_list_err}} Authentication Errors: Invalid Type: {{rec.invalid_authtype}} Type Mismatch: {{rec.authtype_mismatch}} Failure: {{rec.auth_failure}} Priority Zero: Received: {{rec.pri_zero_rcvd}} Sent: {{rec.pri_zero_sent}} {% endfor %} """) detail_template = Template(""" {%- for rec in instances %} VRRP Instance: {{rec.iname}} VRRP Version: {{rec.version}} State: {{rec.state}} {% if rec.state == 'BACKUP' -%} Master priority: {{ rec.master_priority }} {% if rec.version == 3 -%} Master advert interval: {{ rec.master_adver_int }} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} Wantstate: {{rec.wantstate}} Last transition: {{rec.last_transition}} Interface: {{rec.ifp_ifname}} {% if rec.dont_track_primary > 0 -%} VRRP interface tracking disabled {% endif -%} {% if rec.skip_check_adv_addr > 0 -%} Skip checking advert IP addresses {% endif -%} {% if rec.strict_mode > 0 -%} Enforcing strict VRRP compliance {% endif -%} Gratuitous ARP delay: {{rec.garp_delay}} Gratuitous ARP repeat: {{rec.garp_rep}} Gratuitous ARP refresh: {{rec.garp_refresh}} Gratuitous ARP refresh repeat: {{rec.garp_refresh_rep}} Gratuitous ARP lower priority delay: {{rec.garp_lower_prio_delay}} Gratuitous ARP lower priority repeat: {{rec.garp_lower_prio_rep}} Send advert after receive lower priority advert: {{rec.lower_prio_no_advert}} Send advert after receive higher priority advert: {{rec.higher_prio_send_advert}} Virtual Router ID: {{rec.vrid}} Priority: {{rec.base_priority}} Effective priority: {{rec.effective_priority}} Advert interval: {{rec.adver_int}} sec Accept: {{rec.accept}} Preempt: {{rec.nopreempt}} {% if rec.preempt_delay -%} Preempt delay: {{rec.preempt_delay}} {% endif -%} Promote secondaries: {{rec.promote_secondaries}} Authentication type: {{rec.auth_type}} {% if rec.vips %} Virtual IP ({{ rec.vips | length }}): {% for ip in rec.vips -%} {{ip}} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if rec.evips %} Virtual IP Excluded: {% for ip in rec.evips -%} {{ip}} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if rec.vroutes %} Virtual Routes: {% for route in rec.vroutes -%} {{route}} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if rec.vrules %} Virtual Rules: {% for rule in rec.vrules -%} {{rule}} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if rec.track_ifp %} Tracked interfaces: {% for ifp in rec.track_ifp -%} {{ifp}} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if rec.track_script %} Tracked scripts: {% for script in rec.track_script -%} {{script}} {% endfor -%} {% endif %} Using smtp notification: {{rec.smtp_alert}} Notify deleted: {{rec.notify_deleted}} {% endfor %} """) # https://github.com/acassen/keepalived/blob/59c39afe7410f927c9894a1bafb87e398c6f02be/keepalived/include/vrrp.h#L126 VRRP_AUTH_NONE = 0 VRRP_AUTH_PASS = 1 VRRP_AUTH_AH = 2 # https://github.com/acassen/keepalived/blob/59c39afe7410f927c9894a1bafb87e398c6f02be/keepalived/include/vrrp.h#L417 VRRP_STATE_INIT = 0 VRRP_STATE_BACK = 1 VRRP_STATE_MAST = 2 VRRP_STATE_FAULT = 3 VRRP_AUTH_TO_NAME = { VRRP_AUTH_NONE: 'NONE', VRRP_AUTH_PASS: 'SIMPLE_PASSWORD', VRRP_AUTH_AH: 'IPSEC_AH', } VRRP_STATE_TO_NAME = { VRRP_STATE_INIT: 'INIT', VRRP_STATE_BACK: 'BACKUP', VRRP_STATE_MAST: 'MASTER', VRRP_STATE_FAULT: 'FAULT', } def _get_raw_data(group_name: str = None) -> list: """ Retrieve raw JSON data for all VRRP groups. Args: group_name (str, optional): If provided, filters the data to only include the specified vrrp group. Returns: list: A list of raw JSON data for VRRP groups, filtered by group_name if specified. """ try: output = VRRP.collect('json') except VRRPNoData as e: raise vyos.opmode.DataUnavailable(f'{e}') data = json.loads(output) if not data: return [] if group_name is not None: for rec in data: if rec['data'].get('iname') == group_name: return [rec] return [] return data def _get_formatted_statistics_output(data: list) -> str: """ Prepare formatted statistics output from the given data. Args: data (list): A list of dictionaries containing vrrp grop information and statistics. Returns: str: Rendered statistics output based on the provided data. """ instances = list() for instance in data: instances.append( {'instance': instance['data'].get('iname'), **instance['stats']} ) return stat_template.render(instances=instances) def _process_field(data: dict, field: str, true_value: str, false_value: str): """ Updates the given field in the data dictionary with a specified value based on its truthiness. Args: data (dict): The dictionary containing the field to be processed. field (str): The key representing the field in the dictionary. true_value (str): The value to set if the field's value is truthy. false_value (str): The value to set if the field's value is falsy. Returns: None: The function modifies the dictionary in place. """ data[field] = true_value if data.get(field) else false_value def _get_formatted_detail_output(data: list) -> str: """ Prepare formatted detail information output from the given data. Args: data (list): A list of dictionaries containing vrrp grop information and statistics. Returns: str: Rendered detail info output based on the provided data. """ instances = list() for instance in data: instance['data']['state'] = VRRP_STATE_TO_NAME.get( instance['data'].get('state'), 'unknown' ) instance['data']['wantstate'] = VRRP_STATE_TO_NAME.get( instance['data'].get('wantstate'), 'unknown' ) instance['data']['auth_type'] = VRRP_AUTH_TO_NAME.get( instance['data'].get('auth_type'), 'unknown' ) _process_field(instance['data'], 'lower_prio_no_advert', 'false', 'true') _process_field(instance['data'], 'higher_prio_send_advert', 'true', 'false') _process_field(instance['data'], 'accept', 'Enabled', 'Disabled') _process_field(instance['data'], 'notify_deleted', 'Deleted', 'Fault') _process_field(instance['data'], 'smtp_alert', 'yes', 'no') _process_field(instance['data'], 'nopreempt', 'Disabled', 'Enabled') _process_field(instance['data'], 'promote_secondaries', 'Enabled', 'Disabled') instance['data']['vips'] = instance['data'].get('vips', False) instance['data']['evips'] = instance['data'].get('evips', False) instance['data']['vroutes'] = instance['data'].get('vroutes', False) instance['data']['vrules'] = instance['data'].get('vrules', False) instances.append(instance['data']) return detail_template.render(instances=instances) def show_detail( raw: bool, group_name: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> typing.Union[list, str]: """ Display detailed information about the VRRP group. Args: raw (bool): If True, return raw data instead of formatted output. group_name (str, optional): Filter the data by a specific group name, if provided. Returns: list or str: Raw data if `raw` is True, otherwise a formatted detail output. """ data = _get_raw_data(group_name) if raw: return data return _get_formatted_detail_output(data) def show_statistics( raw: bool, group_name: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> typing.Union[list, str]: """ Display VRRP group statistics. Args: raw (bool): If True, return raw data instead of formatted output. group_name (str, optional): Filter the data by a specific group name, if provided. Returns: list or str: Raw data if `raw` is True, otherwise a formatted statistic output. """ data = _get_raw_data(group_name) if raw: return data return _get_formatted_statistics_output(data) def show_summary(raw: bool) -> typing.Union[list, str]: """ Display a summary of VRRP group. Args: raw (bool): If True, return raw data instead of formatted output. Returns: list or str: Raw data if `raw` is True, otherwise a formatted summary output. """ data = _get_raw_data() if raw: return data return VRRP.format(data) if __name__ == '__main__': try: res = vyos.opmode.run(sys.modules[__name__]) if res: print(res) except (ValueError, vyos.opmode.Error) as e: print(e) sys.exit(1)