# Copyright 2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library. If not, see . # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods import json from html import escape from enum import Enum from typing import List from typing import Union from typing import Dict from typing import Self from pydantic import BaseModel from pydantic import StrictStr from pydantic import field_validator from pydantic import model_validator from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse def error(code, msg): msg = escape(msg, quote=False) resp = {'success': False, 'error': msg, 'data': None} resp = json.dumps(resp) return HTMLResponse(resp, status_code=code) def success(data): resp = {'success': True, 'data': data, 'error': None} resp = json.dumps(resp) return HTMLResponse(resp) # Pydantic models for validation # Pydantic will cast when possible, so use StrictStr validators added as # needed for additional constraints # json_schema_extra adds anotations to OpenAPI to add examples class ApiModel(BaseModel): key: StrictStr class BasePathModel(BaseModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] @field_validator('path') @classmethod def check_non_empty(cls, path: str) -> str: if not len(path) > 0: raise ValueError('path must be non-empty') return path class BaseConfigureModel(BasePathModel): value: StrictStr = None class ConfigureModel(ApiModel, BaseConfigureModel): class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'set | delete | comment', 'path': ['config', 'mode', 'path'], } } class ConfigureListModel(ApiModel): commands: List[BaseConfigureModel] class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'commands': 'list of commands', } } class BaseConfigSectionModel(BasePathModel): section: Dict class ConfigSectionModel(ApiModel, BaseConfigSectionModel): pass class ConfigSectionListModel(ApiModel): commands: List[BaseConfigSectionModel] class BaseConfigSectionTreeModel(BaseModel): op: StrictStr mask: Dict config: Dict class ConfigSectionTreeModel(ApiModel, BaseConfigSectionTreeModel): pass class RetrieveModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] configFormat: StrictStr = None class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'returnValue | returnValues | exists | showConfig', 'path': ['config', 'mode', 'path'], 'configFormat': 'json (default) | json_ast | raw', } } class ConfigFileModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr file: StrictStr = None class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'save | load', 'file': 'filename', } } class ImageOp(str, Enum): add = 'add' delete = 'delete' show = 'show' set_default = 'set_default' class ImageModel(ApiModel): op: ImageOp url: StrictStr = None name: StrictStr = None @model_validator(mode='after') def check_data(self) -> Self: if self.op == 'add': if not self.url: raise ValueError('Missing required field "url"') elif self.op in ['delete', 'set_default']: if not self.name: raise ValueError('Missing required field "name"') return self class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'add | delete | show | set_default', 'url': 'imagelocation', 'name': 'imagename', } } class ImportPkiModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] passphrase: StrictStr = None class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'import_pki', 'path': ['op', 'mode', 'path'], 'passphrase': 'passphrase', } } class ContainerImageModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr name: StrictStr = None class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'add | delete | show', 'name': 'imagename', } } class GenerateModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'generate', 'path': ['op', 'mode', 'path'], } } class ShowModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'show', 'path': ['op', 'mode', 'path'], } } class RebootModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'reboot', 'path': ['op', 'mode', 'path'], } } class ResetModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'reset', 'path': ['op', 'mode', 'path'], } } class PoweroffModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr path: List[StrictStr] class Config: json_schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'poweroff', 'path': ['op', 'mode', 'path'], } } class TracerouteModel(ApiModel): op: StrictStr host: StrictStr class Config: schema_extra = { 'example': { 'key': 'id_key', 'op': 'traceroute', 'host': 'host', } } class Success(BaseModel): success: bool data: Union[str, bool, Dict] error: str class Error(BaseModel): success: bool = False data: Union[str, bool, Dict] error: str responses = { 200: {'model': Success}, 400: {'model': Error}, 422: {'model': Error, 'description': 'Validation Error'}, 500: {'model': Error}, }